

Huge handprint, from the world of the world, slowly, destroying the earth, falling in the world.

Kyushu Indian Shint!

And this handprint is directly rolled by the sword where the sword is unparalleled. Of course, the entire true emperor is controlled by the sword. This hand is naturally impossible to hurt the sword without pair, but it is ruined A red golden fire sea around him.

boom! !

Under the crushing of the true emperor, the entire red golden fire sea is crushed as if it should be completely extinguished, and the endless flame is crazy to sweep around.

Finally, the power of the true emperor is completely exhausted, and the handprint is slowly disappearing in the world, but at this moment, there is no double around the sword, although there are still some flames of the sporadic, but the fire has no longer exists.

~~ In not far from the void, the body of the Yanzhong is re-condensed, he looked at the world of the world, the eyes were also secretly sinking, "Jiuzhou Print?"

The holy owner of the Yanzhi knows Kyushu Print.

After all, in the long-lasting battle, the three major sanctuary wandered the seven-star Xuanzong, this mountain river social figure is also a major force of Qixing Xuanzong, but it is the case of the mountains and rivers.

"The Holy Lord of the Yan, you are right, I have the power I have now, it is hard to completely play with some of your means, but I can use the mountains and river social map, but I can!" The sword is unparalleled. "Since you know Kyushu Yin, you should also see that I just showed the true emperor, and then, you will pick up my supreme print!"

The sword has no double gaze, and its horrible theme is again condensed, and a special mark will also be taken again.

Booming ~~~ Tiandi vibration, in the top of the top picture world, a shares will start agglomeration than just stronger power.

Jiuzhou India, has the strongest emperor, true emperor, Supreme three printed!

The sword is unparalleled, just the true emperor, just shown, just the second trick in Jiuzhou Indian.

The supreme print is the embodiment of the secret of Jiuzhou India.


It is also a huge handset that extends from the world of paintings. This hand is covered with the sky, which seems to have all the following things.

But all the many strong people under this hand, whether it is the Lord of the Rules or the rules, there is no shock.

The horror power of the hand is not able to get in touch with the Lord of the rules, even if there are dozens of and even the hundred rules of rules, I am afraid that it will not face the incredible power.

"The supreme print, hehe, many years have not met." The Holy Lord of the Yanzhi is under the huge handprint, looks up at the top, but the eyes are very cold, "I don't know, from your hands. More than your master, who is in the same year, who is strong! "

In the holy land of the inflammation, a large flame is crazy, and these flames also clips with endless darkness and ice.

, the void crash directly crashes.

The holy master of Yan, clearly did not shoot, but the intangible power of the shape has made the surrounding void crazy burst.

In his hand, the red gold stick, the volume is also awkward, which seems to be a huge hand print directly from the top.

boom! !

That huge hand-printing, the most central, first, was taken by this long stick, but it couldn't completely run through the hand. That huge handprint is still holding this red gold-colored stick, continue to cover the holy land of Yan Yan. Come.

"From !!"

The Yanzhong of the inflammation is drunk, and the world is surprising to become more violent.

These purple gold flames are simply aimed at the power level, and the red golden flames that are shown before the Holy Lord of inflammation will be significantly better.

Endless purple golden flames condensed, blinking, forming a huge flame of Devil.

This flame devil has a hundred feet to treasure, and there are four huge thick arms. After molding, it is crazy, and its four arms are directly hurting the huge handprints that slowly rolling.

Run, the handprint has a thrilling power, and it can't compress whit.

"Break me!"

The holy owner of the inflammation is screaming, and the huge flame of the devil is roaring. At the same time, a purple golden beam is also burst from the mouth of the flame devil, and directly wears the hand-hole, that huge handprint, finally started Crash, a large number of power begins to come around.

"Haha, Jian Tianhou, look like the Kyushu Yin, the power of you, is always the Master of Master? Your Master is the first to respect the printed, but the absolute advantage is rolled in me." The Yanzhong is a cheerful laughter.

The sword is not bored indifferent, and it is not moving.

He is very clear, now you can, can you compare with his teacher's peak?

During his peak, he was a peak, but he created the invincibility of the battlefield. It would be the main thing of the three holy bits, and his master's map of the mountains. Mastering has already reached the extreme.

Confused him, he is just a unstead of saints, just because of the help of blood waves, will make yourself with the power level in a short time, and in addition to this body, he is now in the same way. Comparison.

The control of the mountains and rivers' social map is also, although he will show off the printed, this is still the strongest power.

"The Holy Lord of the Yan, you have not been happy too early." The sword has no double eyes, stares at the holy owner of the inflammation, "In addition to the mountains and rivers, I have also been in the peaceties in the sky." A very unique magic, just because I have been too weak before, I can't play this real power of this magic. Now, now just use you to try me. "

The sword is unparalleled, and there is a lot of reincarnation rules on him.

Roundback rules ... He is only the perception of reincarnation rules, now just reaching the most limit of the unstead of sacred people, there is no complete feelings, and the truth is in this case, and it is impossible to make this secret. True power given it.

The sword is unparalleled, but it is too strong, and the strength of the sword is too strong, and the strength of the sword has reached the primary level, depending on these power, the power of the maintenance, it is also very terrible. .

Of course, the most critical problem is that there are no many means in many means in the sword, and there is only the secrets in the mountains and rivers, and the tweet secrets are eligible to threaten the Holy Lord of this.


PS: Today is more coming!

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