(The first to come!)


"How to do?"

During the destruction of the sanctuary, everyone of the magical months is extremely horrified, but there is no way.

They should not be in the sword where the sword is unparalleled.

"The shadow of the Lord of the blood blade, although I only cultivate to Xiao Cheng, can be displayed, unless it is the top of the peak, the strong, otherwise no one can induce my existence, but The only one of these people in the Sanctuary and the Moon Month, the only known as the soul, has been killed, the rest of the person, I can't induce my existence, they can only be my living target !! "

The sword is unparalleled in the void, but it will pass the murder.

With his strength, there is no such thing as a shadow, and then with the illegal swordsmanship, you can definitely create a fatal threat to the peak saints.

Of course, there are very strong peaks in the scene, and when he shot, it is possible to reluctively, just like when the sword is unparalleled with the waves, the waves can barely resist the black devil. Sword is unparalleled attack.

However, when the sword is unparalleled with the waves, I didn't do my best, I've been exhausted ... At that time, I didn't show the field.

Now, the ice fire field is oppressed, destroying the sanctuary, and the strong people of the magical month are all being suppressed. Under such a premise, they want to block the sword unparalleled attack, it is too difficult!

laugh! laugh! laugh! laugh!

I saw the battlefield, the strange figure of the sword has appeared behind a peak saints, and then kills the trick again and again, these peak saints have almost no reacted, but the moment is engraved, and the sword has sneaked. Foot, nine, defeating the six peaks of saints, and three of them were defeated twice.

This body is defeating the three peaks of the saints, and there is the ice real person of the way.

"Two have been defeated, my skill is only less than 30%, this sword is once again sneaks me again, I will die without doubt !!" "Ice is completely panic.

"Escape, hurry !!"

"Su Xie, protect me."

Due to the slightest, the ice really fled directly outside the battlefield. At the same time, he also had to save, and he was afraid that the sword was unparalleled.

Not only one of him, destroying the sanctuary, and the peaks of the magical months have begun to escape.

They have been swords without double this sneak attack, and there is no temper.


Raytheon stood in the center of the battlefield, looking at the scene around, and some did not know what it was.


Half, Thunder God sighed, "I didn't expect this Jian Tian Hou and so terrible, he hidden in the surrounding void, we all take him a little way, and it is impossible to kill him, but Our people have become his living target ... "


Thunder's opening, then he and Wan Xi and the other invincible saints in the sanctuary, protect those peak saints to fly away from the distance.

Soon, people who destroy the sanctuary and the magical months will completely disappear in the sword unparalleled sight.

Until the destruction of the sanctuary and the magical months, the people who really leave, the sword is unparalleled, the body is slowly imposing in the void.

And the emperor, thousands of enemies, and several people in the waves greeted.

"Everything is fine?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Nothing, fortunately, you have a shocking, or ..." Qianhong did not continue to say.

Indeed, the gap between the two sides is too big, and the surrounding time and space is also completely blocked, they can't escape, in this case, if it is not a sword, unparalleled, there is no sword, shock If you live in destroying the sages and the magic months, if you continue to kill, the Tempiological Temple is six people, and there will be someone falling, and it is afraid that there will be only one person.

"Unfortunately, my sage and swordsman can threaten the peak saints, and I will sneak attack three times and even four times can you kill. I just took the fastest speed, but also Didn't really kill them one. "The sword is unparalleled.

He has just sneaked nine times and has achieved great results, but except for the beginning of the heart, he did not really kill the second peak saints, mainly the opponent's withdrawal, did not give him a chance.

"No matter what, we can never lose them, it is very good." Thousands of gentle sighed, and followed his eyes, but the sword watched, "Tianhou brothers, see the destruction of the south It seems that this killing is special this time. Is there some hatred in the sanctuary before you? "

The emperor, the waves have also seen the swords.

"Yes." The sword is unparalleled directly, "" Not only destroyed the sanctuary, I have a huge hatred with the three major sanctuary, but still don't die. "

"What?" "Thousands of thousands of people are shocked.

One person, at the same time, three major sanctuary, and is still unsatisfactory hatred?

What can this be resistant?

After amazing, they are silent.

You know, they are in this blood wave, but the sword is unparalleled with the sword, the sword is unparalleled with the three holy regions. The three major sanctoes will constantly come to find trouble, just like just killing ... ...

Obviously, if they continue to be with the sword, there will be less implicated.

The sword is unparalleled to know this, so he directly admits this thing directly, gives the five people who choose from the Temple of the Tempora.

It is to be separated from himself, or I will not be involved, continue to move with myself, and the sword is unparalleled to wait for the five people in front.

Half, the first one of the waves raised, and smiled, "What is the three sanctuary? My Temple Temple doesn't know how many times in the three major sanctuary in the long years, what is the fear? "

"Yes, the top three sanctuary, can only scare the general power, want to scare my temple of my space, still far away." Qianhong son also said.

"Hey, I am not much in the temple of my space. Why can I still have one of the three freedoms of the Taijie Shenjie, that is, because my time and space is united enough !! The three major sanctuary, want to kill Tianshi brothers After we pass us. "Yue Yu rushed.

"I certainly be with everyone." The snow is also a laugh.

For short moments, there are four people in five people. They are willing to continue to swim with the sword. They are not afraid of being implicated from the sword.

There is only the most powerful emperor, and there is no statement now.


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