Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3528 Trap

(The first to come!)


There are many crisis, full of dangerous places, including one of them, and the famous arrogance is not small.

The surrounding risks are the horrible hurricane, and those hurricanes can easily kill the rules, even if the Lord of the rules of the void, once the chances of the hurricane, the chance of death is very large, such a dangerous place, ordinary The cultivator is not tied, it is easy to go forward.

So, now I see this bitterness is actually escaped in the direction of the rotation, and the Lord of Ziming feels some weird.

The heavy main side of the side is cold. "Here is a relatively close to the whirlwind, this bitter master is chased by you, only crazy to escape, escaping to the whirlwind, is also normal No big deal, he has the Lord of the rules in the bottom of the four-situation, there is no big power behind the background, it is difficult to think about it, I don't think you have? "

The main owner did not care.

If you hear him, the Lord of Ziwei is also nodded, "said it."

Although the two were aware of the mainstay of the bitter, there were some weird, but they did not care too much, and they still continue to chase the past.

Mainly, the two of him teamed up with each other, in the periphery of the Magic Valley, really threaten the top of his two, and this bitterness, there is no big background, so they don't have Too much vigilant and preparation.

Under a chasing, the three quickly entered the cyclone.

In the case of a whirlwind, the master of the heavy, and the Lord of Ziming immediately pericated the horrible hurricanes on both sides.

That hurricane, although there is still a distance from them, it can still give them a feeling of jump.

"Heavy, be careful, the hurricane in this cyclone is extremely horrible, if you are in these hurricanes, I am afraid that I only have to die." Zi Ming's main road.

"I know." He is the main weight, but his eyes have stared at the Lord of the hardship in front, and the eyes flashed in the depths of the eyes. "The speed of this bitter is slow down. "

"Well." Zi Ming's Lord nodded. "From us to kill him, he is close to us, but gradually, his speed is slow, it seems that he is a certain Secrets, can break out with us close to us in a short time, but with time, his speed will get more slower, so, we can catch him. "

The Lord of the hard work is in the way, the speed has been slowing, and because of this, he will feel that there will be the opportunity to chase the Lord of the hardship, and will kill it, this is not hesitant to catch up with this cyclone. Come.

It can be at this time ... The Lord, who is in front of the crazy escape, but his body is awkward.

Just in the central area of ​​the cyclone passage, I paused, and then turned to look at the main two people and Zi Ming's main two, his face, but also revealed a cold and strange smile.

"The main master from the Star Palace, and the Lord of the Supreme, the Lord of the Swagence, and the chasing me for so long, the two are not tired?" The master of the hard work is clear.

"Well?" The main color of the heavy main and purple is a sink.

From the spirit of the Lord of the Presbyter, there is a word of his words, let them immediately have a bad hunch.

The eyes of the hard work suddenly looked at the side of the side, "I don't know if the two rules of rules are in line with your mind?"

"Adults?" The main color of the heavy main and purple is changed.

Sure enough, after the Lord of the Pharmacies, he was on the side, which was the hurricane on that side, and a shower slowly took out.

"Is there anyone? And, is it hidden in the hurricane?" The master of heavy shocking.

They are very clear about how horror on both sides of this cyclone, even the most edge of hurricane, in general, can easily kill the Lord of Vacancy Five Rules, and the Lord of the Rules of Void, I am afraid it can only Canada, unless there is a strong six-level strong, there is a strong hollow six-level strong, and can stay in the edge of the hurricane.

Now, this person is obviously hiding in the hurricane in the edge. It has been withstanding the attack of the hurricane, but he also hides himself through the hurricane, letting the master of the heavyweight, the main point of the Zi Ziming. I didn't find there in someone there.

Until the heavy main with Zi Ziming came here, and it was very close to his position. He finally came out from the hurricane, and appeared in front of the main and Zi Ming.

Can do this, his strength, nature is nothing doubtful!

"Practice, do it, this is to reward you."

The person who came out of the hurricane took a look at the main one, and waved a Qiankun ring in the past.

"Thank you, thank you." The mainstancy of the hardships over the Qiankun Ring, and the face also revealed the color.

The Lord of Heavy Sinking and Zi Ziming also clearly understood the appearance of people, and also recognized each other in the first time.

This recognition, the two people feel in the end of the world.

", !!"

"It's he!"

"Is he not in the depths of the magic smoke, when did you run to the peripheral area of ​​Magic Valley?"

The main color of the heavy main heel of purple.

The Lord of God is a super power of the rise of the strong Valley in the year, and it is still a madman who knows the killing of killing.

When he crushed in the Magic Valley, all the strong people who met, no matter what the opponent is, what is the background, and it is innocent!

And his own strength is strong, it is the peak in the heart of the Sixth Affairs.

Such a madman, all parties, including strong people in all stars, are even unparalleled, and they don't dare to provoke.

Like the Star Palace, it has already ordered it, but if there is a strong in the Magic Valley, as long as you encounter this God, you must escape immediately, and you know the existence of the other party, you will immediately escape, I can't close to the other side. Your opportunity.

Of course, he also remembers this. But he didn't think of it. The Lord of the gods came to the peripheral area from the depths of the magic smoke, and he came, he still follow The Lord of the Pattern, let the mainstay of the hard work design yourself with Zi Ming.

Now, he is here with the Lord of Zi, and the Lord of God is in front of them, while they are close!

"Brothers, escape!"

The master is not hesitant, and then confirming that the other party is the main thing of the gods, it will immediately send out, and turn around to start crazy escape.

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