Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3366 persuaded (on)

(The first to come!)



The sink magic is completely mad, at this moment, he seems to be a peer of the enemy from the ancient floods. The shape is sudden, and everyone has never reacted, and he has appeared in a rush from the Joy of the Happy House. In front of the main, then his right hand lightning is a paw, directly putting the power of the rules, and the strange power contained in the palm, almost instantly, the whole spirit of the Lord of the Void Second Rules is quenched. .

The Lord of the Rules of the Happy House is already dead.


The mains around the other rules, they see this scene, they are shocked.

And the sword is unparalleled, it is immediately shot ...

"Painting the ground is a prison, time and space!" The sword is unparalleled, and it covers the power of the majestic time and space of the world, and the moment is covered with the fire.

Time and space binding ... The same is a trick in the time and space, while the surrounding time and space is completely dismissed, this time-space binding is used to limit the opponent action.

However, this time is empty, and it is only a slight shock of the smell of the fire. It is only to break away from him.

"Sure enough, I am changing this time, even if I rely on the Diamatical Golden Flag, it is estimated that the general void five-level strong, want to limit the void six-way, which is the fire of the fire, is not possible." The sword is not bilateral slightly.

He must find a way to stop the sink of the fire, otherwise he will continue to kill like this, many of the many strong people in this world, except for yourself, I am afraid that there are not a few can escape.

Suddenly, the sword didn't have a double look, rushed to the fire magic of the fire: "The fire is the magic, your purple devil has been covered, and as the purple star magic genius, you don't want the purple Magic Revenge? "

The sword has no double voice, and the sneakers have naturally sounded very clearly throughout the heavens and earth, and the scholar martial arts is very clear, and his body is also paid down in the void, and the scarlet is full of stunned scorpions. Suddenly, I watched the sword. "What do you say?"

The sword has no double eyeligh, low departure: "Shen fire magic, you can control your own body, it seems that you still keep your own ingredients, I will tell you now, if you still hold a silk, I want to give purple stars. The monster revenge is planning, then stop, but if you don't have the idea of ​​thinking about the Viox Romance revenge, then you can continue to kill. "

The Shenhuo Master has standing there, but the body is still rushing, but the scarlet in his eyes is slow, the breath of the earth is slowly converged.

Seeing this scene, the sword is unparalleled and easy to tone, "I finally stopped?"

The sword is also very embarrassed. He also don't know if he can stop the fire. However, he can see that this Shenhuo Magner is crazy, but the rules of the rules of the holiday, then How to be crazy, you should keep a sense of reason, and he value the purple Romance again, yourself, there are fewer concerns that you should make the Sink Magic Lord.

Sure enough, the fire magic Lord heard him, although killing did not weakened, but also temporarily stopped killing.

"Kid, what is you just, what is it?" Shenhuo Magic's scorpion is cold, staring at the sword.

The sword has nothing to suck, and the sword will say: "The fire is the magic, I said it is already clear enough, if you are here to let me wait, I will lose the only one can replace your purple Magic The opportunity of revenge! "

"Well?" The fire of the fire is slightly smashed, and it did not open, but he listened to the sword unparalleled.

"The fire of the fire, you should have already seen it, I am not a strong man in the sanctuary of the Yan, I am from the Temporary Temple!" The sword is unparalleled.

"Time and Space Temple?" The temples showed the memory of the Tempiology, but his face is still flat. "The Temporary Temple is indeed a party, even if I am a purple Romance, I don't dare to provoke. But ... I am now destroying now, only the old man is alone, the old man is not afraid of your time and space, even if the old man will kill your people here, how can I come back? "

The Swing Magic is not conceivable, but it is indeed this capital.

To know, he is now super strong in the void, in the Great Gate, unless the main landlord is the Lord of the Sacred Strategy, or the master level personally shot, otherwise no one will make him.

Although the temple of the Time and Space is deep, it is strong, but in the case of time and space, it is afraid that it will take this Shen fire magic Lord. After all, this fire magic is not just horrible with itself, and the purple Raw Devil It has already been covered, but there is no thing that can be constrained or restrictive.

The so-called light foot is not afraid of wearing shoes, the Shenhuo Magic is indeed nothing to do not care about the temple of time and space.

"The Magic Lord of the Fire, with your current strength, my time and space is really no way, but you are also lived from the era of the purple star, you should know the position of my Temple Temple, I am time and space. The temple is in the holy area of ​​Yan Yan, but it has been in opposition, even long years of fighting, although this compensation does not affect the status of the sanctuary of the inflammation, but often makes the Yanzi Sanctuary feel pain. "

"Moreover, now in front of you, like you, there is a hateful hatred with the sanctuary of Yan, absolutely not dead !!" The sword is unparalleled.

"Standing in front of the old man? What you said, is it yourself?" Shen Feng magistrate looked at the sword.

"Yes, it is me." The sword is unparalleled, "I don't stand the holy area of ​​Yan Yan." There is no hateful hatred, and the other life and death sages and the destruction of the sages are not dead, these three major sanctuary, More than once, two times, in order to kill me, I can say that I will be absolutely dead, and there will be no more returning. "

"Hey, kid, you don't look at the mirror before you lie? Who are you? Do you want to say that you have no death with the three sanctuary, this old man believes, but you can I actually said that the three sanctuary in order to kill you many times ... huh, three major sanctuary, if you really want to kill you, you can live now? Who are you? "Shenhuo Magic laughed.

"The fire of the fire, I have not lie to you, I am with the hatred between the three sanctuary, and the three major sanctuary have many times, and I will kill me. The whole is the gods, no one I don't know, you can Going out casually asking someone to ask. "The sword is unbongned.

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