Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3561 Reduction




The sword is unparalleled, but it has reached the back of the Red Pan.

At the same time, a brand new sword mark also appeared on the treasure warlord of the main body of the red.

Unparalleled swords ... Life and death!

"This, this ..." The Lord of the Red Pan is a bit.

She has just been killed by the sword without a double sword, and she has not reacted, and the sword is unparalleled, and the sword is unparalleled, and this sword is still good.

"There is no double sword, the magic sword is nine heavy!"

The sword is unparalleled, and the hidden sword is actually turned into purple lightning, and the sword is full of exclusions.

"Do not!!"

"Stone, save me!"

The main hysteric is the hysterical.

In the absence of the paradise, when I saw the sword where the sword didn't have a double toward the red pup, I just came over, but he didn't think that the speed of the sword was unparalleled. This is so fast, this decisive.

When he came to the main body of the Red Pan, the sword was unparalleled in the sword, and he had already made a five sword.


The master of the paraspine drunk, and the big ax on the raging fire is directly pressed by the sword.

The terrible momentum is completely pressing the sword and unparalleled, which makes him unable to cut the remaining four swords.


The sword is unparalleled, and there is an anti-hesitation, escaping the main ax.

Subsequently, the sword was unparalleled, but it was gently sigh. "Unfortunately, I still can't kill her directly, but I also give them a lesson, this μ."

There is no more nostalgia without double, and turn it out directly.

And the main cause of the paradise is the relationship between the red and the main relationship, and no longer chase, can only look at the sword unparalleled disappearance in his sight.

"Red, you are nothing?" Asked the treasure.

At this moment, the Lord of the Red Pan is still a bit awkward, until the sword is unhappy, she has a long vomiting, "lost nearly 70% of the power, but I have been coming over time. Otherwise, just now, I can be directly killed by the Lord of the Sword! "

She is talking about the fact.

She is not positively fighting, facing the scary swordsmanship of swords, half-point, can only be beaten by passive.

And the key is that the sword is unparalleled in the moment, it is too terrible. It is only a little, just a moment of kung fu, I will annihilate her nearly 70% of the power. If the main stone is slightly slow, she is really life Dangerous.

"The Lord of the Blood Sword, what is going on?" The main thing of the stone is asked.

"Unclear, the external rumors, his war is also the first level of the six-level, just because of understanding a strange quad, coupled with time and space to treasure, the life expective ability is slightly stronger, but he is just to shoot me At the moment, the strength of the show is definitely the top of the six-level peak! "The main scorpion of the Red Pan is cold," there is still a little, that is, he is hard to bear my soul, but did not receive a half point effect? "

"How is this possible?" The stone of the stone frowned, "Your soul attack means, even if I don't dare to ignore, especially your soul attack, that is one of your killings, I am also I have to deal with it, how can he not have a half point? "

"I don't know, but there is a little possibility, it is his soul to defend the treasure, and I have to completely ignore my soul, the general soul defense is still can't do, the at least is also the best, even the universe. It is possible to be the top universe to treasure. "The main road of the Red Pan.

"The soul defense" is the highest "or the top universe to treasure?" The main eyes of the stone.

In the universe, the universe is treasure, the value is different because of the different categories.

Like Tredance, it is more precious than the general attack to the treasure of the treasure, and the same level of the domain, time and space, etc., nature is also more precious than the treasure warfare, and the soul to treasure, its value is far more than the treasure Armor.

A high-end best level of soul defensive universe, in value, or even lower than the top universe.

If the top level of the soul defensive universe is treasure, the value is even more amazing, it is absolutely enough to cause countless strong people to compete.

"It seems that we have a little bit of this blood sword." The main color of the stone: "Although he only has six first-level combat power, it is clear that he hides a lot of strength, or hidden some Based on the sign, it is at least a little, it is that he can burst out the strength of the six-level peak in a short time. In addition, he has the lowest of the higher the soul of the highest, so he just didn't choose to continue to escape, but directly to us. Kill a horse! "

"If I have not guess, he must be deliberately intended to fight with me, and it is intentionally to find the position. After colliding with me, I will take the fastest speed with you with the fastest speed, and then erupted the bottom card. To you, he is guessed that your soul attack can't get too big for him, but as long as you get close to you, you have the opportunity to kill you. "

"The result is just as he expected, directly hitting you."

"Well, it seems that this is the case, the Lord of this blood sword, is really deep enough." The main eyes of the Red Pan were also slightly.

They have already recognized that the sword is unparalleled with hidden strength or means. Secondly, the sword will inevitably have the soul of the best or more.

At the same time, they also understand that the sword is unparalleled, it is he deliberately planned, accounting, and the purpose is that it is natural to kill the Lord of the Red Pan, even if you can't kill, you can also give the Red Pupo. A shatter.

As for the main, the sword is unparalleled, but there is no idea.

"The guy of the embarrassment, I am almost planted again." The main gaze of the red di is cold, a look of teeth.

"Red, you can rest assured, today's things will never make this, let alone this blood sword does not only have a short-term high-level universe I need, and even a minimum of the highest quality level of the soul defense For the treasure, there is such a precious to treasure, and it is also worthy of my Beihai Palace. "The main road of the stone.

"You said ..." The Lord of the Red Pan immediately looked at the Lord of the stone.

The main thing of the parameasure is a smile. "I will put this matter, and our speculation, I will naturally go to the North Sea Palace naturally to pack him, win the treasure of his body, you only need to wait for the news. "

"Well." The Lord of the Red Pan also nodded.


PS: Today is more coming!

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