Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3154, the accident

(The first to come!)


"Just just put a wake, but there is no problem. In addition, this sword can make the three palace mains to make it to enter the secret state, and there is certain that some special reasons are in the inside, and the three palace owners should pay attention to him. Only, you can also tell the three palace owners. "

"Yes, I am going to find the three palace owners." Mo Mountain immediately got up to see the three palace owners.


Beautifully like a fairyland, all kinds of singularity, all over the manor.

In the middle of this manor, there is an emperor, the barefoot white robe is sitting on the throne, smiling, looking at the three people below the squat.

The three people are also quite strong, and it has reached the seventh-order peak level.

However, these three seven-order peaks, but they buried their heads on the ground at this moment. They didn't dare to stare at the bald men above the top, and even though the white robe's head man has been laughing, it is very gentle and understandable. Sampling, the three-person figure that can be qi has been crazy.

This trembles, that is because they are afraid, fear! !


White Squares smiled and waved, the three seven-level peaks of the temple, and there was no sign of the beginning of the sign.

This kind of virtual is because they have disappeared.

It is disappeared, and the three seven-order peaks have also seen their situation. They have a round, but they can only look at themselves, and there is no way.

Soon, these three seven-order peak is completely disappeared, so I have never come here.

I used three people in front of you, and the white robe is still keeping a warm smile on his face.

At this time ... !

A black dress suddenly appeared on the main hall, and immediately, immediately squatted in front of the white robe head.

"The owner, you ordered people to find, there is news." Black clothes respect.

"Well?" White Robe's head man's look, overlooking, "said."

"This is just a mirror picture from the first day, the owner you see." Black dress waved, a mirror picture immediately appeared in the void of this temple, in the picture, the sword is unparalleled with the white The scene of the frontal battle.

White robe head men have always looked at the mirror screen, starting from the fierce battle to the end, he is laughing, the expression does not change.

Until the mirror screen disappears.

"The four-order high sanctuary in the picture, named Jian Tianhou, is now a member of the Tianzheng's heaven, and is a seven-order holy, which is Zi Zige, is the process of Zi Zige. Among them, the secret of the Jian Tianhou Shi ... "The black dress has not been finished.

The white robot was swaying, "said the penalty of God, Nine Yaoxingjia, no accident, he also showed the five secrets of Qixing Xunzong, and he also made three kinds at the same time."

"Not only, he is good at the sword, and the battle is shocking. A fourth-order high holy actually kills the seven-level real holy. It is crossed threeth order, and the ordinary practitioners can't do it. Even those congenital advantages Huge special life, I am afraid that this can be resistant. Only the most perfect perfect chaotic life of the life level, I hope to do this !! "

The smile on the white robe head is even more splendid.

Have a secret surgery of seven-star Xuanzong, and there is still three kinds.

Also good at Keyway.

The key is that the strength of the strength is strong, and the three combine, and its identity is scaled.

"Although his appearance has changed, it is a round of reincarnation. It is also normal, and it may be that he has always been deliberately disguised to change his own appearance." White Robe is slightly muttered, "no matter How said, this sword is Hou, Jiu Chengjiu is the person who wants to find. "

"Sword is unparalleled !!"

After determining the only one of the swords, the white robe head immediately sent it to the other two holy owners.

Three people began to negotiate.

"It can be determined that the sword is unparalleled. He is in the first day of the first day, and it is also in the first day of the world."

"He is still in this life to now, but it has reached the fourth-order holy level, but also the top 7th level of the truth, I will continue to let him grow up, I am afraid how long it is, he is enough. It is waiting to be shoulder with me. "

"Kill, since knowing his position, then immediately shot, kill him at the fastest speed !!"

"Unfortunately, this boy is very cautious. It does not show his life level. Otherwise, heaven will instantly lock his existence, and then kill him."

Three days, it is the core of the Taijie Shenjie. Here is the strongest will of Heaven, this is no doubt.

However, although the heavens will be strong, it can be found in the vast days of the vast days, but it is not possible to find the sword in the vast days.

"I want the heavens will to kill it, afraid it is a big reality, I can only wait for myself, start our power, find him, then don't hesitate to completely kill this child !!"

"In addition, let the witch gods also shot, the people of the Witch are very stunned, the means is also very good, in the Great Gods, if it is simple to find someone, I am afraid that no one is better than the witch !!"

The three main prospects will soon have a consistent result.


This piece is a huge abyss.

There is no sunshine here, and it is a black paint, a black paint.

The vast dark hall, the most central in the main hall, the darkness of the dark body is condensed on the throne.

"Direction, find the picture in the picture in the fastest speed, then don't hesitate to give him back, remember, remember, be sure to come !!" The hoarse voice from the dark body The mouth is issued, echoing on the entire Dark Temple.

In this dark palace, the dense linear is 3 people, this hundred people are very breathing, and they are wearing a black robes.

When I heard the darkness, everyone opened Qi Qi, "Comply with the Witch !!"

The sound is shocked, and the whole hall is resounded.

Witch God ... The truly power of the Witch and the people is also a terrorist existence of the strength of the strength of the three holy branches.

The command of the witch personally issued, no one dare to violate it in the Witch's teaching.

But there is a little strange. I know that when the main news of the three holy borders gives the witch, it is to say that there is no high cost to kill the sword.

But now, in the goddess, but it is replaced with a hi! !

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