


Seeing this scene around, the sword is unparalleled, but it is sigh.

He didn't think about it with this unhappy, after all, the two sides did not have too much hatred, no need to fight.

But now this is a lot of people who take the initiative to shoot him, then he naturally can only fight.

"Since it is going to fight, then come." The sword has brought a bunch of essence. ! A lot of power is instantaneous.

In this moment, the sword has no double, and his war is immediately improved.

The five people in the unsatisfied, but the sword is unparalleled in the most central, and the power of each person has emerged, the power of these rules is different, but at this moment, the influence of the law is Everything is connected.

"Give me !!"

At the sword, there is no double forward, he holds a big knife, the big knife carries the vast flame, even the surrounding, it has formed a flame, and he is the flame dominated by this fire sea, in the surrounding Under cooperation, his knife is even more shocking, and it is directly in the sword.

His knife is obviously, I want to have a sword without double crushing.

And I saw this knife, but the sword was unfair, and a shocking sword rose, and the faintness also accompanied by a roaking in the world, the sword was unparalleled. Cut out.

No double sword, ! !

clang! !

The two contact, instantly produce a crisp impact, the sword is unparalleled, and then the rear is detonating.

But the knife that is happy, it is also resistant to the front.


Xiaoyao is surprised to see the sword is unparalleled, "this kid, actually blocked me this knife?"

It is to know that his own strength is extremely strong, the battle power, enough to impact the true sanctuary, his full knife, the powerful energy is strong, and then cooperate with the mortality array, let the power of this knife greatly improved, As a result, this knife went down, and there was no double collided with the sword. He actually took some upper wind?

"Isn't said that his strength is the peak holy person? There are still some gaps from the invincible saints, but now his attack is powerful, it is better than the general invincible saints," Xiaoyao is doubtful, but soon he It is reluctant.

After all, the sword is not double the three major sanctuary, it is just a six-order haissone level, and now the sword is unparalleled, it is already a seven-order holy!

The sixth-order holy and seven-order holy, the gap between the middle is very large, the sword is unparalleled, the power of the power is naturally improved.

"Hey, even if your strength is stronger than before, you can still be completely crushed in front of the fifths of the five people, you are still just crushing!" The unfair is absolutely confident.

Next to it, the four of his hand also shot.

Although these four people are only the holy hosted hierarchy, but the combat power is extremely strong, with the , can play a power of the invincible saints, the most important thing is that the rules of their participation are connected, depend on The means or secrets of the rules of the rules will also increase significantly.

In this case, even if it encounters the real haunter, even if it is in the middle of the middle, they can be a battle!

I have encountered the bitterness, that is the strength of the bitterness, the rank is too high, no way, but the sword is unparalleled, they feel more than enough.

The sword is unparalleled in the law. It has been confront with these five people several times, and immediately detects the difficulty of the law.

"This is the fact that Xiaoyao is specially prepared before entering the blood wave industry. The blood eagle should also be in these few people, but it is killed by me." The sword is unparalleled, "there is this law , Squatting, my confirmation, don't waste time, directly solve them! "

The sword flashed in a bumper, and the body is a shake, but directly disappeared in the center of the law.


"It is a query, it is his sake !!"

"Normal!" Xiaoyao Shen took directly to a white robe old man.

This white robe is a saint, and it is also a famous saints, and this is the best at home, it is the soul! !

The sword is unparalleled in the blood wave, which is so much, and most of them have been known by everyone, including his life life, and his sake and assassination means, and many of this quasi The strong is also known, as long as it is good at the peaks of the soul, it is possible to induce his position.

It is just because of this, it is because of this, and the family dares to take advantage of the sword.

"Hey, you are amazing, but as long as someone can induce your location, you are more useful to use it." Xiaoyao is smirk.

The power of the soul of the saints has been released, and the existence of the sword is already inherently in an instant.

"Tielong, he is behind you !!" "Make a big drink.

The hair is messy, and the iron dragon saints of the red feet hear this immediately, and I saw the Sword Wushuang Silk Silvely.

He has no movement, or it is not a saint reminded that the Tielong Saints are afraid that there is no point to notice at all.

Now that since it has been perceived in advance, the iron dragon saint is also very unfriend.

"Sure enough, there is a saints that are good at the soul, my shadow, still very sneak attack, but even if it is in advance, how is it in advance?" The sword was unparalleled, and his hands Blood peak sword, but suddenly burst.

A bloody, faintly like a blood of the blood suddenly flashed in the void.

The Tielong saints originally had absolute confidence, and the self-confidence she was in a precedent, and the sword was unparalleled.

But when the sword is unhappy, the long sword is bursting out ...

This sword thorn, the iron dragon saints were instantly exposed the horror.

"Too, too fast ..."

Tielong saints have not thought about it, he desperately wants to waving the soldiers to block the sword.

It can be apparent that his speed is completely can't keep up with the swordsmanship.

laugh! !

This bloody sword is not hindered, directly impacted on the body of Tielong saints, and then an incredible power suddenly broke out.

Blood blade sword, first, drip blood! !

Sword, blood fall!

And this sword is not only a speed, but it is condensed in the sword tip and suddenly broke out, and the horror power of the opponent's body is instantly! !

Under this power, the devil's body of the iron dragon, crashed on the spot!


PS: Today is more coming!

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