Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3285 is connected to the breakthrough



"Call, end?"

On the high platform, the sword is unparalleled slowly, and he has seen that the light that has been shining on his body has disappeared, and his contact with the "light ball" in front is also slow, there is not long, This kind of connection has completely disappeared, and the sword is unparalleled and no longer feels any mystery in the 'Ball'.

He understands that a month has arrived, they have ended in the blood palace.

"Sure enough, just fourteen days, I want to realize that the rolling rules are impossible, but this fourteen days, my gain is still not small." The sword has a smile.

In these fourteen days, he has been drilling the reincarnation rules, with the full heaven cycle, in just 14 days, he has reached the most limit of the renewal rules, and the distance is completely mastered. It is not the most important thing.

What is really most important is that the sword is unparalleled in these fourteen days and has entered a new threshold!

This threshold is the rule integration! !

The perfect integration of two different rules! !

You know, the full heavens cycle in front of the sword is not a lot of rules, which is formed.

Through this complete heaven cycle, he can clearly see every rule, and he can feel how these rules are integrated, so he also carefully drilled these rules in this fourteenth day. The process, under the diamond of fourteen days, although he did not make his time and space, the reincarnation two rules were integrated, but he had peered to some of the doors.

Although it is just a door diameter, you can know anything, and any process starts from the span gate.

Before the sword is unparalleled, they don't know, even if they want to integrate the two rules, they will not find any places where they do.

But now it is different, he has peekled to the door diameter, and the next fusion step, he also reluctantly realized some, this is absolutely a big step.

In the future, it is easy to integrate two rules.

Even now, if he is willing, when you shoot, the same sword, he still can simultaneously come with two major rules and reincarnations.

Just as the emperor will barely stack the two rules, but the emperor can do it, not only his integration of two rules, but also related to the special refining giant with him. .

The sword is unparalleled, but now he can more easily stacked two rules, although the power of the outbreak is not more than two rules, it is absolutely more skilled than the emperor. It is natural to be strong.

"In general, although I have not finally become the Lord of the rules, I am absolutely less than that of my gain, but the sword is unparalleled. He has been very satisfied with his harvest for this month. At this time, his eyes have seen the past.

Everyone on the high platform has also interrupted the connection with the full heavens, but they did not feel regrets, and the opposite is almost all over the face.

The sword is unparalleled in this month, and these people will not be small.

And when they can connect with the full heavenly loop, they have improved their strength as much as possible, even if they have reached various requirements that become the rules, they have not broken through, and It is to continue to refresh, but now they will immediately start a hit by one of the Lord of the Rules.

Just a moment of Kung Fu ... Boom!

This picture of this Mo Da Xing River has a shock, and then a lot of breath and horizontal breath are released from one of the high platforms.

This breath has emerged, immediately caught the attention of everyone.

"It's a bright king!"

"Look at this breath, he breaks through the Lord of the rules!"

"Hey, it is a bright king, the first bright king, the speed is really fast, it seems that we have to speed up!"

Everyone is ity, but I don't envy.

Because they can also break through.

Sure enough, there is not long after the bright king breaks through the Bright King! boom! boom! ~~

A strong breath was spread, and a few people who had also succeeded by the emperor, the emperor, and the suffering.

"Haha, breakthrough, finally breaking!"

"The Lord of Rules, I have waited for a long time!"

"The Lord of Rules, this is the power of the rules, it is really strong."

Shuanglang laughs moved in the Star River, and these have broken through the people of the rules, of course, very happy, all have left their respective high platforms.

On other high platforms, the remaining people are also impact on the main impact of the rules that can be.

At this time, the Emperor and Emperor have come to the sword.

"Tianhou brothers, have you not broken?" The Di Dynasty watched the sword.

"I am not you, I want to break through it." The sword is unparalleled.

I didn't feel unexpectedly, I didn't feel unexpectedly: "In this case, then you will break through, I will wait for you with the emperor."

"Good." The sword is not a hyper point.

The Emperor left the emperor, not only two of them, and others have broken through the people who have become the rules.

After all, the opportunity has been obtained, and they have become the Lord of the rules, and they have nothing to stay in this blood.

boom! boom!

Breakthrough movement is still not ending, chill, silver wolf, snow, and before the arrogant unknown invincible saints, it has also broken through the Lord of Rules.

Cold, Snow Saints and the unknown people didn't stay in this star Hano, and they left directly after breaking.

As for the silver wolf, it is slightly parked for a while.

The center of the Star River, the smock of the Silver Wolf took a cold, and the sword didn't look at it.

"This sword is still not broken, I am now playing, can I kill him directly?" The silver wolf is sinking.

He has broken through the Lord of Rules, and naturally, he thinks that he is more stronger than the sword that has never been broken, but he does not show up, he is hesitating.

To know, the top of the three holy area begins the order of the order, but if you can't kill the swords, and you will order if you can't kill the sword, you will want to find a difference without a double. The rules of the rules, but unfortunately they have not succeeded.

Now, the silver wolf seems to see the opportunity.

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