

Dwarf hunchback old, white-haired white eyebrows, white skin, white pink boy and dead hidden old woman, each of these four people are very quirky, and such four people gather together, but also weird Best.

However, this is the four people, when they appear after the battlefield, this big battlefield is quietly quiet.

Whether it is the two major rules of rules in the battlefield, or a large number of strong arms of the battlefield, it is looking at these four people with a horrified expression.

Many strong people, most people don't know who these four people are, so they have doubts, curious.

On the gait, there is still a very few some existence. It is the first time to recognize these four people.

But because I recognize it, I know the identity of these four people, they are more shocking! !

"Si Yuanxian, it is a four ancient fairy !!"

"Scorpio, is these four old monsters?"

"Million years ago, followed the four ancient fairy in the world, they were still alive?"

"If you are alive, how do they still stay in the genre? With their strength, it should go to the universe battlefield to swear!"

I swelled, and fiercely sounded here.

Those who did not recognize these four people before, he also heard three words in the four ancient fairy, and suddenly the whole group was completely sensational! !

"Sikaixian?" Even the sword is not a double heart is also a shock.

So long ago, he went to three days, and some strong people in the Taijie goddess were not much. It was like four ancient times, such as the ancient existence, according to the truth, he should not know, but the four ancient fairy is the temple of time and space. People, they have left some things in Time Island, and the sword is unparalleled and therefore learned the existence of these four people.

Sikaixian, the same as the bones, but also the power of the Lord, the Temporary Temple, the Temple of Tianshi.

At the beginning, the temple creating the Temple of Time and Space in the Temporation, the four parties, and there were a lot of strong play, and the strength is the strongest and famous. It is the four ancient fairy, four ancient fairy, any one is a hierarchy And the four people are almost in the peak level of the void six.

Unfair, the strength, any one of them is more powerful than the Bai Star Temple, the Star River is the only one-on-one, and maybe with them, and may be slightly better than them, it is the old age. Strange.

However, although the bones are strong, although there is only one person, but the four people are four people, and they are in the Tempi Temple, and the relationship is very close. At that time, the Temple is always special For them, a set of hitting actions, this combined with an array, it is fully able to sweep the rules.

Even if the bones are in front of them, they only have the retreat.

Even the outside world has rumored, and the four people are fully engaged. Even if they encounter the Lord of the Holy Genting, there are positive battles, although this is just a rumor, it is not confirmed, but since there is this rumor, even if it is four The ancient fairy is not here, but it is not much not much.

After the battlefield, after seeing the identity of the coming, the top three sanctuary has become difficult to look hard.

"Si Yuanxian, it turned out to be four !!" The main color of the Star River is gloomy.

"The trouble is big, these four old monsters, any one is the existence of a void six-level peak, one-on-one, there is no one in our opponents, and four people teamed up, I am afraid you can completely sweep us." The Lord is also secretly biting.

"Unfortunately, I almost went to the universe battlefield, now I am really difficult to find the existence of felt fairy, I am." "Babao's main crumpled brow.

The three major sanctuary, the same, the hegemony of the Taijie Shen, the bottom and strength is naturally weaker than the Temporate Temple.

However, whether it is the three major sanctuary, or the top of the top of the gods, the truly top power will always stay too little, most of the top, most, the strength reaches certain After leveling, you will choose to go to the universe battlefield.

This kind of breeding, can not go to the surroundings around the gods, can come back at any time, most of the top strong people will choose to go to the universe battlefield, those unknown territories, and once they go to the depths of the universe battlefield, That is very difficult to come back in a short time, even after going to the deeper, there will be no longer come back.

The top of the top of the three major sanctoes, almost all went to the depths of the universe battlefield, or the heritage of the three major sanctuary, but also to send the strong to the four antiquities.

"Si Yuanxian, haha, I haven't seen you for a long time, you have four old things, haven't died yet?" The cool laughter sounded in the battlefield.

On the current battlefield, dare to talk to the four ecstasy, naturally only the bones are elder.

"Bone? You have also appeared here, and look like it is still standing in my time and space, this is a rare." Among the four ancient times, the old woman opened.

"The old man doesn't want to talk to your time and space, but my disciple has repeatedly, and the old man is not helpful." The bones were old.

"In any case, since you stand in my time and space Temple, this is naturally my space Temple naturally remember." The old woman of the vicissitudes said, turned his head, and the many strong people in the three major sanctuary. I have seen it.

"Three major sanctuary!"

The cold voice is sent from this vicissitudes, "It is also a recognized overlord of the first gods. However, it is so astishing to kill my time and space, just a small guy who is not dead, it is too much. Point, really when I am time and space, is there any? "

"Hey, the three gallbladder guys in the three major sanctoes, the majority of the palartroads are in the universe battlefield, and they dare to suppress my space, it is really bold." The white skin of the skin makes evil spirits laughter.

"The three major holy areas are all, it is indeed a bit." The indifference of the white hair is low in the indifference. "

The simple words of the three, but the words are like a knife word, plugged in the heart of the three holy area.

Indeed, how to say that the sword is only just an unstead of sacred people, and the three major sanctuary has these handles, it is too much.

"Okay, then I will tell the little guys who are called Jian Tianhou, and then I will slowly find these three big sanctuary for accounting." The short tall back is cold.


PS: Today is more coming!

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