Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3253 avoids



During the void, the three-legged wolf fled, escaped for a long time.

"Cloud mobody, the sword is not chased?" The voice of the ancient truth still took a fear.

"No." The old man in the heart of the evil black, has always used the soul to feel the rear, and there is no existence of swords unparalleled.

"This is good." The ancient truth finally touched, and he remembered the sword of the sword in his mind, and he was asked to suffocate, so he was completely unable to resist the sword.

"That sword, it's terrible, I feel that it is terrible than the rules of the rules. Isn't it terrible to limit the power of the rules in this blood wave? Why can this swordsman can also show such horrible? Means, and, he clearly has such an incredible base card. Why did he be used by my three major sanctuary? "The ancient truth did not want to understand.

He does not know, the strength of the hemodal limit rules, this is indeed true.

However, the restrictions here are the power intervention of the Lord of the rules, such as many people have some special refining gorsing or other means, such as the sword unparalleled, there is a heavenly foreign palace master personally refining The maker, it can be used to save.

Can be used in the blood wavefront, these two monks can't be used.

However, if it is the power of the unstead of the saints itself, it will not be in the row of the blood wavefront.

After all, how to stop the saints, he is just a non-dead, is not the Lord of the rules.

Therefore, the strength of the strongest base card in the sword is not limited.

As for the time before, the sword is unparalleled without this card, which is also very well understood.

You must know that when he is murdered by the three major sanctuary, his own strength is not currently, then he is just a six-order pest, even if you don't care, it is displayed. Wei Neng is definitely not now this horror.

And at that time, the light of the bright king was also present, or the three major sanctuary camps, if you use it at that time, the sword is unparalleled without doubting that the bright king can completely rely on his own strength.

Since it is not possible to change the tactics at that time, the sword is unbooled. After all, it is not easy to show it.

"Now this is nothing to do, in short, this sword is the strength and means of this, far beyond our imagination, if he has been staring at us, then our trouble is big." The empty voice low.

Whether it is empty or ancient truth, I feel an unprecedented pressure in the face of swords.

The sword is unparalleled, it is too terrible, I don't say that he is the strongest base card. The light is his assassination means, let the people in the sanctuary of the Yan have completely helpless, ten people's lineup, being killed by swords There is only a four-scholar.

If the sword is unparalleled, if it is the strongest base card, even ancient lilies have a possibility.

The most terrible thing is that the sword is unparalleled in the blood bank, it is absolutely invincible, no one can let him.

There is such an enemy around the surrounding, the ancient truth is thinking about it.

"There is no way, this sword is too terrible, and our lineup has not responded, we can only hide, can only find ways to avoid this sword." The ancient truth is holding hands.

"Avoid him?" A frown head wrinkled.

"From now on, my inflammation is trying to expose their travel in front of people, and they can't stay in a place, but to move around the center of this blood wavefront, let this sword day can't Fully capture our location, simply, let him find us !! "The ancient truth is low.

"In addition, from today, cloud demonstration, you have to stay with us until the somatitis of my inflammation leaves the blood wavefree, this is no problem?" The ancient real son saw the evil old man.

He is really too late sword unparalleled assassination.

In the face of the sword unparalleled assassination, if there is no strong in the soul, then they only have passive beat.

"The old man has received the high-level order of my witch, this time, in the blood wave, the old man will fully help the holy area of ​​the sanctuary." The evil old man said.

"It's been working." The ancient truths nodded slightly, followed the positive track: "We just want to avoid this sword, do not let him find us, he should take us no way, not to mention, his enemies in the blood wave It is not only a holy area of ​​our inflammation, destroying the holy area, and the hatred for his life and death is not small. If he can't find our specific location, it is estimated that it will go to the two troubles. "

Three major sacred regions, although they are closely related to Tiandao, and have always been consistent, it is not a family, but three, and these three are all recognized by the gods, there is also one of them. Compete.

When the sword is unparalleled to the holy area of ​​them, they certainly hope that the sword is unparalleled to find the other two troubles, don't keep staring at the sages of their inflammation.

"So, then do it." The empty nodded, agreed with the ancient truth.

And just in the ancient truth and empty business ...

boom! !

The earth suddenly shock, it seems that there is something that is getting up.

Then the three horses induce a special fluctuation from the surroundings.

This fluctuation is very strong.

The ancient truth, empty, and the evil old cloud mobility three people feel this fluctuation, and the eyes are fierce.

"This is fluctuating, the blood wave is born?"

"It is indeed a lot of blood wave, and it is much more much better than the movement we have encountered before. If I have not guess wrong, this time it is not only one blood wave, it is very likely to be Two, and even three !! "

"Two or three blood waves are born at the same time, and are it near us?"

The ancient truth, empty, and cloud mobogues are red.

But just a moment, the ancient truth is calm down.

"No, this blood wave is born, we can't compete." The ancient truth directly.

"What?" The empty and cloud were looked at the ancient law, but the next moment also respointed.

"The death, how is it biased this time to come to the blood wave?" The ancient truth directly.

"We have just escaped from the swords of the swords, this time, the blood wave is so big, the swordsman must have passed the first time. If we now rush again, isn't it to send it again? "There is only helpless to shook your head.


PS: Today is more coming!

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