(The first to come!)


"Thank you!"

Tian Xinjian holy passed the jade bottle, and a thank you, the spin took out a few Dan medicine to start swallowing.

After swallowing, the temperament of Tianxin Sheng Sheng is significantly better than before.

Deep sucking the tone, the heart of the sword is low. "The teacher, destroying my purple blind door, is a well-known, and there is also a strong power of hundreds of ghosts."

"Hole"? Hundred Ghost? "The sink is cold.

"Kong Yin, is one of the seven forces of this blood unit. The overall strength can only be considered medium, and the hundred ghosts, it is barely calculated that one of the two days of hegemony, compared with the blood Houfu, It is only a slight difference. "The Lord of the truth is explained next to it.

"I am very violent, because of the heavy rises of the rise, so it is easy to provoke some large forces, like this sound, I have never sinned, but then Kong Yin teaches me to know where, I have a top to Bao in the Zip Blood Door, so I have a heart. "Tian Xinjian holy.

"Top to treasure? Is there anything in your purple blush door?" The sword didn't have a double.

"There is a one, or the top of the suppression is the top of the treasure. It is the best in a secret, and the value is indeed very high. I didn't expect it that this is the top of the suppression of the treasure. The disaster of the entry! "Tianxin sword holy hands were gripped, and the face also became tap.

"My purple blind door is not weak, and I have a good power of my own, but I can't help me. However, Kong Yin is secretly looking into a strong man of 100 ghosts, so that hundreds of ghosts sent. The three rules of the rules jointly launched, directly into my purple door, my purple blond door lost, Qiu Tomb Daughter, Lingfeng Dynasty, Due to the scene, the many elders, the disciples were also killed. "

"Originally, Kong Yin teaches the strong people in the hundred ghosts, is intended to kill all the many practitioners in my purple blush door, but because of the time of the blood yuan in the serial area, some slaves responsible for the mining of blood, so They will imprison my disciples in my purple blind door, and suppress the repair, I have been brought into this bloody domain, and I started to open the blood of the blood! "

"Originally, these disciples left in my purple blind door will slowly die in this blood it domain, but I didn't expect that the teacher, you actually live ..."

"The brother of the fire, you must revenge for my purple blush door, revenge for the tomb of Qiu, the Ling Feng brother !!" Tianxin swordsman showed.

He is from the original purple devil, and he is very clear that when the Viox is still there, the sinking magic will be recognized. At that time, it is already very powerful. The rules of the rules, and now that in that years, the strength is definitely more terrible.

At this point, you can see the record of 100 sergeants from just that waves, and also kills the record of the Lord of the rules.

A uncle is so strong, let Tianxin Jian Sheng have seen the hope of revenge.

"Reassured, the Qiu Tomb with the lungery of the two people, the old man will report it for them." Shen Zhu Devil's eyes have an angry in burning, "Tian Xin, you will first convene the disciples of the Zijingmen, all convene all "

"Yes." Tianxin sword holy nod, start to call.

In a short while, the many disciples in this bloody door have gathered here, and they are looking at thousands.

These disciples, most strength, because of strong strength, have been killed by Phoenix, and the reason why they did not kill the hearts of the heart, because Hole taught to better control these people, and mining blood for them Yuanshi.

These disciples gathered in this, but the expression is very awkward.

They have learned that some people come to save them, and those who come, or the Sale of the heart of the world, a master of the rules that are extremely old, and powerful.

But the scholar Magic owned, they are strange, they have never listened to Tianxinjian Sheng, or the original Qiu Tomb, Ling Feng's Lord said such a teacher.

At the same time, they also have a doubt, that is, the uncle of this Tianxinjian Sheng, can you really save them?

You know, this is a common force, but the seven forces can be almost horizontally in these two seasons, even in the two heavy days, some strengths are very strong, easy to Dare to provoke this seven power.

If you want this seven forces to sell face, let them leave, it is not easy.

These disciples are full of doubts, of course, they are also seen in the eyes with the fire magic owner and the sword.

"Are people here?" The main nature of the Shen fire is alive.

"It's already here." Tian Xinjian holy nodded, "I was in the past, I was tens of thousands of disciples, but the battle of the door was killed, but also fled a lot, and finally suppressed In order to take this bloody valence, there are only more than two hundred people, but more than 500 years, these disciples, many people who can't undertake the blood of the blood, and many of the sergeants, a lot I have chosen my life. "

"Now I can live, I am a firm heart, and people who are more desire for life."

"It's hard for you." Shen Fire Magic is nodd slightly, "Reassured, since the old man is coming, natural will not let you suffer, and will never let anyone, any force bulge."

This, makes the many disciples of the Zijing Door are shake.

"We offer adults, these people are suppressed, and this means of suppression is not weak, even if the power of the rules is, only one of them can solve it, restore their strength. "The main road of true."

"The Lord, the Lord, this matter is annoying you." The sword watched the main one.

"Yes." The main point of the truth, no one is willing.

To contact the suppression means on these people, it is not difficult to spend the rules, just spend some energy, but don't need anything else, there is certainly nothing to do.

"Tian Xin, you let them wait here, to be the master of the truth to recover for them, and you, now I will go to Kong Yin." Shenhuo Magic's cold channel.

"Go now?" Tianxin sword holy, followed by .

The sword is unparalleled once again told: "The Lord of the true, we went to the hole to teach, as for these disciples of the Zikin door, they handed it to you, and it is necessary to ensure their security."

"Advisory, I am, never someone can hurt them again." The main laughter.

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