(The first to come!)


On the void, the sword is unparalled to close the bright king in front.

"It is the first bright king of the true saints, and his two major rules are really strong. He just had that stick, not only to defeat my body instantly, and the great annihilation of my power. Make my power, a little lost, one-third !! "The sword is unfolded and sigh.

Thirty-third ... Don't underestimate this figure.

You know, because he is the relationship between the perfect chaos, his power can be more than a hundred times more than ordinary practitioners.

Like the thunder, it took him about ten times, and his power did not consume.

But now, the light king is just a stick, so that his power consumes more than 30 perspective, with his current realm, more than one-third of the power, is more than a lot of invincible saints. .

"No wonder this bright king can kill the invincible saints." The sword is unparalleled.

And around the battlefield, everyone's eyes have almost concentrated on the sword.

"He is not dead?"

"It's not dead, but his spiritual breath, with just compared, it seems slightly slightly."

"Yes, it is weakened, although it is very few, but as long as the power is weakened, then his power is not really endless, as long as you continue to shoot his power, you can completely kill him. dead."


The three major sanctuary, the strong people flanged.

"Let's go together, kill him." The silver wolf drove, and immediately, his body shape was directly in the sword.

After the Silver Wolf, Thunder, the ancient truth, Wuan Xi also destroyed the invincible saints in the sanctuary, the peaks of the saints, and there is also a lot of hand at this moment.

In addition, the light king and the nine palace saints, this moment, many top scorpions, all the monetaries, the means of the gods, the power, and kill the sword.

This scene, let the people who watch the war are angry.

"Good guy, but in order to kill a sixth-order hairdressing, let the three major sanctoes plus the bright king, the Jiuguan Harmony jointly launched a hand to kill?"

"This sword is good, the strength is not good, but the strength is really too much, it is too difficult to kill, the three major sanctuary estimates have no way."

"No matter what to say, this sword is able to join hands with the three major sanctuary, Guangming Wang, and Jiugong Harmony, even if he is really dead, it is worthy of proud."

The people on the field, the discussion.

And the sword that has become a shake, caught in a number of swords under the murderer, but it is a laugh, this laughter also has a madness, "Haha, I want to kill me, then come !!"

While laughing, the sword is unparalleled, but a golden water drip appeared in his hand.

Seeing this golden water droplets, the people of the three holy regions are all change.

"God's power?"

The power of God is condensed by the principles of the rules, and some willfulness of the rules have a rule.

Some strengths are in the top level, which can guide the will offenders in the period, so that their strength has increased in a short period of time, but the will of the rules, but not Then it is easy to manipulate, it will fall into the place where it is not careless.

So in general, no one will easily swallow the power, but if it is at the time of life and death, no one is scruple.

Like the sword is unparalleled, I took out a drop of gods and immediately swallowed.

Of course, he swallows, but not to life and death, but his physical fitness is too special, after swallowing God's power, he is not worried about the anti-power of the power of God, nature is not Necessary scruples.

"Is this the will of the rules of the rules, the will of the rules? Although it is just that silk, you can feel, still very strong !!" The sword is unparalleled with hands, after swallowing the power of God, he can control it in a short time. A silky willperness, and he is also obviously able to feel the strong horizontal of the smooth will.

"Give me !!"

The sword is unparalleled, and he holds his sword and sett it.

The moment of Sword is shit, the endless ice fire is instantly swept, and in an instant, it has formed a large ice and fire field to oppress the surroundings. At the same time, the power of time and space is also introduced.

Booming ~~ Endless time and space oppression crazy effect toward the front.

No double sword, emperor! !

At that time, it is the peak saints in the destruction of the sanctuary. It faces the surprises and swords and light stations. The peak saints have been incredible, and they can only raise the sword in their hands. ...... !

A low loud noise, the peak of the saints is actually defeated directly.

"Be careful!!"

"This sword must be desperate!"

"Hey, even if it is desperate to swallow God? His own battle is also the huage of the saints, swallowing God's strength, with the one's strength, and its strength can also improve the invincible The saints, plus the field oppression, and it is estimated that it is more powerful and invincible, and even the true holy list is not in contact. If this is the force, what do you have to wait? "Lei Shen dismissed.

Bright king, Nine palace, silver wolf, ancient truth, Wan Xuan, a few of the hallow list, but also not careless strength.

They swarmed around, showing the heavenly means, easily crushed the sword of 'desperate ".

Then, several people constantly shot, starting crazy to defeat the sword.

Under the siege of these people, the sword is unparalleled once again, especially the attack of the two major branches, and every attack has greatly annihilated the sword unparalleled power.

In this way, everyone has kills swords without having a long time. During this period, the sword is unparalleled, and how many times is it being defeated.

The sword is unparalleled, and finally became extremely weak.

On the battlefield, everyone of the three major sanctuary has already stopped, and many strong people stand together, and their eyes are staring at the sword in front of them.

At the moment, the sword is unparalleled. It looks extremely wolf. The power of the body has weakened to the bottom of the valley. If you really want to count, he is now a fullness of the best.

In the power, he is now the rest of the body, and it is indeed unpleasant.

"This little child, isn't it?" Thunder God stared at the sword.

"In our weeks, we have insisted so long, this sword is also proud." The silver wolf also said.

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