Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3265 kills the nine palace



"A unstead of sacred people, if I have this easy, if I have not guess, let's take your soul attack to the treasure, you will take a loss of about two or so, plus you Before consumed, you still have the power now, the most only 50%, even more than 40%. "The sword has no double.

"You guess, my current power is indeed inadequately half of the peak period, but what is it, do you think that my state is not a peak, you have the ability to kill me?" The Nine palace saints ridiculous.

She is full of confidence in her strength. In her opinion, don't say that my own will have half, even if there is only one or two, it is not a sword to kill the zone.

However, after hearing her words, the sword is not buddy, but it is a smile that has been exposed.

"If you are in the full day, I can't kill you, but you just have less than 50% of the power, I want to kill you, but it is easy to be on the palm!" The sword is unparalleled. While the sound came out, he also opened his hand.


One is from the life level to strong pressure, without any signs, directly oppression.

This power, ignore the strength of both parties, ignore the realm level, this is the power of the most source of life.

This power is not able to resist it at all.

The Nine-palace saints stood in front of the sword, and the first time felt the pressure of the life level.


The nine palace saints have a round, and the beauty of the beautiful face is nearly the same.

She looked at the sword in front of him, as if I saw the strongest existence of her ethnic group, not, more horrible than that.

Fear! Bright boys! Shocked!

A kind of emotion has emerged in the heart of the nine palace.

The nine palace saints at this moment have been completely ignited.

Even when the sword is unparalleled, she has forgotten the resistance when she is swallowed.

It's so stupid, let the sword are unparalleled with bloody swords on her.

You can know that the nine palace saints are the best at the soul, but in the defense of the body, it is not strong, and as the sword is unparalleled, she is in the full day, with the vast power, maybe I can still be in this sword. Dress reluctantly survive.

But only less than 50% of the power of 50% ... With the sword with swords, this is less than 50% of the power in her body, and it is naturally annihilated.

The Nine-palace holy girl even came out half a sentence, and the body collapsed, and the voice was completely disconnected.

"Dead, dead?"

It didn't leave next to it, and the Tower of the Tower and Tower of the Tower of the Eyes, I was completely stunned at this moment.

There is also the strong people who are competing for blood waves, and those who have come over during this time, they are also shocked. One time is sluggish, horror, some are bigger.

The peak of the top five in the top five of the Jiuchai, the top five of the Zhen Sheng list, and she just showed the soul to attack the treasure, with the scene of the Emperor, her real ranking on the true saints, in fact, can still rise to the third of.

However, this is like this emperor, it can only let go of the peak strong, but in just a moment, the sword is unparalleled directly.

And it is still killing, and there is no other means.

"How can it be!!"

"It's impossible, this is impossible !!"

"Don't we be in the middle of illusion?"

Almost no one is willing to believe that all this is true.

Still, the emperor, the first reaction came.

"Jian Tianhou !!"

The eyes of the Emperor took the unprecedented dignity, and the sword didn't look at it. "This sword is heaven, what is the means?"

He is also nearby, when the sword is exhibited in the sword, he also felt that the shares from the life level, the power of the stress saved him to wandered.

And the sword is unparalleled to rely on this means, let the Nine palace saints have no struggle, and they will kill them directly.

"Although the beauty of the nine palace saints is less than 50%, it is still not to kill, even the first bright king is ranked in the true saints, even if he doesn't have any preparation of the Nine palace, there is no prevention. It is absolutely impossible to kill the nine palace saints, can't do it. But this sword is Hou, but it is done? "The Emperor also glared his eyes, then he saw it again. The stretched iron tower is glanced.

"Tiegou brother, your defense ability is recognized in the unmanned saints, is you first, do you have the sword to block the sword?"

"I ..." Tower's brow wrinkled, but shook his head, "can't stop, although there is no power to experience the sword, but I can see that the sword has completely surpass the hierarch of the unmanned saints. If the sword is directly towards me, I will fight hard to defend against the defense, it is estimated that he will directly defeat the body, of course, the top of his sword can only make me lose a two or three years of power, but absolute I can't kill me with a sword! "

Tower has absolute confidence to his defensive ability, but it is not a skeptic in the sword.

"Even you can't stop it?" The Emperor couldn't help but sigh. "There is no doubt that it is attacked to Weiner. The sword of this Jian Tian has just shown the sword of the Sword, and the power has been over all the people who are not dead. Even if it is the strongest trick of Guangming Wang, it will not be able to compare with him, that's a sword, no accident, has already had the ability to kill the holy list. "

"Spike the true holy list," Tower is also trembled.

At the same time, at the same time, the sword is shocked and the sword is unparalleled, but the sword has left the Qiankun ring left by the nine palace, at the same time, there is also the green light of the nine palace saints, with the nine palace The sacred girl is dead, and it is also in the void, and naturally is also unparalleled by the sword.

After receiving all things, the sword is not going to leave.

At this time, the epithelium opened immediately and called him.

"Jian Tianhou!" The Di has come to the Tower.

"Why, have two things? Or do you want to grab the blood wave bank in my hand?" The sword did not play.

The emperor looked at the top of the iron tower, and the emperor smiled and smiled: "I have two people who are long for the blood wave, but I know that I can't grab it from your hands, so I will come over, I want to follow the sword. Discuss it. "

"Discover, how do you have a business law?" The sword is unparalleled seems to be interested, and asked casually.


PS: Today is more coming!

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