Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3340 Tour

(The first to come!)


In the temple, there are many high-level strong people in the temple, all of them have gathered together.

Although the sword is not one of the high-rise people of the Temple, because of the battle on the island, and his outbreak has made him a very high status in the many strong people in the Time and Space Temple, plus these three In a hundred years, the sword is unparalleled with the main temple. This is waiting for the Temple of Temple. It has never had anyone who has had it. You can think that the sword is unparalleled in the heart of the Tempora, so the sword is unparalleled in this temple. A place.

The main point of the Temple is hidden on the top throne, overlooking the people below.

"The old man is in the universe battlefield, this time is just a temporary comment, and immediately plan to go to the universe battlefield, and before leaving ... Bai Star." Shouting.

"The Hall of the Temple." Bai Star Temple immediately stood up.

"The old man is in the universe battlefield, you still have a lot of things in the temple of the Short Space Temple, and the many things in the Time and Space Temple are all handled." Time and Space Temple.

"Yes." Bai Star Hall respects the head.

"Saller, you are still surprising to the temple, assisting the White Star jointly manages the Temple of Time and Space." Time and Space Temple.

"Abide by." Dawang also led.

"Phosphorescence ..." The Tempral Temple continues to date some appointments, basically there is no big change before.

To the end ...

"Jian Tian Hou." The Tempral Temple suddenly opened.

The sword has no double, the surroundings are also brushing to the sword.

"The Temple of the Temple." The sword walked before going forward.

"Jian Tianhou, although you are just a dead saint, but a strength has already been over the Lord of the general rules, and the old man is now appointed for the sixth patrol of my Time Temple. You can I am willing?" Tempral Temple .

"Tour is made?" The sword was unparalleled.

He has stayed in the Tempiological Temple for so many years. For some high-rise positions in the Temporary Temple, he still knows that some of the monette will make no doubt that is in the top, master the power, and the inspection, it is affiliated monitoring Under the way, there is a great power, and it is also one of the highest levels of time and space. In terms of status and power, it is high than the rules of many void two-and-empty three.

Moreover, the patrol is made, the previous is only five, but now the time of the Temple is, but he is the sixth patrol.

"This ..." The sword is unhealthy, and his eyes can't help but look around.

Sure enough, the people around them are quite a weird, which is quite a weird, and these eyes are close to some of the strange emotions, and the mains of these rules, and they also communicate secretly.

"The main people of the Temple actually want Jian Tianhou as a patrol?"

"The patrol makes it, it is very real, generally has to be strong in the four-way four-way, and there is a certain prestige in the Temporary Temple, and this sword is Hou ... Although the battle before In the amazing, everyone knows that he is the force at the time, as for his own strength, the distance is patrol, and some gaps? "

"You can't say that, after all, this sword is in the battle, even if there is no external force, its combat is also a void three-level level, let alone, he is just not dead, the talent is so good, now I have passed the whole battle for three hundred years. He has been cultivating it around the temple. Maybe it has reached the four-border level of the void. "

"There is this possibility, but he is still too young, it is too tender, now serving as a patrol, becoming the highest level of my Time and Space Temple, how to see it."

The people of these rules quietly discuss, this appointment of the Temporary Temple, each has its own views.

As for the sword, there is no pair, but I have a self-knowledge. I immediately open: "The Hall of the Temple, do not say if my strength has the qualification of the patrol, single, I have entered the time and space, the time is too short, lack of qualifications, and there is no Give a lot of contributions to the Temporary Temple, just serve as a patrol, this is afraid of being a little improper. "

"Your strength is the patrol makes no problem, as for the qualifications and contributions, it will slowly accumulate, and the old man said that you are eligible for the patrol, it will be qualified, you don't have to worry too much, the old man asks you I would like to be awarded a patrol. "The Tempora is overlooking, and it is also deeply deep.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is still a bit hesitation, but when he detects the deep eyes of the Tempose, there is no more thinking, "I am willing."

"That's good, you start today, you are the sixth patrol of my Tempo." The Temph Temple is slightly smile, and continue to say: "The patrol makes it, in my time and space, the temple is very high, the position is also the same, is Directly want to fight for my time and space, the god of the gods, but all the temples in my Time and Space Temple and some powerful powerful power, the first time is solved by the patrol. "

"And, although the strength has reached the requirements, you have too deep in the three major sanctuary, it has already missed to resolve it. In the future, it will inevitably lead to the three major sanctuary, in order to The three major holy areas will use any means in the future, there is an enumeration, you have a good time. "The Temporarism of the Temporary Temple waved, and a striped in a special time and space fluctuated, and there was no double throwing up.

The sword is unparalleled to pick up the symbol, holding in the hands, doubtingly: "The Temple, this enumeration is?"

"This, is a manifest to make a man in person, let you save, as long as there is this match in your hand, the old man can guarantee, the god of the gods, no one can truly kill you." The Lord of the Temporary Temple said that the speech is full of absolute confidence.

His independence does have this confidence.

As a master, it is a master-time rule. It is definitely the first person in the Time and Space Rules in the Great Gate, which is the first person. It is so high. He refines the ambulance, which contains special time and space. Although there is no attack, it is absolutely no problem.

Don't say that the main master from the outside world has never rushed to the gods, even if there is really a master-level power of the outside world, with this enumeration, the sword is also temporarily escaped.

It is therefore, therefore, the Lord of the Time and Space Temple is to know that behind the three sanctuary is the heavens, and also know that the heavens will solemnly enaculates the exterior of the world. After the main team, it is still afraint , Dare to keep the sword unparalleled truth!

At the beginning of the god, although the Temporary Temple cannot say that the real unmanned enemy, he will go, but no one can keep him.


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