Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3346 gives you the opportunity

(The first to come!)


"The eyes of the eyes, you have not seen yourself too." The sword is unparalleled to look at the net eyes.

"You have a merit to the Tempiology Temple. This doesn't mean you can act. I can act unscrupulously. I am a sixth patrol of Time and Space Temple, and you are my subordinates, I have to put you in the squad now. Even if the Bai Star Temple is absolutely not saying more, if you don't believe it, you will now send them two times. You see if the two will take care of you. "

"It's impossible!" The main heart of the eyes still has a certain confidence, but when he sent it to the White Star Temple and the Dorm, the two people did not reply to him, and the Lord of the eyes panicked.

He also finally found himself wrong.

He thought that he was in the temple of the Tempora, and he would not be lower than the sword.

But the fact that the sword is unparalleled in the temple of the Temph Tempth, and the Tempral Temple is very important to him, and many people have already seen it, and the Temporary Hall is to think about the sword. Heir to cultivate.

Moreover, with the unparalleled talent, how long does it take for a long time, it can become the top power of the Taiji Shen, whether it is a master-level, but it is absolutely difficult to achieve the sixth level of the void.

Such a person, it is a void three-level.

Like now, he has sent it to the Bai Star Temple and the heel, but it is not to pay attention to him.

Obviously, Bai Star Temple is standing on the sword, there is no pair of swords, but also a sword is unparalleled to suppress him to the disposal of no jail.

"The Lord of the eyes, I know that you are very uncomfortable now, so I can give you a fair opportunity, and I will say that I am pulling people." The sword suddenly said.

"What opportunities?" The owner of the eyes immediately saw it.

"The gods, I have always pay attention to the strength, you don't accept me, not because I am just a non-dead relationship, so I will give you a chance now, you and I am going to make a pair, and I am standing here. If you can resist it, you can let me retreat, I will lose me! "

"If I lose, I will not send you no jail, but even in the inspection guard, I will never or again, in other words, you can do anything after you will do it." Sword is unparalleled .

"When?" The eyes of the net eyes spoke, staring at the sword.

The crowd next to each other is facing each other, and the expression is very rich.

"What I said, naturally, but if you lose, you will be old to accept my punishment." The sword has no double.

"Yes, if you win, don't say that I will get into the noble prison, even if I kill me, I will never have two words." The net eyes are holding hands, and the excitement is excited.

He didn't want to lose himself.

After all, he is a genuine void three-level, and it is also a very strong existence in the three situation of the void. Even if it is the four levels of the empty, it can also be entangled, so that the sword is unparalleled ...

Although he said that the battle was shocking, he knew that the sword was unparalleled to complete the record. It is some special factors in it. As for the sword, there is no self-power, it will be It has achieved the threshold of the truth.

Even more than four hundred years, the strength of the sword has refined, but as long as there is no breakthrough, it will be strong.

The main point of the eyes is estimated that the sword is unparalleled, and the top of the truth is also the top of the truth. The strength is similar to him. It can be found that the sword is unparalleled, but as long as he fails to step, even if he wins.

He didn't grasp the front to defeat the sword, but just just a double step, there is a very large grasp of confidence.

After the war of the sword and the net eyes, the many strong people of the inspecting guard have retired around, giving the sword unparalleled, the net eyes of the eyes, and at the same time, the crowds of the Guard began. Discuss it.

"The patrol makes adults to the eyes of the eyes, you said, who will win?"

"Unclear, more than four hundred years ago, patrol makes adults have greatly, and his talent is impossible to have no progress, it is really better than fighting, it is estimated that the patrol will make adults will be more stronger, but The patrol said that the adult said that this battle as long as the main point of the eyes will force a step, it will be lost, which is hard to say. "

"Well, the overall strength, affirmed that the patrol makes adults, after all, the patrol of the Temporation Temple is said to be a void four, since he can be the patrol, even if it does not have the truth, it is estimated Almost, but the main point of the eyes is not more than the patrol to defeat the patrol, as long as you want to make the patrol, you will take a step. "

"This battle, it is difficult to say, but this battle is that the patrol makes adults take the initiative, and the patrol makes adults must have certain grasp."

Everyone discussed, most of them think that swords are unparalleled.

After all, these non-dead saints now have almost blind worships for the sword. Don't say that the sword is unparalleled is just the net look of the last void three. They all feel that swords are unparalleled.

As for the mains of those rules, it also believes that the strength may be unparalleled, but this battle is still difficult.

The center of the camp has been vacated, and the two ends of the battlefield, the sword is unparalleled with the net eyes are always held.

"The Lord of the eyes, you first shot." The sword is unhealthy and indifferent, looking at the net eyes, the cloud is light, there is no half of pressure.

"Jian Tianhou, this is you looking for." The Lord of the eyes is smile, his eyes have become cold, and from his body, the strong breath has been unscrupulous sweeping.

This breath, agitating the heavens and the earth, and the time is actually formed a huge storm.

"This sword is Hou, more than four hundred years ago, there must be a few points of strength, but unfortunately, he is too big!" The net eyes muttered, "don't transfer more to him, directly The strongest blow is displayed, as long as he will force him to retreat, this battle is me !! "

The main points of the net eyes, the endless power of the time, and started to condense with an amazing speed.

At the same time, the net hand of the net eyes also had a pair of dark gloves, and a large amount of time and space rules gathered on the glove.


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