Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3300 Wars, from!

(The first to come!)


Time and Space Temple, with the Lord of the White Star Temple, the head of the battle, and the Lord, the Lord of the Football, has appeared on the island, standing next to the sword.

However, compared to the huge lineup of the three holy regions, the Temporation Temple only has some gaps in the number of the main rules of the rules.

"Sure enough, just like our previous thinking, because there is not much preparation, in a short time, the temple can't call too much, now you can call so much, it should be the limit of the Temple of Time and Space." The Lord laughed.

On the overall strength, the Temporal Tempiology of the Three Freedom Alliance is indeed very strong, and it is necessary to stronger than any party's holy area. If it is only a large number of holy regions, the Time and Space Temple can of course take up the wind.

But this time, the Tempoken Temple is to resist the three major sanctuary and naturally difficult.

It is obvious that the three major sanctuary is much stronger than the strong.

"Bai Star, I haven't seen it for many years, don't be innocent." The main gaze of the Xinghe is cold, and the Lord of the White Star Temple.

"The Lord of the Star River, the three major sanctuary is so bright, the strong is a strong man in the Temporary Temple, how can you want to set off a war with my Time Temple?" Bai Star Temple is cold.

"Pick up a war? I didn't have this idea. The purpose of our coming is only one, that is, it is killing this sword, as long as he is dead, I will naturally evacuate immediately, never dare Then he took the time and space of the temple. "The main road of the Star River.

"Bai Star, if you know, let us kill Jian Tianhou, so that we can have no things in both sides." The Lord of Nord said.

"Joke." White Star Temple laughed, "It is clear that people who want to kill my Time Temple. I have to sit in the temple of Time and Space. What is the Temple of Time and Space?"

"If you want to say this, it seems that we are not talking about it." The main road of the Star River.

"Since I don't talk, I will take my hand directly, and I will see it at the bottom." The main road of the sky.

"White Star is given to me, I have never played with her for a long time. I want to see if she has grown in the past, and her strength has grown." The main laughter of the Star River.

"I have to pay a defragmentation, as for the rest of the people, I will allocate it." The Lord of the Babao smiled slightly.

"Hand !!"

With the Lord of the Star River, the three major sanctuary is full of forty-five rules, and it is directly at this moment.

A strong breath, directly in the sword, unparalleled, etc.

"Everything is careful, don't go hard, remember, our purpose is to drag the time!" "Bai Star Temple homes everyone.

"Yes." The people around them nodded.

They also see the situation, the two sides, the three major sanctuarys must be strong. In this case, if they choose hard war, they have a significant loss, so they now go to the people to entangle it. Try the time while keeping your own life.

After all, there is still no arrival in the Temple of Time and Space.

As long as the ten teams of Lin Guang's main team, there is still the four in the abyss of Jing Yue, they can not be afraid of the three major sanctuary, they can only let go of the hand and foot.

"Jian Tian Hou."

The Bai Star Temple is also seen in the sword. "My time and space temple and the three major sanctuary lineup gaps are also a bit big. This battle, we can only do our best to stop the strong people in the three major sanctuary, but it is inevitable Someone will find a gap to make you, the sure, although you are not dead, but the power is not the principle of the general rules. If you have the three major sanctuary, there is a rule of the rules to kill you, you should be careful, if you can't pay , Then think about people around the surroundings, understand? "

"Understand." The sword is unparalleled.

He also knows that these people in the Temporant Temple want to stop all the strong people in the three major sanctuary, it is estimated that it is difficult to kill him through the gap, then it can only have himself. Be paid.

"All, go !!"

The Bai Star Temple is sinking, and the horrible mode is out of her body, directly oppressed the audience.

The main people of the Temperature and Space Temple have also burst into a strong breath, and the strong people in the three major sanctuary welcomed.

Both parties, the Lord in the nearly 80 rules, just in the middle of this woman, the front of the island, the front is in touch! !

Wars, instantly outbreak!

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

A horrible roaring, fierce the voids in the center, the space above the island, just war, swaying, swaying.

The rules of the rules, any of the terrible strengths that have destroyed the earth, especially the will of the will, once it is useful, it is even more shocking, the main front of the two rules in the weekdays, the movement is big Amazing.

Now, there is nearly 80th rules of rules, and I can't collide it directly. What kind of scene is this?

I saw that crazy shuttle in the void, and just a speed is like a ghost, the wrist is free to tear the air.

Some people have used the god soldiers, a knife, and the world seem to be smashed in two halves.

Some people use fists to go down, directly throughout the Braise Island, so that the island is all completely set.

Someone is alone, and the will will sweep the eight parties. The waves roll, annihilated everything.

Just a person, it is stronger, and it is a super power in the past eight0.

Tianshal! !

Everything is quiet! !

At the moment of the lineup of the two sides, the Brair Island below has been directly quit.

Originally just an island, I have been divided into a small land of 10 pieces, and some land is already directly sinking.

The countless non-dead sage with the surroundings of Braho Island and a few rules have already been shocked by the horror war in front of them.

"Too, it's terrible !!"

"The Lord of Rules, the fight against the main group of rules !!"

"Doomsday, the end of the day !!"

Many of the unsatisfactory people who saw this battle were emitted in the mouth and mourned.

In the eyes of this, this battle destroyed, so that they seem to feel the last day.

These battles are not unstead of sacred people. Don't say that they are not dead, even if they come from the blood wave palace, it has broken through the few people who meet the rules, when seeing the war, the bottom There are also some hair.

Although they have already broken through the Lord of Rules, but only is only ordinary void, and the main battlefield on the battlefield, the weakest is the rules of the rules of the voidious embarrass!

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