

"Purple god water? What is it, is it very precious?" The sword didn't have a double frown.

In his opinion, the Magic Lord, that is the genius of the purple Roth, the treasures accumulated throughout the purple Rodge, which is in his hands, including a lot of genius, as long as it is The high-end treasures in the gods, the sinks should have.

If you can't get out of the Shu Lord, it will inevitably be the most rare, the most difficult thing to get through the whole.

"No, it is not too precious treasure." The Shenhuo Magic is flat. "Although it is too precious, it is not too precious, but it is replaces the meridians in this little guy. During the day change process, one of the most important treasures that need to be used, and the amount of needs is very huge, it takes 100 million drops in foot! "

"Billion drop?" The sword was unparalleled.

Although this purple god, he didn't know, but even the ordinary river water, 100 million drops gathered together, it can be a river.

"It's a lot of money, I don't have so much in my hand." Shen Fire Mode.

"Since this purple god is not expensive, it will get one million drops, it is not difficult, I will give it to me." The sword is unparalleled.

"Well, take the power of the Tempora of Tempral Temple, you have to get 100 million drops of purple gods, it is indeed light and easy." Shen Fire Master.

Can anger the fire magic, but the sword is unparalleled. It didn't want to get so much purple gods from the Tempora Temple, but the first time I thought of the Jade!

As a Jade, as the three freely alliances of the Taijie Shenjie, ranking in the first alliance, its forces all over the gods of the gods, in which the third heaven, there is naturally a lot of the secret nest.

At this moment, the sword is unparalleled with the fire magic and Zhao Mang came to the Tianleng in one of the secret nests in the nine nine-north domain.

"Indecent, you are waiting for me here, I will come to you." The sword has no double.

"Well." The fire is slightly nodd.

The sword is unparalleled is alone in front of the secret nest.

The secret nest of the has never been there for a while, and he is now at the level of the , should still stay in the level of the heaven, even though his strength, long-term exceeding the sky Even the royal member.

After entering the secret nest, the sword is free to come to the treasure hall.

"Jian Tianhou, I haven't seen you for a long time." The indifference sounded.

"Tissot's adults, I haven't seen you for a long time." The sword is unparalleled and smiling and looking at the portrait in front of him.

Trusted Tissot in Treasure Pavilion, whether it is in the treasure hall of any nest, you can see him.

"What do you need?" Tissot asked directly.

" ." The sword is unparalleled.

"Purple god water, one thousand sorrows, how much?" Tissot was still calm.

"One million drops!" The sword is unparalleled.

"So many?" Tissot also recognizes the color of the surprises, followed by directly: "Ziqi god water, with the permission of the heaven, the top more can only redeem 100,000 drops, but ..."

"But what?" The sword walked over.

"With your permissions, as long as you can take so many Santanes, you can redeem one million drops." Tissot.

"Why?" The sword was unparalleled.

"You may not know, you are now in the , has been upgraded to the original level." Tissot said.

"What?" The sword was unparalleled.

He remembers very clear that he is just a member of the heaven, when is it, become the original member of the ?

And according to what he knows, the original member, that is, the true core layer of the , its permissions are also very big, they did not go to the test of the core layer, even the queues of the trip did not complete, how to The child became the original member?

"Your authority is that the three palace owners of the Tiangong will come up with you." Tissot also said.

I heard this, the sword was unparalleled.

The three palace owners of the Tiangong ... he never met with the three palace owners, but the three palace owners gave him a lot of benefits, from the beginning, let him enter the secret city, come back later He is life-saving, and now he is still in the premise of him, he has reached its original level in the privilege of the .

"The three palace owners, I am too good for me. What is the purpose of do they have?" The sword is not confused, but there is not much thought.

After all, he has not truly hit the three palace owners, and then deduct it later, and naturally know the goal of the other party.

"Since there is permission to exchange, then it is good, one thousand Santa Dan is purged with water, and the 100 million drip is a hundred billion Santa, but I don't have so much Sundam, I have used God." The sword is unparalleled.

"Can." Tissot nod, "what else?"

"I still need some things that can have a great help for the rules of the entertainment." The sword has no double.

"Too for the rules of the entrance, I am too much here, but based on your current permission, I can eliminate the treasures of most of the hierarchies, it will be very high. For you to really use the treasure, the list is given to you. "Tissot was finished, and he waved a unique information throughout the dense numbers, and there was a unparalleled in the sword.

Although this list has been selection of Tissot, the treasures of nine-centious nine are eliminated, and there are still tens of thousands of treasures, which are greatly helpful, and of course the price of certainly exchange. It is also very high, and many are all members of the average level, and the critical members cannot be exchanged.

The sword is unparalleled, it looks like this list.

I have a good job in half a day, and the sword has finally decided.

"Tissot adult, I want to exchange the complete gangnami and the most advanced Blizzard, and another hundred destroyed gods and ten destroyed Ten Dan." The sword is unparalleled.

"Oh?" Tissot looks, "big hand, the blizzard, the destruction of the goddess, the day, the world," Cangjiu Volume ", is the Taijie Shenjie once a destruction rule The ultimate void six-level peak is left, and the inside includes his perception, and the use of destruction rules. It is very complete, you can say that the entire destruction rules are included! "

"This thing can be said to be the best auxiliary treasure of the rules of the rules. In the , many people who have the rules of the rules want to exchange this" ", but most of them are only a volume of the redeem , And you don't have to exchange this nine volumes all one time? "


PS: Today is two more.

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