


Sword is shining, and the power is shocked.

And in the moment of sword light, the power of a spatial space suddenly covered in front of the front.

The Bai Star Temple is in this void, and the existence of this time and space in the first time.


White Star Temple reveals a smile, applying this time and space, but her body is not affected by a half point.

When the sword is scatched down, the White Star Temple is just a raise hand, and the sword light stops in front of her.

"Yes." White Star Temple opened.

The sword is unparalleled immediately to retreat to the sword.

"Jian Tian Hou." Bai Star Temple re-looks back to swords, but this look has become quite solemn, "What is the sword you just show? Also, this sword is really your creation of?"

"This kind of sword, I named him as blood repair, nature is my own." The sword has no love.

He saw that his blood repaired Luo Yijian, giving the Bai Star Temple, and the battle has brought a small shock.

"You this sword is very powerful." White Star Temple said, "If I just didn't feel wrong, this sword, you are a designated tactics of the first style of the sword and time and space, and it is perfectly integrated. ? "

"Yes." The sword is not a hyper point.

"How did you do it?" Bai Star Temple asked.

"How to do it?" The sword didn't have a pair of mistakes, and they replied: "I just want to integrate a designated tactics into the sword, try to do this, do it."

The sword is unparalleled, unparalleled, except for the ' ' and 'Star Dream', other five swordsmanship, he is created in the bodhi world of the blood north secret.

The bodhi world is that the blood north is at the universe battlefield, which contains a large body.

He stayed in the Bodhi world for more than 100 years, and he had a lot of exciting swordsmanship, which continued to make this five swordsmanship.

This style of blood repair, he did only have the idea that I want to integrate a designated tactics into my swordsman, and then try it, let him succeed in the process of trying.

There is no other reason, or special factors.

When I heard the sword, the Bai Star Temple looked at the face, and the two were very quirky.

"White Star Temple, the big people, what happened, see you two, it seems that I created this kind of sword, very unsatisfactory?" The sword asked.

"A nonsense, of course, it is not general." Directly opened, "Kid, you are afraid, I don't know, time and space, is the strongest style of the Temple, and this temple is created." Most of my Temporators, most of you want to have a very difficult, as for the combination of this god to other secrets, or integrating itself, this is impossible !! "

"Time and Space Temple creates so long, the temple of my space is born, I don't know how much power, how much is a huge talent in time and space, but I have never been able to integrate time and space in my own time. At the middle of the attack, never came !! "

"Even if he is the master of the temple, he is a creator of time and space, but I have not listened to the Hall of the Temple. He can integrate the time and space in the attack. That is, you are our time and space. The temple, the first one integrates the time and space of the temple into his own school, you said that you are swordsmanship, is the powerful? "

"Jian Tianhou, why do you know how to pick you up in person?" Bai Xing Temple also looked at the sword and unparalleled, "Just because we saw you with the seven-order holy battle with that Zi Zige, In the battle, you show this sword. We saw that this sword actually blew the time and space of time, so I was alarmed, and even we immediately told this matter to the palace, it is the temple. The Lord person personally ordered to let the Dormor pick you. "

When I heard this, the sword was unparalleled.

He didn't expect that this sword she created was so awkward.

Although he did his time he was just created by 'blood rock', he also had some pride, but he didn't expect himself that he would make the Bai Star Temple with the two strong people. Even the main temple of the Temple Temple has been alarmed, and it is also personally ordered to let the battle to pick him up.

"Kid, you really can't afford to integrate the time and space of the sky into your own swordsman," Dawn smiled.

The sword is unparalleled but is a pet.

"Well, I have been verified, you are in time and space, it is indeed very people, now, you will come with me first." Bai Star Temple opened.

The sword is unparalleled to go with the White Star Temple.

Under the leader of the Lord of the White Star, there is no longer of the sword to come to a hustle temple.

This temple is not big, but it is very atmospheric.

The center of the temple, a full gain in a whole.

Everything in these sees is vivid, and it contains a pound of vitality, looks on, and there is a thousand sacrifices.

"What is these?" The sword was unpaired to look at the many gods in front of him.

"This is the god of the people in my spontaneous space, but all the strong people in my Temple Temple, each person will leave a gain here, and this god will take his own life, with this Silk life, my space Temple can induce his state and location, convenient and timely rescue. "

"Take my space Temple, the Lord of the Temple, this rule is the crisis of the rules, you can save yourself like the temple of my space, my space Temple can stay according to him. Life, in the shortest time, rush to his position! "

"In addition, the cultivator of my Time Temple, if he accidentally falls, then he will collapse directly in this, we can also know that he is dead." Bai Xing Temple said.

"Is this?" The sword is unparalleled, it can suddenly be a moment, "Bai Star Temple, if you said, the Tempse of the Time and Space will leave God in this, the gods here How can it be so little? Just only on the thousand people, it is difficult to ... "

The sword is unparalleled, and its look is immediately quirky.

The Bai Star Temple laughed: "You guess is right, I am still alive, there is only more than a thousand people, their gains are here."


PS: Today is more coming!

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