

Among the people in the light of Guangming Wang, the emperor of the emperor is definitely there is no doubt that standing in the sword.

As for the Emperor and Tower ... The Emperor is unparalleled, and the three people have been talking about these days, and there is a certain amount of love. Guangming Wang is coming to find swords. There are two of course it will Select to help the sword.

Under this situation, this bright king is still looking for the sword without a double, that is indeed a self-discipline.

"Don't misunderstand." Guangming Wang hooked at a few people in front of him, but smiled: "I am coming to find swordsman, not to kill him like the last time, after all, I just accepted the invitation of the three major sanctuary. Moreover, and the three major sanctuary gave me a condition that I was completely unable to refuse, I will promise, but since I lab, I have already done it, then you follow the three major business. Between things, there is no half of the relationship with me! "

"I came to you this time, not doing anything else, I came to the true holy board to the first evaluation of you."

"Oh?" The sword has no double look.

"Jian Tianhou, you have the ability to lose my ability to kill the ability," said that it is the first, I absolutely have no opinions, but attacking the first ... I don't agree, after all, I have always thought that my own attack, " It is the strongest in the saints, so this time I see it, I really want to be a bit better than you! "Guangming Wang's eyes flashed," You don't know anything else, you will directly display your strongest trick, look Who is more powerful, how? "

"It turns out." The sword was unparalleled, and he finally understood the purpose of this bright king.

To put it bluntly, it is not satisfied with the first evaluation of yourself on the first.

"Guangming Wang, has been arrogant, the strength of his own is absolutely confident, Tianhou brothers are just just that the life expensive ability and the ability to assassinate, nothing, after all, these two first, all means some means It can't be said to be a strength. It can attack the first thing to attack the first, attacking the first, explaining the strongest attack power, you have to be stronger than him, so this light king wants to find you challenge you. "Tower said softly next to it.

"I understand." The sword is unparalleled.

"Tianhou brothers, how do you want to see?" The emperor whispered: "With your strongest sword, it is no accident, you can rush this bright king!"

"Yes, I also feel that it can be more than." Tower also looked back.

Everyone in the emperor and the empty temple also looked at the sword.

At this time, the sword is unparalleled, but it is the strongest power with me, but there is no problem with me, but it's not as strong as it is, it is better to add it. A little bit. "

"Add Cai Head?" The Emperor, the tower is one.

They have two people who have seen swords and have a horrible sword. Think that swords are unparalleled, so they support swords without double, but they didn't think of swords and unparalleled than they were smart, while, they still had to add Luck?

This added color head can be gambling.

"Guangming Wang, what do you think?" The sword was unparalleled with a bright king.

"Interesting." Guangming Wang face also showed a smile, "Okay, add some colorful heads, but the strength reaches the level you like this, and we will enter the blood of the Hall of Hemo to become the rules, the general thing is nothing to use In this way, I have got a round of rear ball in the hands of an invincible saints many years ago. I now use this round of back to the piglet. How? "

"Round back to the beads?" The sword is unparalleled to reveal the color, he doesn't know what this round of goare is, but from the name of the name, you should be related to the reincarnation rules.

"Jian Tianhou, I know that you don't just get a time and space rule, and there is a certain study on the rules of the reincarnation. It is just that the feelings of reincarnation rules are far more than the time and space rules, and this time I entered the blood wave hall, I can't accidentally accidentally Will achieve the rules of the rules of time and space, you can become the rules of the rules, you will definitely find ways to master the second rules, naturally this round-back rules! "

"And the round-back bead is the credential to enter the reincarnation. It is said that it is the cultivation of the reincarnation rules. If you can enter it, you can have a great help to you in the reincarnation rules. Yes. "Guangming Wang said.

"Return to the skyroad?" The sword is unparalleled.

"This round of the sky, I have heard that the cultivator of the reincarnation rules is indeed a lot of use."

When I heard this, the sword couldn't help but appear a smile.

As the Bright King said, the strength reached the level of their, and the general thing is hard to attract them.

But enter the reincarnation of the voucher, it is indeed a little help to him.

"My color head has already taken it, but I don't know what you use as your colorful head?" Guangming Wang looked over.

"Bright king, this round of reincarnation you have indeed use, but I have a treasure that has a great help to you, but I haven't used it, but I haven't used it yourself, but In value, I believe it is definitely much higher than that of your round. "The sword is unparalleled, it is a turn, and a green light appears in his hand.

This blue light appeared, and immediately spread it directly with an old and sharp soul atmosphere.

Feel this breath, many strong people present are one.

"This is ... to treasure !!"

"Is the soul attack to the treasure, the nine palace holy girl!"

The epithelium is the first time to give this blue light in the first time.

After all, they are handed over with the nine palace saints, and they are still forced to use this tobao.

"The soul attacks to treasure?"

When I saw this blue light, the eyes of the light king also shilly, and I was so cool, "Haha, Jian Tianhou, you are really generous, the value does not say a round, even if it is Two or three, you can't attack the soul in your hands, you attacked the soul to the treasure to make a colorful head, which made me looked out. "

"But my bright king is unlikely people, so, in addition to the rounded beads, I will fill the three best Shengbao body warfare, one of the best souls to defend the holy treasure as a color head, although the value is still Don't attack your soul to attack the treasure, but this is the whole thing I can take. "

"Yes." The sword has no double smile, directly approved.


PS: Today is more coming!

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