Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3344 Net Eye

(The first to come!)


In the big camp, there is also a seat of the temple or the attic stand.

At this moment, in one of the attic, the three people sit next to the criteria and eat freely.

"Two, our inspection guards have been set up now, they have been so long, how to patrol, now there is no show yet?" One of them said.

"Who knows?" Another middle-aged man jokened, said: "I heard that this patrol caused the swordsman who triggered the shock war in more than four hundred years ago. More than 400 years ago. The game, although this sword is just a unstead of sacred people, but it has burst out the strength of the three-hust of void, and its means is endless, and it has been unusually gone. At the end he or even the main battle of the Holy State. It also hosted the Lord of the Shengde, which is simple! "

"The Lord of Holy State? This is also believed?" The last eye was slightly in the old man, but he smiled. "This sword is Hou, nothing more than a small guy who has gone through the Universiade, you are young, Although there are a few talents, I have to say that my strength is really good, I don't believe it! "

"The main thing of the eyes, the war of the swords, or the Holy Lord of its heavy inflammation and the witch, can be seen by many people, so it will cause the sensation, since there are so many people confirm, then Will not be wrong. "Middle-aged man.

"Even if this sword is true in that battle, it hits the holy and witch God. It is definitely used to use some special topic and means. This can only explain that he has a adventure, but I don't believe, that The base card, can he show the second time? "The eyes of the eyes of the eyes are not as good.

"This is." Middle-aged man smiled, "But this sword is late, it is amazing, now in the temple of Temple, the status of the Temple can be unusual, and even I have heard that the main people who even even the Temple are very valued. It is a preference, this patrol job, and the monks of the Temple personally ordered the appointment, such a person, the future achievement noble, we are in his hand or old and old, don't give him a good guilt. "

"What are you afraid of? How do you have a non-dead saint? Do you really take him seriously?" The Lord of the eyes is still disdainful.

When I heard this, the middle-aged man looked at the main face of the other rules, and the two could only smile helpless.

Just then ... a top saints came in, walked to the main three people in the eyes, respecting the road: "Three adults, true people, let me notify the three, the patrol makes adults have arrived in the camp, I want you to see you now. "

"Oh?" The primary god of the three rules next to the criteria is one move.

"We just chatted him, didn't you think of blinking him?" The middle-aged man said, his figure has stood up.

"Since the patrol has already arrived, then we will go see it first." The Lord of the rule has also got up.

However, the net of the eyes, but has not moved.

"The Lord of the eyes, you are ..." The middle-aged man wondered the past.

"Hey, this sword is Hou, before letting us have waited for him for so long, now he is coming, then you will go to see him? He thought he was?" Cold.

"The master of the eyes, no matter whether you look down on this sword in this sword, he is now patrol, is our head boss, he is now seeing us, if we don't go ... this is a resistance, although not now At the stage, it can be publicly resistant in the camp, which is not small. "The middle-aged man frowned.

"Yes, the Lord of the eyes, how to say, let's go see him first." The Lord of the rule also said.

"Go to you, anyway, I am not going to go. If he asks, you will say that I am drunk, I see him can nail me?" The main cold channel of the eyes.

In this regard, the middle-aged man looked at the main face of the other rules, and the two were helpless.

They also know that the Lord of the eyes is a heart-proud person, because the net eyes of the eyes are odd, all the way to grow up is already the rules of the rules of the truth, and in the truth of the three The strength is also strong in the level!

He only recognizes strength, and only believes that he can see it in front of him, and the sword is unparalleled. In his eyes, it is just a little guy, but it is just a non-dead saints, and he wants him a void three-level rule. The Lord, for a non-dead saint, he can't do it.

Therefore, from the beginning, the sword is unparalleled is that the inspection guard is inspected. His heart is extremely uncomfortable. Don't say that the sword is unparalleled, it has been waiting, waiting until now, he is more dissatisfied with the sword.

"In this case, then I will go first."

Middle-aged man is no longer persuaded with another rule, but immediately goes to see the sword.


On the open space of the camp, the many strong people of the inspection guard have been arranged together.

One hundred top saints, with twenty people, a total of five columns, and the principles of the rules are standing at the forefront.

At this moment, whether it is those who are not dead, or the Lord of the rules, all staring at the sword where they stand in front of them, and their eyes are different.

At the same time, a lot of top saints still discuss in secret.

"He, is the swordsman?"

"Yes, it is his unlatable first strong, and it is also the strongest sacred person in the history of the Taijie Shenjie. It is said that he is more than four hundred years ago, he is a saints. Hands with many rules of the host, do not fall in the wind, and even when he finally handed over with the Lord of the Holy Genting, so many top scorpions were taken at all !! "

"Jian Tianhou, this is my idol, when can I have half of him?"

"Half? I just have one tenth of strength, I am full of satisfaction."

These unscrupulous sanctors talk about it, and they don't cover their worship of swords.

Indeed, maybe the principles of the rules, after hearing the record of the sword, more or less will be some uncomfortable, because the rules since ancient times, the Lord is far from the saints, but the sword is unparalleled. The saints are completely exception, not only to sit in flatness, even more stronger than the Lords of many rules.

However, for the unsathered saints of the Taijie Shen, they have no more than half of the sword, and even more worshiped swords. I feel that the sword is unparalleled for them. These unspeakable saints are arguing, so that those rules are not dare. Xiao Xiao, they are not dead.

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