Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3563 Special Time and Space



After the gaps in the walled wall, the sword is unparalleled.

In the eyes, it is still a dark and unfolded earth. There is also a faint black smoke in the void, which looks not much different from other places.

But in fact, from the beginning of the defense area, the sword is unparalleled in addition to a route marked on the blood-north star map, and everything else.

The so-called unknown is dangerous, like the area of ​​the magic smotter, although there are many dangerous places, such as the corpse, death, the land of the magic, these places have Herch I am famous, even if the master, the master is entry into it, it is nine dead life.

However, although these places are dangerous, they can be known areas, those who come from all stars, all parties forces, know that they will die, then they are far away, they will not step into it. among them.

You can not detect the area is completely different. There is a dangerous danger here. That is, it means that you are just a simple appearance, I don't know, you have already died.

"This unveiled area is too dangerous. I have to travel in the route, definitely can't shift according to this route pointed out, and once it is offset, it is possible to encounter unknown dangers."

After entering the unprecedented area, his nerves are completely tightened, and the whole God is guarded.

Under this whole God, he also went to the front of the route of the blood northern guidelines.

His speed is very slow, and even the speed of the general rules is not as good. He has no way, because the blood north left a route, but this route is just a rough direction, but there is no specific complete Star chart, so he naturally carefully, looking for the direction.

Once there is no attention direction during the way, an offset is created, even if it is only a small offset, it is possible to make him completely lost.

It is good to be aleutive in the sword, or a result, it takes a long ten years, and he finally came to a dark and deep abyss.

"Dark abyss, it is here."

The sword is unparalleled in the void, overlooking the abyss below.

The abyss is dark, and it will be deeply wanted, but if you look carefully, you will find that the center of the abyss has a slow-moving dark vortex.

This dark vortex is not big, and the color is not deep, and it is really difficult to discover under the surrounding paint black.

At the beginning, the Lord of the Blood, is also because the opportunity is coincidental, and in this time, he found that this dark vortex is present.

And the sword is unparalleled, it is this dark vortex.

"According to the blood north, this dark vortex is to enter the special time and space." The sword is not double-finished, he is closely watching the dark swirls in the abyss, deep sucking tone, .

! !

The harsh blank sound continues, the sword is unparalleled, and the dead is locked the dark swirl, but the half is directly plundered into the dark swirl.

And the sword has no double-shaped brimming, saying that this dark vortex is like a drop of water into the sea, did not see the dark vortex to produce a half-point fluctuation, which is still slowly rotating in this abyss center, as always This is the case.


After the dark swirls, the sword came to the special time and space.

Here is a gray void, vast, less than half a bit, and there is no existence of the sky.

Some, just a virtual.

The sword is unparalleled here, and the first time induces this spatiotemporal and the outside world.

"Sure enough, like the blood north, here I have the existence of less than half of the time and space, and the links to the outside world will be completely interrupted." The sword has no double ring around, and try to contact the outside world. The result is no one to respond.

"Completely independent time and space, completely different from the outside world." The sword is unmarkable.

Not only, the sword is unparalleled in this time and space.

This crisis, from him to the time and space, this is already mentioned in the star map.

"According to the blood north, he entered this time and space, and immediately rose a sense of crisis, and as he continued to flip, the sense of crisis will be more rich, and after he faded I saw a suspended high platform, but it was because of seeing the high platform. The sense of the crisis in his heart also climbed the ultimate, as if the next moment would die immediately, so he didn't come to see what the high platform did not come. It turned away from the head. "The sword is unparalleled.

The blood north did indeed pave the way, but this road is just to the high platform. As for everything, the blood north is not informed.

"When I came to the core area of ​​this magic, I entered this special time and space, it was the five-peak war. As a result, he didn't see anything in the high stage, and scared it directly, but I am now The strength is much higher than the blood northern, and the life expensive ability is much stronger than him. It should be more than him in this special time and space. "The sword is unimaced.

Next, the sword is unparalleled to move forward.

Sure enough, as the blood north said, as the sword is unhappy, the sense of crisis is also stronger and more strong.

However, it is just this degree of crisis. It is naturally impressed that the sword is unparalleled. He is still as good as the front of it.

Among the gray, the sword is unparalleled. I don't know how far appeared in front, I don't know how long it took, he only knows that his own crisis is getting stronger and stronger. He is naturally getting closer to the high platform.

It is at this time ...

"Well?" The sword suddenly moved.

He saw a golden light in front of the gray voids in front.

Yes, it is Jin Guang.

Although this golden light is more bleak, there is no dazzling, it can be a gray void in this everywhere, or is extremely conspicuous.

"What is the golden light, what?"

With a curious, the sword has no double Dynasty.

However, when he approached the golden light, he stunned when he finally saw it.

That golden light, is not something else, it is actually a golden gun!


"In this special time and space, I actually float like a gun?"

The sword was unparalleled and wrinkled. He went to the golden gun. After the golden gun was observed, he stretched out of this golden gun.


PS: Today is more coming!

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