Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3247 Positive assassination



When the sword is unparalleled, the golden man and other strong people in the sanctuary of the Yan Yan have not perceived.

However, as the core of this ten team, the ancient zone is a sharp squat.

"There is a murderous, be careful !!" The ancient truth immediately issued a burst, and the people of the Yanzhong area were in an instant, and the golden scorpion was the same.

It is late when the Golden Spirit is reacted.

That contains the bloody swordsmanship of terror, I'm running through the gods of the golden saints, and then the power suddenly broke out, with three drops 'cold blood' toxic liquid, and the 50% of the sacred sacred people in a flash. All annihilation.

The golden saints widened their eyes, and the eyes were full of horror.

He has already perceived his own vitality in the lapse.

"I am going to die?"

This is the idea of ​​the final rise of the golden saints.

The long sword is returned, the voice of the golden saints is also completely broken, and the sanctuary of the inflammation is enough to compete with the ancient truth.

And this scene, it was also seen in the eyes by the remaining nine people left in the saints. When I saw the moment of the golden saints were killed, this nine people suddenly angry.

"Golden Teacher !!" The ancient truth is even more scarlet.

You must know that before entering the blood wave, the highest level of the Yanzi area has taken him, be sure to take care of the golden people, after all, Jin Yan saints are there, and it is Jinwu, this time Entering the blood wavefront, but only for the experience, it did not want to get the final chamber.

But now, the golden saints, but under his eyelids, it was killed.

The ancient truth trembles, and the scarlet eyes instantly locked the portrait of the sneak attack.

"Jian Tianhou !!" The ancient truth teeth were trembled.

In fact, even if you don't have to read the face of the sword, he has guessed that it is definitely him.

It can be quietly sucking around them. If they don't have some point to perceive, they will have a fatal blow to the golden scorpion. In the entire blood wave, I am afraid that only the sword of the shadow is unparalleled.

"The ancient truth, many days, don't come, don't be innocent." The sword is unparalleled to stand in the void of the golden saints. It is interested to look at the ancient truth in front of you. Nine people were surrounded by the center, but he didn't care.

"Jian Tianhou, do you dare to kill me Jin Yanshi?" The ancient truth looked at the sword, and his eyes seem to spray fire.

The strong people around the other eight inflammation are also angry.

"Oh, don't be misunderstood, I am going to kill, not only the golden saints, but ... you are all." The sword is unparalleled, and when the nine-person face, the sword has no longer disappeared.

"Not good !!" The ancient righteousness of the fierce, "This sword is extremely strange, if there is no strong in the soul, the root feeling should not be his position, we have to fight with him, only It is a copy of his living target. "

"Be careful, don't be separated, don't separate, two or three people are concentrated together, don't give him a chance to sneak your opportunity from behind or both sides."

The low drizzle of the ancient truth is not stupid, and the people of the Yanzi area are not stupid, and the first time is gathered in accordance with the ancient truth.

They gathered together with a triangular shape in three people in this moment, so that they don't have to worry about the sword, there is no double, and the sword is unparalleled, and the sword is only possible from their front. .

The sword is unparalleled from the front, and the single single shape is revealed, they can react, then they naturally block the sword unparalleled attack.

After all, the assassin, mostly in the case where the other party did not detect the reaction, from its back, sneak attack, one hit.

But if you have a secretion from your front, the opportunity to get the hand will naturally be very big.

"Oh, it is very smart."

The sword is hidden in the surrounding void, watching the nine people of the Yanzi area, three three gathered together, the bottom of the heart is not smiling.

This ancient tribut is in the premise of his own soul, in the face of his sneak attack, the first time it is, it is true that it is good.

As before, he did not master the blood blade sword, he didn't look at the nine people of the sanctuary.

But unfortunately, he is no longer compared before.

"I thought it was positive assassination. I couldn't help it? Joke." The sword is unparalleled, and his body shape is sudden, and there is a peak of the saints in the saints of the Yanfang. This peak saints are a body shape. The burly middle-aged man, he holds a big ax in his hand, and is all gods.


When the sword is unparalleled, when this is the burly middle-aged, this burly middle-aged reaction immediately reacted.

The sword is unparalleled, the blood peak sword is already turned into a bloody stream, directly towards his heart.

"Give me !!"

The burly middle-aged blew, the big ax in the hands of the big ax.

This big ax is strong, if it is in the blood peak sword, it is enough to turn the sword unparalleled sword.



The burly middle age suddenly has grown up his eyes, because he found the bloody flow of light, it is too fast! !

Fast exceeded his imagination, in the moment of his big ax, then the bloody flow light has wiped his ax, directly on his body, and the bodies of the burly middle-aged suffered immediately. The huge impact of shares, although the body did not completely collapse, but also collapsed to 80%, consumed nearly 40% of the power.

After tingling this sword, the sword has no longer disappeared again, and the ax on him did not play a half role.

"Can't stop !!"

"I can't stop his sword !!"

"His swordsmanship, too fast !!"

The burly middle-aged first time bursts.

"how come?"

The ancient truth and others heard this, and a noodle is extremely ugly.

In the case where they can't find the sword, they can only become a living target, and they are now combined with the triangle potential. It is already the best way to deal with the sword, and they only need to communicate. In the power of good at the soul, I will pay attention to the sword.

Whoever once thought, even if it is in the face of the sword, there is no double from the front assassination, they can't stop?

"Do not!!"

A frightened screaming again, only a peak saints in the saints of the Yanfang area, in the face of the sword unparalleled, the sword is unparalleled directly through the body, and the body crashed.

Although the peak of the saints of the saints quickly restructured, he can have a lot of power, and it will lose more than 60%.


PS: Today is more coming!

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