Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3342 Tour Guard

(The first to come!)


"Gong to the Hall!"

Many strong people in the temple gave a look at the time of time and space.

After the main body of the Temple is completely disappeared ...

"Well, everyone is going to the universe battlefield, and my time and space is still the same, all of them have sent it." White Star Temple waved, then said: "Dao, Jian Tian Hou, two of you left. "

Many strong people in the temple have left.

When you leave, they still have no intention to see a few eyes, and they are with different emotions.

In the temple, only the sword is unparalleled, the Bai Star Temple is three people.

"Jian Tianhou, congratulations on the sixth patrol of my Tempral Temple, and also got the presence of the warranty and painting the heavenly gold flag." White Star Temple looked at the sword and laughing. meaning.

"Jian Tianhou, your lifeline can be true, even make the monks value this, even gave the commander and painting the gold flag, honestly said that the two things, even if I am, I am very envious. Very envious. "Dormost also laughed.

"Two, you don't think of the big people don't seem to be deeply either?" The sword is unparalleled.

"Of course, it is seen." Heartcang nodded.

"Adults of the Temple may want to cultivate you as his heir. Of course, there may be some other objects. As for why, it can't guess." Bai Star Temple.

"Yes, the monks of the temple have always been unspeakable. Since he is now deliberately spending the order of the heavens, it is definitely what he is planning, but these is intended to you. What should be not bad.

I heard the words, the sword was unparalleled to shrug helplessness.

"Saller, you are the supervision of the Tempiology Temple, and Jian Tianhou is now your straight matter, you will tell him about some things to visit the patrol." Bai Star Temple.

"Well." Dawn nodded slightly, and his sword watched.

"The patrol makes the temple in my time and space, it is responsible for the external battle, normal, should be the strong man of the void four, at least in the truse three-seat strength, but Jian Tian Although you are just an unstead of saints, a strength has long reached the hierarchy of the void three, plus these three hundred years, you follow the people of the temple, and the elephants of the Demonstones personally say that your strength is no problem. It is no problem. "

"And the patrol makes this position, in addition to the insight, there is a patrol team."

"Tour Guard?" The sword was unparalleled.

"The Tour Guard, I directly listened to this patrol, with the patrol to fight together, after all, in the Tai Chi Shen Dynasty, I have a life and space, but I often have some big forces, the strong struggle, and once the battle occurs Single alone, one person is definitely, but it takes a large number of strong people! "

"And a patrol team, generally the rules of the ten void two-way to the empty, plus one hundred unstead of sacred people in the top level."

"Ten rules of the Lord, one hundred top do not die saints?" The sword is unparalleled.

This lineup is in the gods, it is very strong. In the god world, most of them can only have such a strong lineup, but this lineup, for the Tempiology Temple, just on weekdays One of the patrol guards of the battle.

"A person can lead the ten rules, as well as the hundreds of unscrupulous saints to fight, and it is no wonder that the tour is very high, and it is very powerful." The sword was unparalleled.

"I have always only five patrolles before the Temple of Time and Space. Naturally only five patrol teams, and you have become the sixth inspection, then my time and space is naturally, I have to arrange a patrol team for you. The strong people needed by this patrol guard last home, even if it is the temple of my space, I have to take some time to give you a lot. "Said the battle.

"Time is not anxious, I am just curious, is the people in the inspectors of the guards, are all people in my space?" The sword is unparalleled.

"Of course, I won't." Stern Clear smiled and shook his head, "Jian Tianhou, you didn't enter the temple of the goddess of the Temple of My Space Temple. The god of the people of the Temple of Time, all added, Only more than a thousand people have so many people arrange to the inspection guards? After all, a patrol team, do not say the rules, one hundred top saints need one hundred, six patrol teams, Six hundred top saints! "

"The strong people in the inspecting guards, most of the rules are the strong people in the Temporary Temple, but the top of the top saints is the power of my Temple of Temple in the gods, we give They compensated, and they fight for us. "

"Is this?" The sword is unparalleled, Shen Yichang, asked: "Difficult people, this inspection guard will take a long time before you can make it."

"Under normal circumstances, you can make a complete inspection guard within a hundred years." Overlord.

"That is exactly, I have been following the use of the Hall of the Temple in the past three hundred years, and there are very few opportunities to go to the temple of the rules. Now, the temple is leaving, and I have been in the 10 years of the inspection guard. Just like to take the rules of the temple to practice. "The sword has no double.

"No problem, you are going to practice it, and wait for the inspection guards. I will notify you, and if you are in practice, you can't take care of it. Anyway, I have the opportunity of my Temple Temple to use the patrol guard. Not too much, you can let them wait for you, just let them wait too long. "

"Understand." The sword is not a hyperbidden point.

Soon the sword is unparalleled, and the temple is also left directly to the rule of the temple.


Within the rules of the two major rules of time and space, the sword is unseen from one person in the most central plate of the temple, and I have suck a sigh of relief, and the sword has no double ring around. In his sense, this temple is full of time and space. Two largest rules with reincarnation have slowly integrated together.

"Rules Temple ... In these three hundred years, although I have been a few times, I have a small progress, but now in the convergence of time and space rules and reincarnation rules, it is only true to enter the threshold. Know that the way is integrated, but if you want to completely fuse, you still need a lot of time to get a lot of time, and in this Temporary Temple, the time you need can decrease! "

"No accident, just a hundred years of time, I should fuse the time and space rules and reincarnation rules, start!"

The sword is unparalleled and then silent in two major rules.

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