Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3267 promised



Seeing the sword is unparalleled, "how, how, the truth left by the true eyes, is there a person who is exactly, is it worth a blood wave?"

"This is not." The sword is unparalleled, "the two conditions you have opened, but you really have a very heart, but you also know that I am from the Temporamic Space Temple, and the Tempiology Temple is also different from me. People, there are four people without blood wave bank, and since there are more one, I naturally consider several of them. "

"This way, you will wait for me first, I will ask first."

"Well." The Emperor can only temporarily press the inner anxiety.

The sword is unparalleled, it took out a mess, this piece of message, is the owner of the White Star Temple!

In the temple of time and space, the unmanned saints are eligible to have the main information of the White Star Temple, you can directly with the White Star Temple, but the flexible, but the sword is unparalleled.

"White Star Temple !!"

The sword is unparalleled directly to the White Star Temple.

"Jian Tianhou, should you still sway in the blood wave? How can I find me?" Bai Star Temple will respond quickly.

"White Star Temple, this is this ..." The sword is unparalleled, it is said that things have been simply narrow.

"You have got two blood wavelengths at the same time?" Even the Lord Bai Star Temple, heard this news is quite horrified.

The sword is unparalleled to kill the nine palace, and the second blood wave is just happening. Therefore, although the Bai Star Temple has always pays attention to what happens in the blood bank, it has not yet received a message.

"I really have two blood waves in hand, but the problem is that the problem is that I have found me, and I have opened a very good condition. I want to give you more blood wars to him. I scruple. Thousands of thousands, they have no blood waves, so they are hesitant, this is coming to ask you to ask yourself. "The sword has no double.

"Di Di? I also heard this little guy. He is now ranked third in the true saints. Talent is also good. What conditions he do, can you make your heart?" Asked the White Star Temple.

"One is a trustee left by the true eyes, plus a human feeling of the Di Di." The sword is unparalleled.

"Oh?" Bai Star Temple is a brow, "The Lord of the Truth left, nothing, after all, this true eye is the soul, his truth is not small, but You are not a big use, but this epidemic is worth seeking. "

"Do you want me to promise this epidemic?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Yes." White Star Temple: "When this epithany exposes super strength in the blood wave, the intelligence department of my space Temple has been found out that his origin is, the result is that this is not single It is very high, the potential is huge, and the most important thing is that there is a very great master! "

"Master?" The sword was not double.

"Yes, this emperor's teacher is very good. It is a very bad thing that is very uncomfortable. Even if it is, if it is the temple of my space, it is not willing to provoke, and if you can get this emperor, Naturally, I also took a layer of relationship with the Master behind him. In the future, I can help you very helpful, so you're willing to get it. "Bai Star Temple.

"If I promise him, then the thousands, the waves, and they ..." The sword is unparalleled.

"Don't take it to them." Bai Star Temple said directly: "The champion in the blood banking world, this is the people who have the people, these two blood wave banks are all alone, relying on their own strength, then It is your own, how do you want to deal with how to deal with it, let alone, if you are white, you will give it to them, for them, it is not a good thing! "

"Take a practice, this is to grow up in the endless grinding, if they have not been competed, they have not killed, so that Whoever has to go to a blood wavelength in your hands, no matter who gets, the mood of them will A great impact, do not say to whether they can break through the main championship through the blood palace, but even if they break through, their achievements are limited to this. "

"Understand." The sword has no double heart.

He also agrees that it is not a good thing if you have a good thing to take risks.

"Thousands of killed, several small guys, I will let the mixed yuan told them, you now use this blood wave bank, will get the human feelings of the Emperor first." Bai Star Temple.

"Yes." The sword was unparalleled, and then interrupted the message with the White Star Temple.

In the void, the emperor is in anxiously, the tower is also standing next to it.

Suddenly, the sword is unparalleled, and the face also reveals a smile. I saw him turning back, and the blood waves got from the Jiugong Saint Girl appeared in his hand, "Million, will The truth left by the true eyes gave me, plus your human condition, this blood wave, is yours! "

When I heard this, I immediately got it out, I immediately got the truth of the true eyes, I handed it to the sword. At the same time, he also said: "If a human condition, now there is a tower to witness, and I will immediately Let go of it, let everyone who know me know that I owe you. "

"Don't worry, the Tang Di, the third genius" of the Tang Sheng list should not be shipped from the back. "The sword is unparalleled smile, but it is directly handed the blood wave.

After the epithanology passed, the body shape was excited.

For a long time, he touched himself, re-faced the sword without a double view, "Tianhou brothers, this time, if you are not busy, let's drink a cup now?"

"Okay." The sword is not a double.

He looked at him because he thanked him, so he wanted to make a turn with him.

And the genius of the Emperor, and there is a powerful master of the power behind him, which makes the sword unparalleled and is very willing.

Soon three people found a place and began to talk about it.

But in the sword unparalleled with the Emperor, the iron tower is talking, but the entire blood wave, but it has set off a huge waves because of the death of the nine palace.

You must know that the Nine-palace saints, that is the top of the top five in the true saints.

Such a strong person, in the blood wave, it is fully able to walk through the reason.

The blood wavefield opened to now, in the competition of a secondary blood wave, there is still a lot of power, even the invincible saints have died.

In the strong people who died, there is no one in the holy list, that is, because it is a strong man who can rank the true holy list, almost impossible to kill in the blood bank.


PS: Today is more coming!

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