

"It is an enemy with you, and is an enemy in the sky?" The witch god frowned.

To be honest, a single life is not afraid, but if it is the entire sky, it is completely different.

Tiantang, even in the universe battlefield, it is also a very strong force, although it is relatively far from the gelenolism, but the influence of the Tiange circle can still be involved here, if it is true to the whole sky Enemy ... The master of the sky can have a lot of powerful, and the strength is better than him, and the top of the top exists, and there is a frontal killing of his qualifications.

Therefore, there is some kind of jealousy to this sky.

"The king of life, although you haven't played too much hand, but your big name, there is the sky behind you, I still know, you are the sky, and the pharaore is a dead enemy, this point I It is also clear, but I am not a distortion of the phalan, if I maintain him, I will wait for the whole sky, then I can't say it. "The witch low Shen said.

"Joke, you practice the illusion of the phalancun, how can you count the people? If you can't calculate it, it is also a great relationship with the pharaorer, and I am a sky, of course you have to kill!" The king of life is cold.

"Pluto is cultivating the illusion, but this is just that the opportunity of the fantasy will have a fantasy practice, but he has never had any contact with the magic [, this point you want to see it, after all, if If he is in contact with the phacoemple, he has already taken the phantom to the old nest to cultivate, and how will it stay in my seat? "Witch God.

"Hey, who knows him to be used in you, and finally kill him, there is no problem." The king of life is cold.

"The king of life!" The voice of the witch became gloomy. "I have already explained again, you have to be aggressive? Well, I will tell you now, this Pluto is the soul servant, he has been aware of my consciousness. Control, is my heartfelt servant, and my origin, you should also know some, I have no relationship with the pharace, but there is no relationship. "

"The soul slave?" The king of the king is moving, and the eyebrows also have a surprise.

If Pluto is just a witch's hand, the king of life has a reason to kill him.

But if the soul of the witch, the consciousness of the Pluto is completely controlled by the witch, and the death is not important, as long as the witch is not entangled with the magic, the origin of the witch, the genius king Of course, I know that there is no entanglement.

"Witch, you said he is your soul slave, this, how to prove?" Life King Road.

"It's very simple, I let him not resist, you use the soul of the soul to explore his body, if you leave my soul imprint." Witch opened, "But before I find, I have to warn you, don't What is your hand in the dark, after all, this slave is still quite bigger, if you are daring to move to him, even if you are a Tiantang people, then I can have a way to pay a price, After all, here is the first god, you are being limited here, you can be much bigger than me. "

"Reassured, if he is your soul servant, then I naturally will not have a hand and feet of him." The king nodded, followed by a soul power, and covered the past.

Pluto also did not resist, just a moment, and the king took the soul power back.

"How?" The witch came over.

"You are right, he is indeed your soul slave, in this case, look at your share, this seat will not be difficult to be difficult." Destinate Wang Dao.

"This is good." The witch nodded slightly.

At this time, the sword is unparalleled, "Witch God, the king of the king, did not kill your soul servant, but today, this is nothing to do with your witch, you still intend to bill it, Your soul servant, I am afraid I can't keep it. "

The sword is unparalleled.

Even if the king of life will not shoot again, but because the life of the life has just broken the magician of Pluto, and the power of the beads is still surrounded by this void. Here, Pluto also refused to show In the fantasy, it is easy to defeat or kill him as long as there is no illusion.

As for the witch yourself, it is nothing but a consciousness, the war is not too strong, and there is no much impact on the situation on the field.

"Jian Tianhou ..." The witch is very eye-catching, he deeply watched the sword is unparalleled, but it is a smile, "the little guy, the last time I ate a big loss in your hands, I thought it was not so fast that you deal, But I didn't expect the world, and we saw it now. "

"That is also too wide, otherwise it is not so much." The sword has no double.

"Maybe, but today, it is indeed that there is no big melon with my witch, I just just want to be a relationship with the matter, but I didn't expect to get the situation like this, but since I can't do a good person. , Then this booth, my witch god is not helpful, how do you love? "Say!" The witch finished, the body is directly dissipated.

As for the relationship between Pluto, because of the relationship between the jade five kills, he didn't leave directly. Sorry he directly brushed into the edge of the air, closed his eyes, no longer resort.

The witch is conscious, and the death of Pluto is also obviously not intended to shoot again.


Yes, it is despair!

Under the premise of do not have any other helpers, he two people, how to stop the bones and strange, two people?

Al don't say that there is a jade five kill in the surrounding, and the sword is unparalleled.

Tian Luo Side, they didn't escape, and there was almost no hope.

"Blood Lord, there is also baby, you are two, or go to the road earlier." The sword is unparalleled.

The elderly and the scholars are smirk, and the two immediately shot, crazy attacked blood owners and baby.

"no no!!"

"It's over, I'm finished!"

Blood owners have been completely desperate, and their two now can do it, they do their best to make themselves longer.

But the efforts of them are obviously in vain, after all, the gap between the two sides is too big.

The baby is hitting, the strength is sharply reduced, and it is not possible to support it in the bones. It is not able to support it directly by the bones.

Subsequently, the bones were born with the Shenhuo Magist, only used it for a short time, and the blood owners were also killed.

Since then, the blood owner is killed with the baby, it is killed!


PS: Today is more coming!

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