

The sword is the source, the level is too high, even if the sword is unparalleled, there is no powerful swordsmanship, but as long as he hits the Sword Cosmic source in the sword, he will become extremely terrible.


The two have collided again. This time, the sword is still surpassed, but the blood knife is also slightly, and then a few steps.

After these steps exited, the nature of the blood knife was a little ugly.

"Haha, it is a blood knife emperor, the strength is really good." The sword is unparalleled, the smile has sounded.

The blood knife emperor looked at the sword and was unparalleled, but it was a bit complicated.

He saw that the sword was unparalleled with him.

That is to say, it is difficult to give the sword without a big harm. It is impossible to threaten each other.

"You can take a three-knife on your front, and intact, the Lord of Blood Sword, your strength is in the eleventh place, and it is absolutely a place, but single by me, I can't." "Blood knife emperor Positive color.

"Blood Di Di, you said this, is it going to leave this?" The sword is unparalleled.

"That's not, I can't let you, but I am thinking about your strong, you want the whole body, you still have a very difficult, I am still waiting next to you." The blood knife faint smile , Follow the nearby voids.

He didn't choose to leave, but like other practitioners, he also stayed in the sword without a double perimeter.

Seeing this scene, the sword was unparallled and shrugged. He did not feel unexpected.

He knows that this blood knife will not give up so simple. He must wait further opportunities, wait until the strong, join hands when you come ...

And he also guess this, so he just made his strength with the blood knife, he did not expose what strength, just just at the attack of the blood knife, let people feel that he is just the ultimate strength of the world. So he occupied the machine.

"No accident, the blood knife emperor must wait for the six-way strong strong, etc. After three or four people arrive, they will choose to deal with me together, and that time, I am thinking of my thunder, big kill ring At the time. "The sword has no double eyed is cold, and the heart has already had his own ideas.

He knew that there were too many people who stared at them, and since they were stared at the same time, he better solved this matter, it is to give this territory for this territory, one partner. The big shock, let all parties, strong people in all parties, gallbling! !

And this kill, of course, not casually kills one person.

Like this blood knife, the sword is unparalleled, it can indeed kill it, but only kills one person and the effect is not big, and the six-border that will arrive will never shoot again.

So he wants to wait, wait for the other six-polent to the strong, waiting for them to join hands!

When it was the time he really shot.

Nothing, than the face of the eleventh strong, it can also defeat it directly with the Thunder's means, and even the more people who have been killed on the spot will be more confused.

"Slow, wait."

The sword is not in a hurry, he will slowly go to the Witch Lake.

And the strong people coming next, there is more and more, soon there is a second six-way extremely strong to come.

The elegant power of this six-year-old is the Lord of the thunder, and the strength is better than the blood knife. He first also has no double battle with the sword. Like the emperor, let's go back to continue to wait for another strength.

After that, the third six-year extremely strong, the ninety sword magic is also arrived ...

Time passed, the sword is unparalleled from being stared at the Lord of the dragon, and it has been a whole year.

In this year, more and more strong people have come over, now they are only hundreds of rushes of the rules of the sword, but have reached a hundred, and there are already five Bit.

The five six-year extremely strong, is the blood knife, the Lord of Thunder, the Jiujian Magic, the Lord, the Blood King!

Among the five rules of the rules, the blood knife is the strongest with the blood of the blood, and the blood spirit is even more close, and in this territory of this territory, it is definitely the top ten. One of the elements of the sixth.

However, this blood Ling Wang even strong strength, but when she arrived, I couldn't have a sword.

Now, these five six-year extremely strong, have gathered together.

"Blood king, I can't even, why can't you not have the Lord of the Sword?" The blood knife is first surprised to see the blood of the blood.

Wearing the cold woman in red armor, the eyes are also indifferent, "I didn't think that the Sword of the Sword will have such strength, especially his sword, give me a feeling of university, I have just handed with him, though There is no strongest means, but I am estimated that even if it is the strongest means, I can't kill him, and even even the heavy creation is also difficult. "

"Even you can't kill him, it seems that it is impossible to kill him alone, that's it, then just join hands, four, how do you think?" Lei Into the main road.

"Joint hands, of course to join hands, the reason why we have been waiting here, do not want to leave, just to wait for more powerful, then join hands together." Jiujian demon master.

"The main means of the blood sword is indeed weak, even if the two and three six-native strong force join hands, I am afraid that there is no absolute grasp to kill him, but if I wait for five people to join hands, then kill him. Very big. "The blood knife emperor is brighter:" The Lord of the Thunder, the Jiujian Magic Lord with the Lord, plus me, we have reached an agreement, the blood spirit king, your strength, the final strength, and final One arrival, what do you say. "

"It is not a problem, the key is to kill the Lord of the Blood Sword. After you get the opportunity from his hand, how do we assign?" Blood Lord.

"This, wait until the Lord of the Swords is really killing." The blood knife Demod: "And we can't kill him directly, but to force him to force him to say that he has encountered himself. There is also a secret in life and death. In fact, just know that these, it is already great harvest for us. As for other opportunities, wait until you know, let's kill him again, and capture his Qiankun. . "

"Yes." Thunder is nodded.

The Jiujian Magic is not comment with the owner.

"In this case, then take it directly." Blood Ling King smiled.

Immediately, these five six-year-old extreme strong, they didn't have a double over the sword.


PS: Today is more coming!

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