Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3337 Time and Space Transformation



In the manor, under the eyes of the sword, the original Pujong has a small tree seedling that is just from the leaf, and it has begun to grow in an incredible speed. The blink of an eye is already in order to be a big tree, and it is still growing, branches. Falun.

~~~ That branches extend, the whole big tree is like a huge mushroom vine, covering the entire manor, and finally covering the entire independent space, and this big tree tree diameter It has already exceeded hundreds of meters, and there is no old and vicissitudes of breath.

The sword was unparalleled to the front of this big tree. He also induced the vitality of this big tree, thus judged the age of this big tree, but now the old tree is absolutely more than 10 million years. ! !

This is a living tens of thousands of ancient trees! !

"How can this be?" The sword was unparalleled.

"It's very simple. This is the original seedlings, just in order to facilitate the old husband to irrigate, but also to pay attention to it, the old man has transformed time conversion, so that it has maintained the appearance of the seedlings." Temporary Tao.

"Time conversion?" The sword didn't have a double one, and asked: "What is time conversion?"

"Time conversion is to translate the things in two different time periods, just like this tree, it is clear that it has lived for thousands of years. After the time conversion, it is still just a pattern of saplings, and the same, one plant Since the seedlings, after the time conversion, it can also be chemical a thousand years of ancient trees! "" Temporator's temple said.

"The time and space rules are profound. After the time and space rules are fully grasped, the next step to improve is the application of time and space rules, and the first step of time and space rules is the time and space conversion !!"

"Time conversion is one of the means of time and space transformation. This transformation can only be directed to a substance without life, such as alpine, earth, as for time and space to transform life, that is a higher level. "

"In addition to time conversion, there is room conversion, this spatial conversion is better demonstrated, you see."

When the Temporary Temple is, the independent space they are in place is an estate. It has been converted to a huge plain, which is clear in the sky, and a vibrant.

The Lord of the Temporary Temple waved again, the plains disappeared, and the replacement is a sea.

"This is ..." The sword is unparalleled, from the manor to the plain, and then go to the sea, all between the time and space of the Temple.

And this means, but immediately let the sword don't think of the symptoms of the mountains and rivers.

The thousands of treasures, contains many worlds, every world has their own characteristics, all different, and the thousands of treasures will change with the swords of unparalleled ideas.

"You have the mountains and river social map in the hand, the thousands of people in the mountains and river maps, in fact, one of the world conversions, and converts this space you should be more apparent." Bai Star Temple.

"Indeed." The sword has no double nodded. "Can Keemi asked," The Hall of the Temple, this time-time conversion is very strange, but if it is in the killing, whether it is time conversion, or the spatial transformation, the use should be too big ? "

"It is not big." Time and Space Temple, "Time and Space Transformation, only the most coarse application of time and space rules, master the transformation of time and space, the application of time and space rules is really grounded to the threshold, as for the real killing battle Almost no time and space conversion, but after you master the time and space conversion, the biggest use is not a time and space transformation, but your application of time and space rules, reaching a new level, difference is still very big. "

Time and Space Temple laughs, continue: "Little guy, you have now fully grasped the time and space rules, then what do you think you can use now?"

"Of course, all, this surrounding time and space rules, you can use it for me." The sword has no double.

"That is, since all the time and space rules of the surrounding time and space, you can use, and the power of the time and space rules between the world is endless, then the different people operate the power of time and space rules, playing the power, Is it different? "Bai Star Temple is interested in watching the sword.

"This ..." The sword was unparalleled and wrinkled. "This is the different use of time and space rules."

"Yes, it is to use, give a simple example, two people play water in the same river, one of them, the tool is a bowl, he can only play back in a bowl, this river, he How much can you play back? "

"The other person is to use the bucket to put water, and the same time, although it is still insignificant to the river, the water that can be retrieved is far from the first person."

"We master the time and space rules, it is the river, endless, no matter how you use it, it can be used, but the difference is that the tools with us, it is the application of time and space rules, now You, the use of the time and space rules is very shallow, staying in the most basic stage, you are like the people who use water in the water bowl, the time and space rule that can be used once, only one small bowl! "

"The Lord, which masters the rules of time and space, is equivalent to the people who use the water drum, although it is still relatively simple, but a bucket of water, how is it more than a bowl of water Many, so, after mastering time and space transition, he will be able to increase the power of time and space in the first time! "

"Under normal circumstances, the cultivators of the two levels of time and space, show the same time and space, on the power, master the cultivator after the time and space, the practitioner is more than ten times more than the unveiled, this is the gap !! "

Speaking of this, the Temporary Temple finally stopped and wondering the sword.

"Understand." The sword is unparalleled is a look, "After the time and space conversion, the means of time-air conversion is not important, and it is important to use the power of the time and space rules." "

"That's it." Temporary Temple smiled.

"The Hall of the Temple, according to what you said, the time and space conversion is just a shallow mean for time and space rules, then what is it in time and space?" The sword is unparalleled.

"Time and space conversion is the first phase of time and space, this stage is very long, the first-time gods exceeds 90% of the nine-year-old, the practice of time and space stayed at this stage, as for the second stage, it is time and space!"


PS: Today is more coming!

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