Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3559 Terrible Two Groups



"This breath is very strange, and he is like this is the master of the blood sword." The main road of the Red Pan.

"The Lord of Blood Sword?" The main brow of the stone.

The sword has no doubles to this nine songs, there is a thirty year. In this time, some strong people have been encountered, with these strong people, some of the news, naturally he came to the Jiuqu's magic cave, the news came. .

"If you really have the Lord of this Blood Sword, it seems that we have to gain something." The main laughter of the stone.

There is also a smile on the main face of the Red Pan. "It is said that although the Lord of this Blood Sword has only the first time of the first-class war, but the ability to lose life is good. This life is mainly from him. High time and space is treasure, it is likely to be the high-level universe of time and space. "

"The high-level universe of time and space is good, although I am also good at time and space rules, but this level of time and space is treasure, I don't." The main thing of the stone flashed.

"It's so, what are you waiting for, hurry over, forced him to pay the time to the treasure." The main road of the Red Pan.

"Of course, just say good, his time, empty to treasure, and finally you can return to me." The main road of the stone.

"No problem." The red master is obviously not much more.

The two immediately slammed the sword in the direction of the sword.

The sword is unparalleled in this nine songs.

In addition to hitting the magic, he got the top of the top of the treasure hierarchy, he did not encounter a treasure with other agency.

As for other power, it has been told with some people, but because there is nothing to fight for the treasure, there is no effort to kill people.

Vision ...! !

The voids around the surroundings are abrupt, and a biggest time and space is completely covered by the peripheral void.

"Time and Space is imprisoned?" The sword was not double-colored.

One of his life-saving methods moved, ignored spatiotemporal flows, and the general time and space blocked did not use it at all, but the time and space was imprisoned, and his recruitment means, it could not be used again.

In the other part, I will directly display the time and space imprisonment. It is not only to explain the understanding of the other party in time and space rules. The most important thing is that the other party came, I am afraid that it is not good.


Two people, abrupt appeared in front of the sword.

The sword is unparalleled, and the two will be recognized.

"It turned out to be the owner of the paradise from the Beihai Palace. I don't know if the two arrive. What is the preciousness?" The sword is unparalleled to look at the two people, and the look is still very calm.

"The Lord of Blood Sword, you should have already felt the surrounding time and space has been completely imprisoned, so don't know what I have two people?" The stone of the stone is interested in watching the sword.

The sword has no double smile, and the road: "Two, I have never hit the face with you, and I have never envissed the Beihai Palace behind the two."

"You don't have to provoke us, but don't mean that we can't take the initiative to provoke you." The main cold of the stone: "The Lord of the Sword, I can give you the opportunity, as long as you will be empty in the empty class Hand, I will leave you, how? "

"Want me to treasure?" The sword didn't have a double eyebrow, he had already guess the purpose of these two people, but he didn't expect him that these two people will jointly deal with him.

You must know, whether it is the Lord of the Stone or the Lord of the Red Pan, is very big in the universe battlefield, and it is extremely difficult to get wrapped in the weekdays, let alone two people join hands.

"I want me to hand over the treasure, it is impossible, if there is really a matter of truth, then I will take it from my hands." The sword has no double.

"Haha, so biliary, in this case, then we are welcome." The main voice of the stone is cold, "the red pup, shot, first let him eat some bitterness, wait for him to know that it is very honest." "

The Red Pan is slightly nod, but then it suddenly looks up.

This looks up, she has seen the strange red eyes, and the sword is unparalleled, and the first time is in contact with the sword.

In an instant, the picture in front of the sword has changed.

"Fu Jun!"

A weak baby is ringing in the sword, and a white woman stands in front. At the moment of her turned, a peerless pleasure of the country is in front of the sword, and this peerless face is unparalleled. Say, what is it is familiar.

That is his wife is cold!

And not only the appearance and body shape, and the touch of the eyes and the temperament on the body, all of the cold as the frost, the sword is almost no difference.

"Fu Jun, save me."

Cold as frost, jade hand, the jade hand, no double, the beautiful appearance of the beauty, let the sword have no double shape can't help but move, just reach out.

But the sword is unparalleled, but it is clear.

"Fantasy! It is a fantasy!"

"Good truth, a terrible illusion!"

The sword has no twunning on a ruthenium, and the will increase to the extreme.

"Broken, give me!"

The sword is unparalleled in the crazy. His will has completely erupts the ultimate, surrounding illusion and the churchy white women in front of the Chu Chu began to drave.

Only for a moment, this illusion collapsed, and the awareness of swords was also returned to reality.

But he just resumed his consciousness, but immediately noticed his front. The Lord of the stone did not know when there was already that, and the whole body was suddenly a large flame, it is like a flame God, this flame The war is holding a big ax in his hand, and it has been rapidly angry directly to him.

The ax is coming, and the vastly driven the flames, it is actually formed a huge fire in the void.

"not good!"

The sword has no double-colored, he just broke away from the illusion, and he quickly ushered in this stone's head, and he didn't come to show any swordsmanship. You can only force the soul of the soul.

clang! !

The big ax with endless flames carrying a thrilling power, directly in the sword of the blossoming sword, the smell of the soul of the soul, the sword of the sharp cut, the sword is extremely thin, very thin, subject to this force The impact, the entire sword is concave, with the ax, continue to smash the sword.

boom! !

In an instant, the sword is unparalleled as if a meteorite is like a meteorite, and the ground falls in the lower ground. In the lower black ground, a huge pothole has appeared immediately, and the sword is unparalleled. bottom.

Of a moment, he raised again.


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