Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3193, 13 ax, all destroy!



"Sure enough, people are selfish." The sword is amazed, but the power in his hand has no weakness.

The situation of blood eagle is also increasingly crisis.

"Jian Tianhou, you are afraid, I still don't know, I have a big relationship, the relationship is very shallow, he also deliberately gave me a letter to make me cultivation, I can say that I am extremely important to him, I am dead, happy The son will definitely be great! "Bloody eagle also said.

"Happy Board?" The sword was unbolded.

He didn't know if this blood eagle said, but he was too lazy to care.

Because, he is unfair ... he doesn't know, and he has never heard of it.

"Your nonsense is really too much."

The sword is unparalleled, and there is no living road to the blood, and the sword is crazy to move the eagle.

Under the absolute suppression of the field, the blood eagle has completely unable to stop the swords of swords.

"Do not!!"

"Jian Tianhou, you dare to kill me, happy, will definitely kill you !!"


In a scream, this bloody eagle finally defeated the sword without double, and then cooperated with an annihilation, and finally smashes this bloody eagle.

Since then, it takes hundreds of thousands of people in the nine wolf mountains. It is the thirteen ax of the neighboring territory, Zongmen, is the thirteen ax of the absolute nightmare, and the sword is unparalleled!

Thirteen ax, all destroy!

Even one person, never left.

In the empty, the sword is unparalleled with indifferent stations, and the Qiankun ring left after the blood is killed, and there is the giant ax.

The Qiankun ring left by the blood eagle, he just simply swept it, but his heart has already shaken.

"It is not limited to the power of the invincible saints, and the thirteen ax is in this nine wolf mountain. I have been crazy to exploit the world and the world. For so many years, the wealth accumulated in the thirteen ax, very amazing And the wealth of this bloody eagle is another astronomical figure. "The sword is unparalleled.

However, although these wealth make him amazed, it can't cause him too much wave.

After all, the strength reaches this level, Santa is just a number, he can't use so many Santanes.

Waiting for his strength in the future, it is more stronger, reaching the principal level of the rules, and it will not look at these so-called wealth, because the main level of the rules, Santan has no use.

For the Lord of Rules, they use each other to use each other, but the power of God.

Of course, some special, very valuable treasures can also be exchanged, but unfortunately this level of treasures, the blood eagle is not in their hands.

"Before the bloody eagle, I also used the happy grand child to threaten me, thinking that I will spare him, but unfortunately, I don't even know this happy head. Since he moved out before dying, then this happy grand child, the strength is not too weak. "The sword was unparalleled, and the next moment him was shaking.

Green flames, is the old nest of the blood eagle, not only one of the bloody eagle, there is a lot of strong people attached to the bloody eagle, even if there are several seven-level holy, these strong people are hiding before On the side of the void, look far, do not dare to bother to be in this level of war.

When they saw the blood eagle and the many leaders of the thirteen ax were killed by swords, these strong people have set off a huge waves.

At this moment, the shape of the sword is straight to them.

"He is coming !!"

"This Jian Tianhou, after he kills them, don't you kill all of us?"

"Shouldn't you, after all, we have no threats to him."

These are almost in the intensity of the hazard level, but it is extremely inner heart.

They are all clear, swords are unparalleled to sweep their thirteen ax, and they will kill 13 leaders, including blood eagles, and birds. It can kill them all alone, and they even escape There is no chance.

"come here!!"

The sword is unparalleled in front of this group, and the right hand pointed to a seven-level real holy.

"Adults." The seven-order real holy Hathers trembled to the sword without double, and immediately gave the sword without double rhetoric, respectful.

"I ask you, you know that the bloody eagle is in the heart of the world?" The sword is unparalleled.

"Happy Board?" This is a seventh-order truth, and you will note. "About this happy state, I know that in decades ago, there was a strong person to find the door, the strong man seems to be returned First, it is a strong and very strong, unstead, seems to be slightly better than the lecture of the Blood Eagle. "

"This is a holy man, it is the lady who sent it, and the purpose of dispatching, it seems to be because of the priests of the emperor, the death rules, just qualified to participate in a special method, but The special law is specially prepared in order to go to a place where the blood is called. "

"Blood Body?" The sword did not have a double look.

He came to this nine wolf mountain, killing thirteen ax, and also to go to the blood wave.

And that is happy ...

"Later?" The sword didn't work.

"Later, the leader of the Blood Eagle has been drilling the truth, and it seems quite effective, and the home is still deliberately running twice, and finally the bloody eagle reached an agreement with the happy grandchief. It was awarded to the leader of the Blood Eagle, and the leader of the Blood Eagle agreed. When he arrived, he went to the blood bank with Xiaoyao, "this seven-order pestle will say everything you know. come out.

After listening to this seven-order resurgery, the sword is unparalleled.

From this person, the bloody eagle does not seem to lying. He has some relationship with those happy brakes, and the unhappy grand child pays some attention to him. I am afraid that it is not like fake.

"I asked you again, the little grandfather, do you know?" The sword has no double overlooking.

"Adults, we only know the name of the happy grandchild, and know that he is from a big forces, as for other things, I don't know." This seven-order is really like act.

"Is this?" The sword did not have a little bit, and he did not feel unexpected.

"From today, this is the first of the gods, there will be no longer thirteen ax." The sword was unparalleled, and this group of cultivators was in front of him.

Until the sword is unparalleled, the seven-level real holy, answering the sword is unparalleled, and all the cultivators on the green flames, this is heavy and tone.


PS: Today is more coming!

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