

The sword is unparalleled to this Qiankun ring, but the ancestors are different.

Tiandao's arrival is divided into the nine ancestors, just because the faction is more, so the factions are not too many, especially the blood ancestors, there is a need for sufficient resources. OK, and now the sword is unparalleled, but the Qiankun Ring left by the blood north.

That can be a collection of a virtual five-level, and the light is that there are many pieces of the treasure, which is definitely in the snow.

Sure enough, after the sword did not take the Qiankun Ring, the Raolian's main horse took the Qiankun ring, and when he saw the seal left by the blood north, he was a happy, waiting for him. Qiankun ring seal broke, after the things left behind, the laughter of the ancient wheel is completely impurned.

"Mr. Tianhou, this time is trouble, I represent the whole blood ancestor, for Mr. Tianhou, I am grateful !!" The owner of the ancient wheel is some excited.

"Thank you, I don't have it." The sword is unparalleled, "If you really say thank you, the help of the blood north give me more, if there is no, my growth is never so fast, as for this Qiankun ring Bring the blood ancestors, I just just raised my hand. "

"This is the case, but if there is no Mr. Tianhou, my blood ancestors will never have to stay in the blood north." The main road of the ancient wheel.

"Don't say this." The sword is unparalleled to the topic, "the owner of the ancient wheel, I came this time, in addition to this Qiankun to your blood ancestral ancestor, there is also something."

"Mr. Tianhou but said nothing." The owner of the ancient wheel is very enthusiastic.

"Yes, I have a very important thing, I want to ask the spirit ancestors of the Tiansu Dao to come to help, but I heard that the spirit is for people, I want to see her is very difficult, let alone ask her, If I see it directly, I am afraid that this spirit is not necessarily for me, so I want to invite the ancient wheel to go to a trip. "The sword has no double.

"Mr. Tianhou, are you going to come to the blood ancestors?" The main prince of the ancient wheel is not double. "

"This is the case." The sword nodded.

The main eyebrows of the ancient wheel have frowned, and the people of the blood ancestors also face each other, and it is obviously a bit difficult to see from the look.

"Mr. Tianhou, since you know that the spirit of the ancestors is alive, almost do not ask the world, and she is with my blood ancestors, there is not much longer, and I have never owed my blood ancestors, what I want to It is hard to do it. "The main road of the ancient wheel.

"Oh?" The sword was unblorated.

"Of course, no matter how this spirit is sold, I will not sell my blood, I will send her someone, try to try it, but I can't guarantee it." The main road of the ancient wheel.

"Then thank you." The sword has no double smile.

He knows that it is not necessary to sell the face, but no matter how it said, the blood ancestors are going to see more than yourself.

"Take a moment, I will ask you now." The Lord of the ancient wheel began to communicate in this temple.

However, the owner of the ancient wheel is not a blood ancestor, and has not been directly connected to the spirit of the ancestors. He can contact it just a waiter who followed by the spirit.

"I have already sent a woman around the ancestors, she now tells to the spirit of the ancestors, but time, we have much more." The main road of the ancient wheel.

"It doesn't matter, I am waiting here." The sword has no double smile.

"Mr. Tianhou, it is rare to come to my blood ancestors, I will sit more." The old man laughed, "people, watch tea!"

Soon, tea was sent up, and the sword was unparalleled in this temple, and the people of many rules of the blood ancestors were sitting. On the way to drink tea, they will occasionally exchange a few words.

In this process, the sword is unparalleled, but it is the main people of these rules of the blood ancestral, and there are fewer sorrows in their look.

"The owner of the ancient wheel, this time is there anything in the blood ancestors, how do you see your look, it seems to be a bit?" The sword is unparalleled.

"This ..." The Lord of the ancient wheel hesitated, followed by the road: "Mr. Tianhou, I can't compare, my blood ancestors have encountered a lot of trouble this time."

"Oh? Let me listen." The sword is unparalleled. "

"Mr. Tianhou wants to know the pattern inside the day of the Tianzu Road, although it is one of the three free leagues, but the ancestors have a lot of the ancestors, and there are nine factions, although these factions have been left, on weekdays It is also changing the battle, the purpose is to get more resources, so that yourself is stronger! "The Lord of the ancient wheel began to say.

"In these nine factions, there are four faunctions of the four factions, my blood ancestors, one of the strongest four factions, we are not only standing on the top, but has reached the void The blood ancestors of the six-level peaks are sitting in the town, and the main strength of the rules is extremely strong. Although there is no second void six-level strong, but only five in the sky, but there is a feet of three. "

"Just because the high-level strength is so strong, my blood ancestors have been very strong in the nine veins, and the resources occupied are also very much, but they will happen noton!"

"First of all, the blood north falling in one of the three virtual five-state power, let my blood ancestors have a big war, but not long, my blood ancestors have another void five-level strong in the universe battlefield. When you sway, you encounter a sudden crisis, falling in the universe battlefield, this time, it is equivalent to letting my blood ancestors' three voids directly fall back, only I am still alive. "

Sad sigh, the owner of the ancient wheel continued: "If the two people are falling, as long as the blood ancestors are still, my blood ancestors are still extremely strong, and the blood ancestors have always swayed in the universe battlefield. Shortly because of a special insurance, I have encountered some troubles. I have been trapped there. I have been trapped there. I can't take it away in a short time. I can't get it back from the universe battlefield ... "

I heard this, the sword didn't have a double look, and I also suddenly suddenly.

Every faction in the Tiansu Road is very powerful for the resource competition. At this time, the original strong blood ancestors, because suddenly fallen two void five-level strong, even the top beam pillars were also trapped in the universe battlefield, temporary I can't get it, at this time, the blood ancestors are equal to only one of the owners of the ancient wheel.

The other deaf people in the ancestors, will you give up this rare opportunity?


PS: Today is two more.

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