Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3298 Void God!

(The first to come!)


"Draw the heavenly gold flag ... The three major sanctuary is really big arm, even the painting of the gold flag, no wonder you will be touched, will listen to the three major sanctuary." Yin cold, to this day gold flag, he knows.

As the Lord of Qingyan said, this painting Tianjinqi is absolutely one of the strongest time and space of the Taijie God. It is very difficult. It has been known for the first day of the gold flag, just the means of time and space. This painting Tianjin flag is also a very important treasure even for the Temporary Temple, and the use of Qingyan is bigger.

With this painting Tianjinqi, Qingyan's Lord does not matter of its own strength, or the ability to save life will be greatly improved. In the next 10 million years, he can completely go to the universe battlefield. Many he can't go. The place is swaying, in those places he can get the treasure, it is not what he can be compared.

Because of this, the Lord of Qingyan can't refuse the conditions given by the three major sanctuary, and will appear here to help the three major sanctuary to kill the sword.

"Mixed yuan, you and I fight side by side, you are very clear, I am a time and space for me, maybe there is a possibility of being broken, but I now use the time and space for painting with the gold flag, even if you are time and space The Temple, unless you are in the palace, otherwise no one can ban my time and space to break, this is called Jian Tianhou's little guy, and there is absolutely no fleeing possibilities !! "Qingyan's main voice shock .

I heard this, the main color of mixed yuan became extremely ugly.

Instead, it is a sword, and it is still quite calm. He is standing indifferent, directly looking at the Lord of Qingyan in front of the front. Kill me, the three major sanctuary will definitely arrange other strong people, but I don't know how many people have come to kill me. I don't have to hide the Tibetan. "

The sword is unparalleled, and the void of this woman is quiet.

But this quiet only continued for a moment, and she was broken by the horse.

In the surrounding voids in Braho, a strong breath is connected to the sound.

"Sword Tian Hou? A little guy at the hierarchy, facing the three major sanctuary, it can be so calm, this is really non-common."

"I heard that Jian Tianhou is the first day of the era of the Taijie Shenjie, and it can even be said that the first person in the past is the first person in the past, today, it is finally seen today."

"Hey, how is the genius, as long as you are targeted by my three major sanctuary, how to get it, only a dead road."

The three sounds were passed from three different directions, followed by these three directions, one of them came and lined up.

These three directions, each direction has fifteen, three directions, is a full foot forty-five.

Simply look at the number, it is not too much, but when the people in the island, many strong people are noted, noted the breath of the forty-five people, all people have become horrified and shock!

Because, the three directions come at the same time, each of which is exuded, is all the atmosphere of the Lord of the rules! !

Forty-five people, all are the Lord of Rules! !

"Day, Scorpio !!"

"The Lord of Rules is the Lord of Rules?"

"The Lord of 40 Rules is coming together?"


Everyone was scared, scared by the big hand in the three major sanctuary.

They guess the three major sank of the sank of the sank of the sank of the sanctuary, and they will also send a lot of strong people to come. But they did not think that the three major sanctuary actually sent so many strong people.

What is the concept of forty-five rules?

Those who come from the great forces, it is the power of the rules, but those who have just come out from the blood banks, their hearts are in the moment, they have reached an unprecedented point.

For these non-dead saints, the rules of the rules are high, and they want to see a very difficult, but now, a four-five rules of the rules come at the same time, which makes their heads.

Moreover, the three-day holy area came from this forty-five rule of rules, it is not the Lord that just just master the rules of a will, and the breath is strong, which is very strong, obviously better than The Emperor, the silver wolf they have just exceeded this, just master a strong rules of a will.

That is, the Lord of this forty-five rules, one by one, master two willers.

Especially the three directions, the three people headed ...

"That is the main point of the southern area! There is also the Lord of the Star River in the Shengsheng Region, the last one is the master of the eight treasures of the Yanzi area !!"

"Scorpio, it is actually these three !!"

"The Lord of the Sky, that is in the destruction of the Sanctuary, it is second only to the Holy Lord's ultra-tie character, it is said that in many years, it has reached the peak of the five border, and now I have passed, he will not reach it. The void is six, I am afraid that it is not much not much !! "

"The Lord of the Star River is more terrible. After 30 million years ago, I have worked with an empty six-level strong in the battlefield, and the results are retreat. The strength is stronger than the main estimation of the sky, as for the eight treasure The Lord, although it is better than the slogan of the Star River, but it is also the top of the top, the top of the fifth! "

"In order to kill a small sword, I actually shock the strong people in the three peaks of the three voids?"

Inside and outside the island, those who come from all forces, at this moment, they are thriving, in shaking.

In the field, the people who are not dead, the knowledge is relatively low, I still don't know that the Lord of the Sky, the Lord of the Star River, how is the Lord of the Babao, but the Lord of these rules, but know! !

The virtual five-peak peak, this is the realm of the main three of the Sky!

In the gear boundaries, there is a strong level of weakness, like a saints, from fake to the seven-order, then to the peak saints, invincible saints, this period has nearly ten hierarchical divisions.

This is the case, between the rules of the rules, naturally partitioned.

Only the hierarchy of the rules of the rules is not that kind.

The rules of the rules ... What is the Lord of the rules, completely enlighten a rule, and has an will offered, which is the Lord of the rules.

But the title of the rules is only circulating in the Great God of the Great God, and outside the gods, in the more vast space battlefield, the rules of the rules still have another title, that is ... void god!

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