Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3222 Central Area

(The first to come!)


"Guangming Wang?"

Even if it is a sword where there is no pair, when you hear this name, you can't help but marvel.

You know, with his current strength, casually come to a invincible saint, you can easily suppress him, and if there is a famous strong in the true saints like Su Xie, you can easily crush him, and Guangming Wang That is the first in the halock list, which is recognized in this time, the strongest in the saints!

He is now too far away from the bright king.

"It can be integrated with two major rules in the unmanned saints, and it is also a soul. This bright king is really very can't afford." The sword is unparalleled.

"Okay, let's continue."

Soon, six people continued to brighten the central area of ​​the blood line.


In a void, destroying the sanctuary, the murderer in the field is not far from the battlefield, and a face is extremely ugly.

"Thunder, sorry, in the case of just that, we can only leave." Su Xiangzheng

"I understand." Thunder nodded, no blame.

It is true, just the battle, it is a magical month to retreat, but he also knows that there is no way to get the mortal month.

You know, although there are five people, although there are five people, it is a invincible saint, and the other four are only the peaks of the saints, and these four peak people face the sword without having a double resistance, at just short Short instant kung fu, they were defeated by the body, like ice real people, were also defeated directly twice.

If they don't escape, continue to stand, these four peaks are afraid that they can't live.

Moreover, their most important purpose this time is to kill swords.

There is no such thing as a sword, and they can't kill them, and I can only leave.

"The Sword Tianshi, although the strength is not good, one casually, an invincible saints can easily suppress him, but his sake is too terrible, thunder, you will have to do it, you must first limit him first. Survantge, otherwise no one kills him, as for us, just leave. "Su Xie said.

"Thank you." Thunder God said, giving the five people from the magical month.

After the fantasy months of the magical months, Raythe will immediately linked to the high level of the destruction holy area.

Enjoy the temple.

"Failure?" The main gaze of Niang was spinning, staring at Thunder's consciousness.

"Yes, it is all expected, but I didn't expect the sword to master the soul of the invincible, and he can escape the soul of the invincible saint. He can hide our secretary attack. We only have a job, no way, we can only retreat temporary. "Lei Shen said.

"Skystege? What is the can avoid your soul, can you have the mirror screen of the sink?" Asked the neighborhood.

"Yes." Raytheon waved, and immediately appeared in the main hall.

This mirror screen is a sword unparalleled, and there is a scene of the peak saint.

And the Lord of Tianwei briefly looked for a while, and his eyes could not be protected.

"There is no trace, even the soul of the invincible saints, you should not be, this squat ... should be the shadow of the blood blade." The main voice of the sky is low, "I didn't expect this sword day. Hou actually mastered the famous means of blood blade, no wonder you didn't have a way. "

"The Lord of Blood Blade?" Raytheon doubts.

"That is a few years ago, there is a very terrible existence, is a top assassin. At that time, his assassination means, it was a smelling, even in this seat, facing his assassination means, there will be some hair The main road of the sky.

When I heard this, Thunder was shocked.

He is very clear that the Lord of Sky is existed. It is in the top of the rules, but he all admits that the murder of the blood blade is very shocking, thus I am very aware of the assassination of the owner of the blood blade.

"This sword is only a hairdry level, but it is only a six-order pest, even if you master the shadow, you just get started, I am afraid that even the small complex is not reached, just getting started. There is no shadow, as long as it is good at the peaks of the soul, you should feel his position. "The Lord of the Sky said.

"We went to the many saints in the murdere, as Mo Xinshi, a good soul, but unfortunately, he was killed by the Jian Tianhou with the emperor, so there was a next screen." Ray God .

"Understood, go." The main opening of Tianwei.

"Niandou people, the sword day ..." Raytheon frowned.

"This is here, you are waiting for this news in the blood bank, you have no news to you, don't play, don't go to the trouble of the sword." The main said.

"Yes." Thunder came, and his consciousness became disappeared quickly.


Blood wave.

Six people in the Tempoken Temple finally arrived in the central area of ​​the blood bank under the roadside.

And one to the central area, the strong here is significantly more.

Blood wave, gathered countless top saints, and these top saints will rush to the central area in the shortest time, waiting for the birth of the blood wave.

The sword is unparalleled to come, but in this way, there are still many people waiting in the central area, and the sword is unparalleled. They are in the central area. They have stopped in the central area. There are many strong people near them. It has noticed their existence.

"These six people should be a person in the Temporary Temple?"

"Yes, it is the temple of time and space. The indifferent man who is heading the giant ax is the eighth emperor ranked eighth. This emperor heard that the strength is extremely strong!"

"In addition to the emperor, the thousands of inn, Yue Yu, the snow three people also have a small name, and there are two people left, and they have never heard of it."

Many strong people are secretly discussing.

Among the six people in the Time and Space Temple, the emperor is the biggest, thousands of enemies, Yue Yu, and the snow, the three people are second, as for the sword unparalleled with the waves, there is not much famous.

The sword is just because it is a sixth hairdressing breath because it is spread.

And at this time ...

! !

A person's shadow is not afraid to shoot, stopped in front of the Six people of the Temphopark.

In the coming, it is a young man wearing a bloodyrozen, carrying blood-colorant knife, the whole person looks incomparable demon charm, this evil charm is full of blood, after coming, I have seen the past.

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