Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 339, Round Recycle

(The first to come!)


"Jian Tianhou, what is your plan?" The fire of the fire.

"Next ..." The sword is unparalleled to sink. "The friend of the good friend of Maski has taken a while. Before her friend is separated, I can only wait patiently, as for the inspection guard, temporary No task, there is no need to go back. "

The sword is unparalleled to think quickly, and he is suddenly on his eyes. "Right, round to the bead!"

The sword is unparalleled, it is in the blood bank, he has gambled with Guangming Wang, winning a round of rearwear from the Guangming king.

And this round goal is a credential that enters the round-back heaven.

"Return to the sky, is the holy place of the reincarnation rules, I now give the reincarnation rules and time and space rules, but in the sense of reincarnation rules, the distance is completely mastered, but it is still a little worse. If it is me I can enter the reincarnation of the tremendous domain for a while, and maybe it can make a breakthrough, and once I will completely master the reincarnation rules, then my strength will increase again. "The sword has no pair of hands.

He is very clear, in this world, no matter where it is, no matter what he wants to do, the most important thing is its own strength!

Only their own strength is strong enough, he has the ability to do what he wants to do, so enhancing its own strength, but his top priority.

And that round, it is possible that it is possible to let him improve the strength, and the renewal is in this second day, the sword is unparalleled is just right.

"Shenhuo, I plan to go back to the sky, you can do it with me." The sword said.

"Round back to the sky? Rounded to the ground?" The fire of the fire is an eyebrow.

"Do you know?" The sword is unparalleled to look at the fire.

"Well." The temper is nod. My purple devil is still in the era. The second day can be eligible to have a little less than the Zongmen of my purple magic, and there is too much. One of them, and the other is this round of return. Although this round of return is better than I have forgotten the valley, the strength is not as good as the top card, but it is still a very strong zone. ! "

"As for this round, it has already existed at that time. It is said that this round of backing the world is that the starter of the Round-going back home is created. This place is a cultivator of the reincarnation rules, there is very huge Help, but this turn back to the old ancestors is very weird. "

"He is clearly created by the turn, but after he created a reincarnation of the world, he put himself into the top of the top of the top of the tremendous field, so that these rounds returned to the beads throughout the second The god circle was circulated, as for the inside of the round, he only left a small part. "

"Oh?" The sword has no double look.

Round rewind is a credential that enters the round-back heaven and is a trill.

Such a trill is full of hundreds, but it is only a small part of the round to the old ancestors, but most of them are in the first part of the gods?

This travel is really quite quite.

"At that time, there was no one known this round to the old ancestors. He didn't have so much. After leaving the wheel back to the trees, he went straight to the universe battlefield, and later did not come back. In that era, there will often be a chance to get a round goal, and then enter the reincarnation of the reincarnation, and most of the gains are not small.

"This reincarnation is like this, there may be his deep meaning, in short, this is nothing about us, I am going to this round of the world, but I just want to let the feelings of the reincarnation rules are further refined." Sword is unparalleled smile "Let's go, let's go back to this round."

The only sword is unparalleled with the fire.


During the two days, there were countless paramenions, but in these paramenions, there were a recognized big overlord.

If you forget the Valley, you are all of the hegemon of all signs.

Returning, although it is not too much to forget the Valley, but it is more powerful than it, and the heritage is also deeper.

The territory occupied by the round-back belongs, but the road to the Zongmen, but the secret in the heavens and earth, this heavenly secret is in the case, and the others are not allowed, as for the round of the sky, the same In the secret instructions there.

The sword is unparalleled with the Shenhuo Magn, and it has come to the secretary entrance of the heaven and earth in the round.

The sword is unparalleled, and there is no intention to conceal your own identity. There is no one click on the appearance. I took the rounded ball to the entrance.

As for the sinking of the magic, then after the sword has no double, there is no breath, even if others use the soul to explore, almost not seem to have the specific strength of the Shenhuo Magic, this is the fire magic The means of the means.

Before, the sword was unparalleled to ask some things on the sink magic of the latter. For example, how the fire magic land on the hidden means of the fire, the result of the result is that the Shu Fire Magic is also a door. Nothing secret, this secret is similar to the shadow of the sword unparalleled, can hide the void, so that the soul can not be perceived.

Even somewhat, this secret surgery of the Shenhuo Mart is slightly better than no shadow, because of this, before the peace of the teasis in the purple crystal sea, the sword is unparalleled and happy. Initially, the presence and position of this indulgence, it is best to be swords and unparalleled to draw the sky gold flag to show the time and space of the gold, and completely master a time and space, in order to find the fire magic.

Have such a means, plus the secrets of hidden breath, if this is the fire, if you don't want others to know his specific strength, the average person even is the Lord of some strength, can't see it.

But if it is really fierce battle, it will be different.

"When the troubles and discipline, they said that the Temporant Temple of Temporative Temple came to visit the beads. I want to enter the reincarnation of Guizong." The sword will come back to the beads, and the disciple of the reincarnation of the secret entrance.

"Round back to the bead?" The renewal of the reincarnation of the secret entrance first saw the wheel and treated, and immediately saw that this round of Pearl is true, and then they immediately remembered the name of the sword.

"Jian Tianhou?"

"Jian Tianhou in Time and Space Temple?"

"That super monster?"

The disciples of these rounds came to see the sword unparalleled eyes, and immediately became quite wonderful, but soon someone came in and reported.


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