Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3581, Supreme Union



"Master, I am still too far away, but it is the second door secret. As long as the rules can practice, and I can practice in my life level, I can also practice it. The only thing, the only thing is that the genius of the auxiliary cultivation is more difficult to find, but if I am really refining ... "The sword is unblocked in the light.

The second door is secret, and the sacrifice is unsained.

This secret, but can make the body become indestructible, just refine into the first weight, the body can be comparable to the first universe to the treasure, this is too terrible.

You know, the universe is to the treasure, even if it is just the first universe to the treasure, it is unbelievable.

As so much of this territory, even if it is standing in this territory of this territory, it can't rely on his strength but destroy a first-class universe to treasure, because this level is the treasure, It is not a general master level that can be shaken.

If he can compare the universe to the treasure, he can make his own attacks, which can make his own attack. It is too strong, and he is too strong.

It's comparable to the first universe to the treasure, there is no master of the level, I want to annihilate his power through such a body, it is impossible, even if the master is strong, facing his indestructive body, will Very headache, because of the primary attack, when he passed his body, it will be weakened to a very low extent, and finally, it will act in the sword. There is very few truly damage to the sword. There will be few very little.

It can be said that if he can refine this to the first weight of the mysterious body, then he will almost walk in this territory in this territory, even if it is a strong person who is a master level, it can also be full.

"Single first, this is the second weight of the mysterious body, the third weight is not imaginable, this secret surgery is not small for me." The sword is unparalleled. " It also flashed, and he took a deep breath. He directly said: "The monk, I have decided, I will choose the supreme dismancing."

"Is the secret body secret?" Golden War watched the sword unparalleled, nodded slightly.

The choice of swords and unparalleled choices have not been unexpected. He now has the two ends of the two ends, and the supreme is not destroyed, which is obviously more suitable than the first nest secret. The current sword is unparalleled.

"Since you choose, you will come over, drop a blood drip into this stone tablet, after you get the blood, you are the inner stars of my Ling Yunxing, I will give you a governor of the inner stars, In the future, you can pass this inquiry, in the surrounding, there is the existence of me Ling Yunxing. "

"In addition, this stone monument will pass the full form of the Supreme Mixed to your mind. However, although you got this to see the mysterious body, you can only cultivate it, you can't teach others. It is useless to do this, because you can't do it at all. "Golden War.

The sword has shrugged and shrugged. Before going to the golden stone monument, drop his own blood into the golden stone tablet.

The blood is just below the stone tablet, and there is an ancient golden writing from the golden stone inside and floating into the sword.

"These words ..."

The sword is unparalleled, these golden words, he doesn't know what it is, but he doesn't feel unfamiliar with this kind of text.

Even on his back of his right hand, there is a same golden text, this golden text, the representative it is the six-way round back secret that he was in the Tiantian secret.

"Take the secret, the black god column?" The sword didn't have a double eyed.

At the beginning, he got a chance in the warfare, and he also mastered six reincarnations.

On the black god column he saw, there was a sixteen of such a golden ancient text. Later, he learned that the sixteen ancient golden text represents 16 different secrets.

When the sword is unparalleled, it is very curious about these sixteen golden words. Now he sees the same golden text, but this golden text is coming out of the golden stone monument in front of you.

"It seems that the black god of the sky is the same as the golden stone monument in front of him." The sword is unmarkable, he guess these golden words, it is circulating from the deepest part of the universe.

As for the specific meaning of these golden words, he is still not known.

After these golden words flooded into his body, they stayed in his mind. The sword was unparalleled to induce the existence of these golden words, and he also induced the strong body secrets contained in this golden text.

"It seems that I have learned from these golden characters before practicing the mysterious body, I have learned the secret surgery." The sword was unparalleled.

"This is your identity, holding a governor, you can leave this time." Golden War God.

"Is it left now?" The sword didn't have a double look, but he said: "The Wind is adult, I got a peak level in this time and space, I wanted to completely refine this tailor. Go out again. "

"This is just that you will open this time and space export channel, this channel is at the end of this direction." Golden War pointed to a direction, "If you are willing, you will stay here for more time and not What is the relationship, but the premise is nothing everywhere, this time and space, the master is in the original, although the owner is not there, there is a few people in the brothers, but there are some places in this spatial space, which is a slight rule, even if it is Several people of our brothers can't be around. "

"Like the 18th front of you, it is also the owner left, you just fall in, then you can do it according to the owner's request, I can't come up, so you continue to be here. The slice of the slice, it is trapped in some special places, and even died, then I can only look at Baba. "

"Understand, I will only go out after the Bao Wan, I will not be chaos." The sword has no double.

"That line, you can arrange it yourself." Golden War nodded, "My brothers are not the peak, this long-lasting years have always been sleep here, and it will be estimated for a long time in the future, and you will If you encounter something, you can come here, the same Ling Yunxing, if you can help, my brothers will try their best to help you. "

"Thank you." The sword is unparalleled.


PS: Today is more coming!

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