Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3401 Tianzu Road



"Haha, Tianhou Xiaoyi, unimaginable, will come to the old man with your current strength? I don't know what the old man can do for you?" Basis very humble, posture is also very low.

He always remembers that the sword is just a heavy day, but it is just a small guy who is an initial junior hierarchy. Although the talents are very high, let him be very optimistic, but he thinks that the sword is unparalleled. Start the impact.

But I didn't expect, with time, the growth rate of swords and unparalleled growth became more and more amazing, and the famous gods of the Taiji also became more and more, especially the first battle in the island, but also thoroughly shocked the entire gods.

To now, don't say that he is a general rule of rules, even if it is the whole day of the ancestors, there will be no heart to the sword.

And such a super genius today, this is active to find him, which makes it very faceless while enjoying it.

Obviously the sword is unparalleled, remember him.

"Bills, I really do something, I want to worry about you." The sword smiled.

"Despite it, as long as the old man can do, it will never resort."

"This is the case, because some special reasons, I need to go to the Tianzu Dao Farm to see the spirit ancestors of Jiuzu, I want to ask her to help me." The sword is unparalleled.

"Do you want to see the ancestors? It is also a great ancestor to help?"

"How, is there any trouble?" The sword was unparalleled.

"It is a bit of trouble." Hou Sheng said: "Tianhou Xiaoyou, you may have heard that the nine ancestors of Tianzu Dao Dao is coming, the spirit is the most indifferent, the least gainful, even sometimes she It is not close to the human situation, with your current status, I am afraid that no one dares to ignore you, but only this spiritual ancestor, she will not care about who you are, she will not meet You, no one is sure. "

"I know, but no matter what to say, I have to try it." The sword laughed.

"Well, this way, the old man can ask you to go to the spirit ancestor, see if the spirit will be willing to see you."

"This is not used." The sword is unparalleled. "In addition to seeing the ancestor, I still have something to go to the blood ancestors, so no matter how I have access to Tianzu Road, I now give you It is hope that you can say that people who will say to the blood ancestors first, don't come, I will reject it. "

The sword is unparalleled, has been rejected two times, and every time they are directly played.

But can't you always be in this way in the future?

"This is easy." Berdess smile, "This, kid you can come to my Tianzu Road, and the old man will notify the blood ancestors in advance, and the old man will personally lead you to the bloody Visit. "

"That is labor." The sword has no double-sensitive.

After interrupting the news, the sword is unparalleled to the sink magic Lord next to it. "Is there an interested interest to go to the Tianzu Dao court?"

"Tianzu Dao Farm?" The Shenhuo Magnual Lord is moving, "It is said that the nine ancestors of the Tiansu Road, all of which are the top super strong, my purple Devil, I have been eager to be able to be with this nine One of the ancestors, but there is no chance, and this time I have a chance, of course, I have to go to see, if I can fight against one or two people in Jiuzu, it is better. "

"Haha, let's go."

The sword is unparalleled and smiled, and when it is in touch with the fire.


The three freely affiliated alliances of the Taijie Shenjie is a recognized three major Zhiqiang's hegemony. At a certain extent, even the three major governments are taboo.

And such a three freely alliance, its old nest is also quite special.

Like a gappeng, directly occupying two big stars as the old nest, and these two stars can be made by people to refine in a great means, not too early to naturally born.

Time and Space Temple, as a mysterious synonym, where is the specific location of his nest, no one knows, even if it is the strong man of the Tempora, it can only rely on special methods to enter its old nest.

As for the Tianzu to the field, his nest is also very unique, its location is above a floating land outside the three days.

This land is a huge battlefield, which is the leader of the ancestors in the ancestors of the ancestors many years ago, it is not the goddess, but it is the vast universe.

Natural land is also very different from other places else, and the cultivation conditions are superior to the other places in the gear world.

The huge floating land, completely covered under a heavy magnitude, and at the forefront, the entrance to the big array, except for many guards, there are two portions that have emitted their lives. There.

These two people are the Lord of Rules, one of which is the hundred and unparalleled message, as for another person, it is the bitterness! !

At the beginning of the blood wave, countless non-dead saints for the madness of the blood banking, this bitter is the strongest person in the Tianzu Daozhi, and he also got a blood wavelength, thus Breaking through the blood wavefrend became the Lord of Rules.

Tianhou Xiaoyou has already sent me, immediately he is coming. "Hundreds of open mouth.

"Jian Tian Hou ..." once again heard this name, the bitter look is very complicated, "before he was in the blood wave, this sword is still flat with me, and even the beginning is much better than me. But now, although he is still just a saint, its strength beyond me early, I really don't know how he cultivated. "

"You don't have to be discouraged, I listen to the people of your blood, said that you have already opened the secret of the heavei, I am afraid how long it can be done, once you open up the talents, you have a lot of will, that is also The Lord of the rules of the embarrass, compared with Tianshou Xiaoyi, the difference is not too much. "

"How can I be bad? In the island of 400 years ago, this sword is a strong four-seat strong, and now in more than 40 years, his strength is sure. "The bitterness slammed.

Next to the guards of the Tianzu Road, they are all surprised to talk about these two people talking in the model.

They are very clear about the strength of these two and the status of the ancestors.

"There are many people who have suffered from the hardships. It is obviously waiting for someone. Can you let these two adults have been waiting here?" The escort is very curious.

And after a long time, there are two people with two people.


PS: Today is more coming!

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