

"This sword is heaven, I really dare to say !!"

"Destroy one party, and even kill a Holy Lord? Who is he?"

"I really don't have a little bit, this sword is in the saints, the Holy Lord and the witch of the saints, although everyone knows that he is definitely used to use some very special power, but the saints can do this Unbelievable, his future potential is really no quince, saying that it is really the strength of the Lord of the State. "

"This sword is Hou, even such conditions, he is willing to accept it, you can see what she is in the obsession of the little lord."

The main people of these rules of the Too Valley are all exchanged in secret news.

"Hey, it's because this obsession is too deep, you should take an early age, otherwise ..." "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "

"Jian Tianhou, although what you said is very shocking, it is also very attractive, even I have been touched by you, but unfortunately, the disciple you said, indeed dying, you say that it is broken I can't let you see her again. "

"Of course, if you really want to see her, it is not a way, after all, you are the people of the Temple of Time, and the talent is so high, the time of the Tempral Temple will definitely value you, you can come out The Temporary Temple is helping to show the time and space, and she will resurrect. "

When I heard the Lord of Yulu, the sword was unbounded when he became extremely gloomy.

He didn't expect that he had revealed enough sincerity, and completely lowered his gesture, almost useful, but the ! !

This is almost no room for he left him.

It's a bit biting, no matter what he said, it is useless.

As soon as the Lord of Yutu, I want him to come to the time and space ...

Yes, the time of the Tempral Temple is very important, if he is going to seek time and space, although the cost of reversing the time and space is very large, it can be said that it is likely to help him once, but the key is that the time and space is not at all Time and Space Temple! !

He has already went to the universe battlefield, and just soon, it is impossible to come back, and it is natural that it is impossible to help him reverse the time and space.

The Lord of Yutu is also known, so she dares to say this, that is, there is no chance to give the sword.

"Anyway, it is dead, you have the ability to ask the time and space to reverse the time and space." Yushu Lord is also clear and connected.

"The Lord, the Yulu, look like, you are really unwilling to give any chance, when you really tear your skin with me." The sword has no double sound has become incomparably cold.

"I have no idea, but the person you said, I did it, I can't help."

"Very good." The sword has become a scarlet, it is like the devil from hell. "The Lord, the Lord, you may not know, I was in the dragon Fengge, people who met the Valley of the Valley at the beginning of you. When I went, I said a word? "

"What?" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "

"I said that I said that if my wife has a long hair, or I have been wronged, I will destroy you too much to forget the door !!" The sword is unparalleled. , ", Now, since you said my wife is dead, then you have too much forgetting the valley, there is no need to exist !!"

"Jian Tianhou, what do you say?" The Lord of Yulu is immediately angry.

"It's a big tone." The main people of the rules that I forgot the Valley are also angry.

You know, too much forgetting, because of the strongest reverberation, you have always been very proud, even three freely alliances, three major sanctuary, they don't have much fear, as for swords, although they exist Some concerns, but I can't talk about the words of the fear.

It is such a person who is looking for all the people of them.

How does this not allow them to be angry!

"My sword is said, I have never lost it. Since I say that you want to destroy you, then you have to die." The voice fell, the sword was directly reached, and a mini palace appeared in his hand. .

When this palace appeared, he immediately attracted the eyes of the Taiwan's strong, because they had inherently in this palace to feel the atmosphere of the saints, and they were not accidentally in the palace, and they were not dead. The disciples who have been invested too much from the sword unparalleled.

"Jian Tianhou, what do you want to do?" The main face of Yushu is cold.

The sword is unparalleled. Just just the idea, the horrible power is directly covered by this mini palace, and in an instant, the dozens of the dozens of too much forgot the Valley in this mini palace, in this stress Under, immediately sneak into the bones, even if you don't die, there is no half point.

This scene, the Lord of the Yulu, the Lord of the Valley, has been an irritation of the rules of the rules.

At this time, the sword is unparalleled, but it appears in his hands, but it is a mini blood tower. This bloody tower exudes the breath of the treasure hierarchy, and the Their eyes are straight, because they have already induced the heart of the chills and candle in the bloody tower.

Similarly, a shocking power will rise in the sword without double, and directly cover the bloody tower.

"Do not!!"


The Lord, the Lord, the Lord of Columg, has been angry.

But the power has actually acts on the owner of the candle and heart, although the two people are all the rules of the rules, but they have been suppressed in the bloody tower, facing the sword unparalleled power, there is no resistance ability.

Booming ~~~ The horrible power is crushed from these two people, and the two people are crushed, but after all, it is the Lord of the rules. Only one impact is not completely killed. But the power of the two has consumed nearly half.

And the sword is no longer a lot of power, it is obviously the second power to overwrite.

"court death!!"

"Block him !!"

The people who have forgotten the Valley are immediately shot.

They didn't dare to give the sword without dual second power, therefore again, one of the power of the power, the main point of the candle in the bloody tower, I am afraid it is very supported, 80% is only dead. ! !

"Jian Tianhou, you are too arrogant !!"

The cold drink came from the Lord of Colhui. At this moment, she is actually destroyed with a surprise.


PS: Today is more coming!

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