Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3412 Battle Lord

(The first to come!)



Seeing this sword in front of him, the rotaryman was just a cold, but it still didn't care too much. Even in this sword, he did not take out his own blade, just directly in a boxing. Huge sword light bombards.


It's like a metal impact, the strength reaches this level, his body is also comparable to the Shenbing weapon. His fist is completely exceeding the general holy, but with the treasure ratio, but Still a lot of difference.

And the sword is unparalleled, is his own name, with his strength and continuous transformation, now I have already met the treasure level, this sword is on the fist of the rotor, the first time The survey energy of bursting, almost instantly shocked the bones of the rotorner's arm, and the huge power also passed along his arm and passed it to its entire body.

In the midst of the object, it was shocked, and his figure was also fierce this moment, and then fell back.

Directly retreated to the edge of the Baiwang stage, the body of the rotaryman is still standing.

"This power ... At least the peak of the void four, even the difference is not too far from the void, how can this boy, how might?" The rotor is in front of the sword where the sword is unparalleled, full of incredible.

And many strong people watching outside the Bai Wan stage, I have seen this scene, and I also widened my eyes.

"how come?"

"What did I see? The rotary main is turned back by this sword."

"Even if the rotator has just don't do our best, even if it is just a hit, the general rules of the rules can't bear it, but this sword is not only able to withstand, and his sword is full of power. Rolling this hit of the rotor? "


Everyone who is watching is a bit.

"This ..." The owner of the ancient wheel and the blood ancestors, is also full of dullness.

Within the Baodai, the rotary horses are still shocked, but the gradually been shocked by endless anger.

"It is said that it is called the first day of the early gods, the district saints, the power of the district, and the power of the four bosses have reached the most peak of the void, Jian Tianhou, I admit that I am too small. You are, but you will come here. "

The voice fell, and the rotor fiercely sent a dry drink, and his feet were suddenly a pedicry.

~~~ In the empty space under the foot of the Master, save the burst of burst, one foot, and let this hundreds of a small black hole.

The body shape of the rotation is like lightning, so that the breath is unparalleled. He has a long gun in his hand. The Void's five-year-old power is also crazy to have a big gun.

Obviously, the rotor is full.

"Haha, it's good."

Seeing this scene, the sword is unparalleled to laugh. He flashed, he is a heart vibrant, and the figure is slippery. At that moment that is about to be in front of the rotator, he is so strong life. At the moment, the pressure instantly has achieved the ultimate.

, instant display.

"No double sword, !!"

The sword is unfamiliar with the sword. In the blessing of the sky, there is a scarlet sword light, which is filled with half a hundred War platform, and fierce, all the way to ruin.

"Drake the sorrow!"

The rotary main one handed guns, and the long guns were filled with three rules. Two of them were perfectly combined, so that long-tumbles were a dark purple, which is like a dark purple dragon, fierce Whit, annihilated everything.

boom! !

A earthquake in the earth, followed by the hundred battle table, there were countless spatial cracks, these spatial cracks had a hundred meters long, in the constant tear space, and constantly restructured, a destroyed land Scene.

However, this scene did not last long, with a storm, the power of the world began to slow down.

"Haha, whirlman, your strength is just so."

The cool laughing echoeds throughout the Bai Wan Dai, and also spread from the Bai Wan Dai, sounded in every strong ear of watching.

The many strong people who watch the battle, see the scenes in the Baiwang stage, all completely.

"The first collision is a big idea of ​​the rotor, and I haven't taken all the strength. Even if I have been defended, I can accept it, but now the rotary mains have come out all the strength, and the result is a positive collision, but it is still in the wind. ? "

"It is indeed in the wind, I see very clear."

"How can this be? The Jian Tianhou's attack is powerful, how can it be strong?"

Everyone feels incredible.

Even the rotarymith, I have not dared to believe my eyes at this moment.

Indeed, this is the second collision, he has already taken all the strength, but in the collision, he is still slightly lower, this result makes him feel some of time.

Only the sword is unparalleled, but it doesn't feel unexpectedly for this result.

"Although I am just not dead, because of the relationship between the perfect life level, my foundation power is more powerful, and it is not a big difference than the general rules, and even slightly better, and I have already mastered the three will. If you are in your life, it is equivalent to four willing energy, and ... ... "

"Master's strongest secrets, I have not met the ultimate, but I have been present in my current level, and the power to me is more than a lot of will. It is more than a lot of will. Now, I am almost equivalent to mastering five willful! "

"The foundation of the foundation is mainly stronger, plus the will power is also equivalent to a lot, synthesizing, I am in an instant power, of course, there is much stronger than the void, the only regret What I have created, the level is slightly lower. "

In the unparalleled swords created in the sterilization, the sword is unparalleled, including the seven-fed-style swords, has reached the rules of the rules, but the same is the Lord of the rules. This seven-type sword surgery is equivalent to the scholar creation of the truse three-legged. If it is based on the level, it can only be considered higher in the rules.

And the rotary main, there are many years, and the scholars he created is naturally strong. It is absolutely the peak of the rules, the peak of the rules, is absolutely the peak of the rules. A lot of strong energy in power.

But even if there are some differences, you can rely on the strength of power, this collision, he still occupies a little wind!

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