

The hitting the clouds of the clouds, the dense palace group stands there.

Thirteen ax, already known for hundreds of thousands of years, the famous Heph, this thirteen ax, is equivalent to a hegemony, they also gathered a large number of strong people, Jing Yunwang, although although In the thirteen ax, the strength is very general, but his hands under his hand is still a lot, and the mountains he live, is not like a pirate gag, but it is like a strong man.

In the palace, wearing a relaxed black robes, the eyes are small, as if the mouse-like middle-aged man Yi Yunwang is sitting on a throne, his mouth is smiling, watching dozens of Mei Ji dancing below.

The Yunwang reached a bowl from the side, and he was free to drink a bite.

"What do you want to eat, what to play, what you want to play, this is the true unrestrained, the life is fast, I have no ambition, there is such a happy day, it is already very good, where is the big brother ..." The Yuyun Wang is dark.

"Big brother, he is very strong, even if it is more than the invincible saints, it is just a slight difference, looks at the whole day, and even the whole of the gods, it is already a strong person, he actually Not satisfied, I still want to go to the blood wave, find the so-called big firing, greatly caused? "


Yu Yun Wang took the mouth, "What is the goods, even if they really get a big firmer in the blood wave, how is it with big brother? On the opposite blood wave, countless top unmanned people will flock to The killing of the inside is very fierce, don't say that the big brother's level is not dead, even if the real invincible saints, it may die !! "

"The big brother came in and went in with the little grandfather, but it was in the cannon."

Of course, these words, Jing Yun Wang also talks in the bottom of the heart, but in the face, when he knows that his big brother is going to the blood wave, it is a variety of compliments and various slats.


! !

The horrible power, suddenly broke out.

In the big temple, those who danced, instantly stopped.

Yu Yun Wang also got up, "This power, what is going on?"

The Yuyun Wang shaped, and it appeared in the outside world.

At this moment, the external void has been completely covered by a huge barrier. This barrier single meat looks, the power is strong, and the non-ordinary people can break, this barrier has taken the Shan Yunwang. Head, completely block.

"Master printed, although it is not treasure, but its value, it is not ashamed, but the power of the current power is fully protected, the law formation, I am afraid that it is true that the true invincible saints are here. It's not that simple, you can break it. "The sword is unparalleled with both hands to stand in the void, and the eyes are around the space around them.

The cloud king is that there is already in front of the sword.

"Who are you?" Yi Yun Wang was coldly staring at the sword. He felt that the barrier in the surroundings was displayed from this person.

But in front of the person, the power of the power, but only the sixth-order hawthorn level.

Although it is already a six-order real limit, it is not being placed in the eyes.

"You are the thirteen ax of the old eight, Jing Yun Wang?" The sword is unparalleled, "I am cold !!"

In the face of Jing Yun Wang, the sword is not doubles with 'cold' this, and his appearance is still in some camouflage. Although the Yi Yun Wang has seen the fight between the sword unparalleled and Zi Xia Ba, but only Just as seen with the mirror screen, it is certain that the sword is not recognized in the first time.

"You dare to block my residence, a big courage !!" Yu Yun Wang was a low drink, and the raging angry was also emerged.

Although I am angry, I didn't have the first time, because I intuitive told him that although this person was just a six-order hazelie, but since I dared to find a door, then I definitely reached it, and he also Focusing on the sword without double, smelling a dangerous breath.

"I can't stand your residence only, and I have to kill you!" The sword was unparalleled.

"Killing me?" Yu Yun Wang stunned.

A six-order hazard, actually threatened to kill him?

"Show out, take out your full force, otherwise you have no chance." The sword didn't have a little bit slightly cold, and the blood peeled sword has appeared in his hand.

The Yunyu king has immediately become a big, "Kid, since you are looking for death, the king is full of you !!"

boom! !

The horrible breath is blown out from the Yi Yun Wang.

The seventh-order peak is the breath, and this atmosphere is also an abnormal violence.

" !

The figure flashed, and the Yun Wang has already appeared in front of the sword, and his right hand has also become scarlet.

"Blood color !!"

A low drinking, Yu Yun Wang's scarlet's right hand shot, instantly had endless movement swept.

~ ~~~ A large number of blood mist crazy, the blink of an eye has formed a high-quality, the bloody alien, the height of the height, and the horizon.

This bloody alien is low, open the bloody mouth, directly in the sword.

This Yuyun king, it is not good to see that the sword is not good, so he doesn't have a lot of effort, and he will do our best, and the trick he presents now, he is one of his strongest tricks, and the power is strong.

He is also confident in this trick. Even if it is a seven-order high hairdress, I am afraid that I can't block this trick. The result is likely to be the seventh-order high-level holy population directly collapsed.

And the people in front of me, it is obviously just a six-order resor.

"Kid, die!! € € € kills the sky.

However, when I kill in the Yunyu Wang, the sword who standed in the void without a slightest, but suddenly moved!

" !

A sword is light, which contains a shocking violent, suddenly waving.

This sword is light, and it is also a scarlet, just like a bloody lightning, in an instant, in an instant, it is on the bloody beast of the blood.

Just instantly, ~ ~~~ That is huge, foot is a high blood color, and it is directly crashed.

A large number of blood mist is broken around, and you can get the blood torch, but the power is just weakened, and then continue to bombard with the prince.

"What?" Yu Yun king has changed, and even waving his hand.


A loud noise, the clouds of the clouds are mad, and the blood is spurting, and their body shape is directly exploded.

And the sword in front of the front is unparalleled, and it has appeared next to the reverse Yuyun Wang, and then the beautiful sword is light.

No double sword, star dream!


PS: Today is more coming!

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