Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3383 Threats



"Leave it first?"

The sword is unparalleled, but there is unprecedented firm, "Impossible, anything, I can make a step, but this, I can't retreat !!"

"Seniors, I don't want to forget the enemy too much, but my wife, I am not taken away, the predecessor is not allowed, the younger generation can only be sinned." The sword is unparalleled. " , I took the bloody tower again.

The bloody tower, the power of the candle, the heart of the heart, although the power of the cold, but as long as the sword is unparalleled, it can still be easily killed.

"Jian Tianhou, do you dare?"

"The old lord is here, do you dare to let?"

"Shut up!" The sword was unparalleled with the Lord of the Jade and the Lord of Colump, so that these two people were more angry.

"Little Friends, the old body has not been shot many years. I don't want to go today. If the child wants to continue, then the old man said to be a big bully." The vicissitudes of life is just calming the sword. Unparalleled.

The sword is unparalleled, but it is just a pound of power, this pound is in the moment, and it is ready to cover the bloody tower in front of him, but at this moment ... ... ! !

The old woman in front of the void, his thin body shape, but suddenly disappeared.

When it appears again, it has passed from the sword without double shape, but the vicissitudes have passed through the sword unparalleled poppents, but the latter's body began to dissipate.

The vicissitudes of the vicissitudes of the vicissitudes are slightly sinking.


On the other side, the sword is unparalleled, and the breath is at a short, it is obvious that the old woman has just hit it, and he did not hurt him.

"Time and space movement?" The old woman of the vicissitudes rematched the sword.

"The late generation knew the seniors strongly and unspeakable, even if the front, even if I tied together, it was not the opponent of the seniors, but the seniors wanted to kill me, I am afraid it is not so easy." The sword is unparalleled to the vicissitudes of life. " past.

The eyes of the two were promoted in the void, and the space is completely solidified.

The vicissitudes of life is still a precious look of ancient well-free, and the time and space of the Tempral Temple is indeed extraordinary, and the time and space moved this trick. It is called the strongest life and life means of the Taijie. Over, although the time and space moved, but as long as the time and space is blocked, it can not be used. "

"The time and space is not allowed, but the old man is just a special treasure, as long as it is made by the strong people who are good at time and space, it is not difficult to ban the time and space."

"Yuru, you have the rules you have mastered, there is time and space rules, this jade ring is given to you, and you will show you time and space."

The vicissitudes of the old woman waved, and a purple jade ring was thrown into the past.

See this, the sword is unparalleled, but the horse is so comfortable, "Seniors, you want to make the Yutu Great to show the time and space with the jade ring, I am afraid I may not stop me."

The sword is unparalleled, and the purple gold for a thick time and space is emerging in his hand.

When I saw this purple gold, the old woman of the vicissitudes finally moved, "Draw the Tianjin Flag?"

"Yes, it is to draw a gold flag, but I don't know the jade ring given by the seniors. Can you get better in my hand?" The sword didn't smir.

"Drawing Tianjin Ban is the top of time and space, in the whole of the gods, you want to find a treasure that is more high than the gold flag level than painting the sky, and is it an old jade ring. Compared to, the old man just didn't expect that the Tempral Temple will give this drawn Tianjinqi to you, it seems that you are very valued for your little friend. "The old woman of the vicissitudes said.

"Since the predecessors know that they will know, they should know that with my use of time and space rules, add this painting Tianjinqi's owner, and Yizhen will make the time and space forbidden, I can easily break down. The predecessors still can't let me stay completely. "The sword has no double.

"Yes, it is like this." The old woman nodded slightly, and she understood that she had the strength of the sky, but she wanted to kill the sword here, still impossible.

"The predecessors can't kill me, but I can easily kill the people who have forgotten the Valley, such as the Lord and Cold Heart of the Candle Heart in the Blood Color Tower, as long as I think, she will die, so I hope The predecessor can consider what I said before. "The sword watched this vicissitudes of the old woman.

"Little friends, are you threatening?" The vicissitudes of life is indifferent.

"Yes." The sword is not booked directly. "Maybe my wife is too important to forget the valley, the predecessor is not willing to make a concession for the owner of the candle and the chill, according to the heart of the candle and chill, only Just start, the predecessor is not promised, from today I started to keep the valley too much, I forgot the strong people of the Valley, no matter who, dare to take too much forgetting the valley, I will immediately It kills !! "

"Whether it costs for a long time, a hundred years, millennium, thousands of years ... unless I die, or you have forgotten the grain, the disciple, the disciple, I want to cross too much forgetting a half-step !!"

The sword is unparalleled, and the cold voice continues to raise in this world, just like the sound of death.

I heard the sword unparalleled, the main thing for the rules of the rules of the Valley, instantly anger.

The vicissitudes of the vicissitudes are also cold.

But no matter how they are angry, they have to carefully consider the threat of swords.

You must know that their indecent can't kill swords, even if they come to their old people, the sword is unparalleled can also rely on time and space to move easily.

And the sword is unparalleled, with his war, if you have been staying from the past, you will kill the people outside the valley, that consequences ... They are too forget, I am afraid.

And although they know that the sword is unparalleled, they can't think of the sword without double threatening the sword before the temple, because the Tempiology of the Temporal Temple is unique, strong, the most important thing is that they are too Mysterious.

Everyone in the Taijie Shen dynasty knows that the Temple of Time and Space is terrible, but so far, in addition to the people of the Tempoken Temple, no one knows where the nest of the Temple of the Temple is.

At that time and space, the old nest didn't know, they didn't forget how to counter-swords too much?


PS: Today is more coming!

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