Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3162 can't suppress

(The first to come!)


"It's impossible! Whether it's how to get the treasure or Dan medicine, there will be a process of restoring the soul, but he is instantly letting your soul completely repaid it, this effect is not average Treasure or Dan medicine can be achieved! What's more, we haven't seen what he has taken out or Dan medicine. "Red-haired handsome man is connected.

"It's right, I just induced very clearly. The soul of this kid did suffer from heavy, but it turned into an instant, and at the same time, his power seems to be slightly weakened." That place The evil charm old man said.

"The power weakened?" Heart is one, "it is difficult to make him only consume some of the power, just fix the damage on his soul, it is not the same as you don't die?"

"Don't die?" The red-haired handsome man also faced with the evo charm, and the two had a slice.

If you don't die, but if you are a practicing practitioner, you can control it.

But it doesn't mean that you don't mean that you don't die, you don't have any effect in front of the soul attack.

If a person is directly annihilated, it is useless to die. This is a common sense.

But now, if the power of swords and unparalleled souls can also be the same as the unmanage of the cultifier, you can fix it through your own power, then this ability, it is too uncomfortable.

"Although it is incredible, this may be the only explanation, this kid, his unsatheed body, even the soul can be repaired !!" "The heart is shining in the heart," We can't pay attention to him, and Thousands of thousands of people, I want to wait for him. "

"Since there is no effect of the soul attack, then I will use him to suppress him." The red-haired man was cold, stared at the sword and unparalleled, and immediately, the big hand is a flat, the moment, a flash of gold The sky is illuminated.

In the sword unparalleled front, a huge golden palace appeared in air.

After this golden palace appeared, they fell directly to the sword. There was no double top, and the horrible power suddenly contraced down.

"This is ... crack the treasure?" The sword was unbolded.

He is able to feel the terrible suppression effort from this golden palace.

This stubborn force is strong, no accident, this golden palace, should be a suppression of the treasure! !

The suppression of the treasure, personally controlled by the Lord of Rules, and its power is horrible to the extreme, the rules of the rules, and no one can resist it.

The sword is unparalleled in this golden palace, and he also felt a huge pressure. He looked with his face, and his hand was holding a red bead. This bead is the previous Mo Mountain. One of the two beads, is one of the three major palace owners of Tianzhi, asking Tiandong Lord to refine, once the power in the beads is enough to easily kill the general rules! !

And under the pressure of such suppression to treasure, the sword has once again raised the idea of ​​reminding this bead.

It is at this time ...

"Well?" The sword is unparalleled, "it is wrong, this palace, can't suppress me !!"

There is no pair of swords, let the horrible power of the palace are swept in him, but the suppression of the power is strong, but there is no more impact on the sword.

"How can it be?"

The red-haired man was stunned. "My sea is the temple, it is from an ancient remains, although it is just the first to treasure, but in the first time to treasure, it belongs to the best, and the suppression is very good. However, under the person of my rule, I can't suppress a fourth-order resurgery in the district. "

Red-haired handsome man is incredible.

He has already seen that his own sea is can't suppress the sword. It is not that he can play the power of the temple, but because ... the other party is too high, the god hall does not suppress the ability.

The sword is unparalleled, it is just a fourth-order holy.

"It is not the reason for his realm, but other reasons, leading to the temple to suppress the temple." Red and junyi men wrinkled.

He guess is true, the sword is unparalleled, although it is just a fourth-order peony, this is not fake, but he is the only perfect chaotic life of the Taijie God.

His life level is too high, I have already exceeded the gods of the gods, so high-end life, even if the heavens will be difficult to suppress, the zone is a Baoli Temple, even if the rule is personally manipulated, it is absolutely no Put the sword unparalleled suppression.

"This kid, obviously just a fourth-order pest, even so hard, soul attack, suppression of the means of cracking, there is no halfway to him." Red-haired Junyi men's face is ugly, low Shen said: "The cracking method is useless, soul attack He can rely on Shen Li repair. In this case, it can only force him to defeat his power again and again, and consume his power, let him lose their strength, and can no longer restore their own soul, let him shoot you. The soul is sleeping. "

"Yes." Heart nodded.

"So, then I personally shot." The evil charm is a whistling, but it is moving with the body.


A cold breath is coming, the sword is unparalleled, and the specific figure of this evil charm is old.

call out!

A dark knife is silent, and the sword is unparalleled.

"So fast!!"

"It's too fast!"

The sword has no double, a horror, there is no room for handing over half.


The dark knife spun is on the sword without a double chest, and instantly pungeles the Golden Battle A, then the knife is inserted on the sword unparalleled heart.

~~~ The sword has no double tremor, and the next moment will crash.

The rule of the rules personally shot, just hit the hand, the sword is unparalleled to resist, and the body collapses directly.

But just instantly, the sword is unparalleled.

" ~~~" The evil charm old laughed, and then it was a second time.

laugh! laugh! laugh! laugh! laugh! laugh!

I have a evil charm, and it is fast to an incredible knife, and I will come again and again.

The sword has no strength, in front of this evil old man, there is no room to play, and is hit by the evil old people again, each time hitting, the sword is unparalleled, and the sword will collapse.

However, a moment of Jung Fu, the sword is unparalleled, the body has collapsed, and it has been resumed for 17 times.

Under normal circumstances, a truth is already a limit of five or six times, and the power will be exhausted, but the sword is unparalleled ...

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