Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3270, three first

(The first to come!)


Next, the ranking information is detailed in detail the heavy record of the sword.

From the front of the fourth-order hairdressing, he kill the seven-order real holy, and then face the murdere of the three major sanctuary in the blood wave, calmly play the other party, and the battle is crazy. Killing, hindrance to the sanctuary and the life and death south area, and then the last sword killed the nine palace saints, this process told clear, and finally concluded.

"Jian Tianhou, in the middle of the Taijie God, the first, the ability of the life, the first, the positive attack", plus the unbelievable talent and potential, although the strength is still inadequate, but At the end of the card, it is enough to sweep the true holy list, so I am carefully considered it, 'Temporary' will rank him in the fifth place !! "

I saw the evaluation of the Tianzheng finally made him, and the sword was unparalleled.

"Sales first, the first, the attack is also the first, this can be three first." The Emperor looked at the sword.

"I was famous for so long, I finally mixed a defense first, but you can compare with Tianhou brother, it can be too far away." Tower also laughed.

The sword is unparalleled but spreads, said: "The first time I assumed the first and assassination, but the attack is the first ... this is too reluctant?"

"Don't worry." The Emperor shook his head. "You have killed the sword of the Nine-palace, I feel clearly with the Tower, I dare to say that your sword is absolutely beyond the category of the unmanned saints. Even if the first bright king ranked first in the hanker list, the second Saint-Demon is absolutely not out of the horror of powerful attacks, so on the strongest attack, your sword is really over. Above everyone. "

"But my sword is my strongest base card. I can show a sword in a battle, and the bright king is with the sacred devil, and their tricks can be displayed many times." Sword is unparalleled .

"You can manage them, in short, now release the , admit that you are attacking the first, this is enough, and I dare to say that no matter how many strong people in the blood bank, for this ranking And your three first, never have any questions. "The Emperor laughed.

"Yes, after all, you have a sword to kill the nine palace saints, this is actually, the bright king can do it with the holy magic." Tower also said.

When I heard this, the sword was only shocked.

At this time, a piece of messages in the sword unparalleled Qiankun were shocked.

"The sword is unparalleled, don't you say that you can't kill the nine palace saints?" The news came naturally Miss, she just got news, knowing that the Nine palace saints have been killed by swords.

"I just have a good luck, or that the nine palace saints are too bad, just let me find the opportunity to set up her in the dead." The sword is unparalleled. "

He is telling the truth, if he is positive, even if he has the bottom card, in the peak of the Nine-palace, he can't kill the latter, after all, in the current strength, in a battle The top more can only show an .

Single monostees were displayed, he can annihilate six or seven cautions of the nine palace saints, but even if the Nine palace saints will be reserved, he will not kill it.

"No matter what to say, you killed the nine palace saints, but I helped me a busy. I saved the one of my parents. You are still there, but you still owe me a human condition."

The sword is unparalleled.

He knows that he owes two people.

The first thing is that when I met my childhood, in order to change the life of the same brother's brothers at that time, I have to owe this a human feeling, and the second person, it is later Children transferred parents relatives.

Now he kills the nine palace saints, it is still one, but it is indeed owing one.

"There is another person, wait for the opportunity, I will still." The sword has no double.

"This is not anxious, you still think about your situation first, forget to tell you, the nine palace saints you kill, she is indeed from one of the four gods, and in the nine-tail family The status is not in general. There are six daughters in this era of nine families. This nine palace saints are the smallest one. "The smile.

"What?" The sword is unparalleled, but it is shocked.

He has guess the nine palace saints should have a certain identity in the nine-tail family, but I didn't expect that she is actually a long daughter of the nine family.

One of the four gods, the distant family of the nine-tail family, this is the super existence of the top of the Taijie Shenjie, killing his daughter, this nine-year family is still not crazy to find him to retaliate?

"Miss, Miss, have you told me before?" The sword was unparalleled.

"If I tell you the identity of this nine palace saints, do you dare to kill her?" The child giggled, followed: "You don't have to worry, according to I know, the nine tail family I have been closing, don't ask the world, even many important things in the nine tail family have never been asked, this time the Nine palace saints, I am afraid that she will not let her go, but the few people. My sister has another strong person, I don't know. "

The sword is not double-finished.

Even if the nine-tailed family will not be dispatched, the nine tail family is one of the four gods, and there are many strong people. They can send some powerful rules to kill him, and there is a nine palace holy woman. Several sisters.

It is to know that the Nine-palace saints are the least daughter of the Towth Tailor Ethnic Group, can be ranked fifth in the true saints, and she is more than her senior sister, I am afraid that I have become the Lord of the rules, they are certain I will kill myself.

"Miss Xiaoyue, you know so much about the nine-tail family, and you will be the same as the Nine-palace saints, you should also be a person who is a nine-tail family before you turn it. What is the identity? Why do I want to kill the daughter for you? "The sword was unparalleled.

"What I am, this doesn't worry about you." The child directly refused to answer this question.

The sword has no double brow, and there is no choice to ask, but said: "Miss," Miss, I have killed the nine palace saints for you, but also a human condition, but I don't know my parents, and my big sister and two brother Where are their specific locations? "

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