

"It is terrible, is this the Lord of the Shengde? It doesn't have to be used. It's a single thing in the invisible, let me wait until anything I resist, I can't help but I want to be squatting." The epithelial colors rose red, muttered there.

He is already a true rule of a genuine, but he is now standing outside the battlefield, there is a kind of impulse who wants to be a man with a white robe, but it is impossible to know that the people who are weak than him. What is the pressure that is affected.

It can be said that now, it is still a matter of standing.

"This encompasses, or old, likes to compromise people." The child is clear.

"After all, it is the Lord of the State, one-on-one, anyone else is not his opponent, directly with that trick." The vicissitudes of life. "

"Okay." The other three nodded.

In the next moment, I saw that the short hub back is directly waving, and a golden light flashed out.

This golden light, it is an honorary body shadow. It has a tall body shape, more than ten meters, and the whole body covers it under the golden armor, but only reveals a pair of eyes, but it is also close to close.

This golden bricks appeared in front of the four ancient fairy, and there was no more power from the beginning and the breath. But with the four people in the four people, they directly integrated into this golden armitades. I will live now, and the eyes that have been slightly closed are fierce!

When you open the moment, a sharp golden light is like two golden lightning, and it is directly in the mouth of the white robe, and at the same time, the horror breath that has suffocated in the scene, and from this The gold anthodies rise up.

Many strong people present, feel this horror, and one eye is rolling.

"How can it be?"

"This breath, too strong, too strong !!"

"It feels more than the breath of the Lord of the Shengde, how can there be such a powerful breath?"

I took a horror and incredible gaze, I also saw the golden bricks.

Even with the Temporal Tempse of the Sikamai Station in the same camp, I can't help but feel sigh.

"This is the strongest means of the four ancient fairy?" The sword is not far behind the golden armitah, looking at the golden bricks in front of him, the heart is also full of shock.

In his perception, this is the breath of gold, and it has already covered the white robes.

The four ancient fairy is the strongest four war in time and space, and she has created a great Temph Temple in the same time.

The Tempral Temple is also specially created a combination of attacks. This is the most important thing to combat the law to connect to this respect.

It can be said that this is indeed the strongest means of their four antiquities.

Its power, of course, is also the same.

However, there are many strong people in the field, and the white robes are just a little smile after feeling this.

"The god of the master, the time and space of the Temple, I really didn't say it. I actually gave you this thing to you, but unfortunately, this gods, although the power is strong, but your four self-strength is too bad. Point. "

"When I met you last time, you will join hands to control this god, but only can play the strength of this god, now, now I have passed for so many years, I don't know what you have Whether I have improved it. "

The white robe is still relaxing, and there is no impact because there is no significant breath of the golden body shadow.

"Hey, there is no improvement, you don't know yourself." The voice of the gods of the gods came out of the vicissitudes of the old woman, and the voice just fell, this is a top ten meters high golden Amazing.

! !

The voids under the feet of the gods are directly burst. Its huge body appears in front of the white robes. I saw a dazzling golden light, and a golden gun appeared in the golden god. Hands.

call out! !

The air is torn sound, and the golden gun carries the gesture of destroying the earth and suddenly popping out.

A long gun and a thorn, a moment ~~~ The void is directly collapsed, and it is crazy to break around, and a huge space black hole appears in front of everyone. It can be invibuted to the diameter of this space. There is a hundred meters! !

"How can it be!!"

"This is too exaggerated?"

"There are a hundred meters diameter space black hole, this is the most stable three days in the generic gods !!"

"Unbelievable !!"

Numerous amazed sounds while ringing.

Many people are scared by the huge space in front of them.

The space black hole, this is only possible to completely crush the space, it is possible to form, but it is a generous god circle. It is not some special heavens and earth secrets or small items. The space here is extremely stable, like The general rule of rules, even if it is very difficult to make a void collapse, only the Lord of the Five Savings and the Sixth Rules, the Lord of the Rules, can be barely torn.

But even the rules of the void six-level, the whole force can only make a space to tear, and only a few meters or even the space cavity, which is already the limit.

But now, casually cause a space black hole for hundreds of meters diameter, which is very terrible.

"Oh, it means a bit."

When I saw the golden gun, the white robe is still just a light smile. He is bathed in the white light. It is a warm palm of the palm to reach out, no flowers, he is only The palm of the palm took directly to the golden torch.


"So horrible shot, go to the hand?"

"What joke !!"

Everyone was shocked by this actor of the white robe head.

And very fast, the palm of the white robe head grabbed the gun tip of the golden gun, the moment of contact with the golden gun, bombing! ! !

The talented gentleness, the endless potent is crazy to spread all over the eight parties.

Then, there was a space black hole that had a hundred meters of space. At this moment, it was an instant to zoom in more than twice, and an unbelievable phagocytosis also broke out from the space black hole, crazy to swallow everything .

The whole Braise Island, I was originally because the previous war has been quiz, but at least the land still exists, but now ... The end of the day is coming directly! !


PS: Today is more coming!

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