Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3598 Blood Emperor

(The first to come!)


The Lord of the Tiandu is very clear that what is the bottom of him now.

Blood Emperor, this name, among the three battlefields, the representative is a hurricane!

He has no hanging, even a friend, can be said to be completely lonely and alternative, but this is a person, but he has a horrible strength, he is just a rule of the rules, but he once With a strong battle, the three major six-year strong strong, and the three six-way strong strong people were paid.

He also killed the eleventh strong, and he was not only one.

Like the blood of the king, the blood knife, these two are the extremely top existence in the six-year pole, especially the blood spirit, is enough to take the front ten in this territory of many rules, but the blood spirit Compared with this Blood Emperor, it is too far away.

Emperor, for a long time, it was also said to be the strongest rule, but did not be recognized, but the Lord of most rules was thinking, and the sword was unparalleled. It is still a slight difference on the spot to make the record of everyone convinced.

However, the emperor has not been fully out for many years. Who knows how much he is now?

It is such a super existence. When I see the picture of the sword unparalleled and the blood spirit, I also admit that the sword is unparalleled, the Lord of the Tiandu, naturally will be surprised.

"Blood butt, you compare with this blood sword, who is stronger?" The larce is curious.

"This, not saying." The emperor shook his head and said: "From the strength of his show, he has created the scholarship of the master level, not to stop, the power of the school is also uniform Under normal circumstances, I want to create a master of the primary level, or it has been combined with the four rules to make the dominant position, or it is in the understanding of the road, reaching a new realm, the realm is said Many march have not been reached. "

"The Lord of this blood, obviously belongs to the second kind, his understanding of the swords, has reached a new level, so every sword he presents, although it is just free to show, but feel the unpredictable, and this At the level, although I have been relieved, I have not reached it so far, that is, in the understanding of the law, I am far less than him. "

"But the power I have mastered is much stronger than him. It is better to make up for a lot of things. Therefore, if I really face it with him, I'm really difficult to say. "

Instructions, the sword is unparalleled with the universe to the treasure warfark caves, which can have a ten-fold six-peak power, so he is more than a large number of six-beds, like a big trip. Several blood king, they are also thoroughly rolled by the sword without double.

However, the blood of the blood, but also dared to say that he would have no double strongest in the power, and it is still a lot. It can make him make up for the gap between the swords, the gap between the blood, the eye emperor is How power is there.

However, this is normal, after all, many people know the true identity of the blood of the emperor. He is not a general human cultivator, but a special life.

As a special life, the innate advantage is very incomparable. After reaching the eleventh, the sevenweng power combined with the mastery, plus some secret surgery, the strongest power of the blood summary, even if it is the real master Get up, the gap is not very big.

Because of this, before the sword has no double rise, he is eligible to be the strongest in the main thing that people think in secret.

"Blood is torful, after this battle, the main three of the blood spirit king, the blood knife, the thunder, can be the strongest position in the Lord of this blood sword in the rules, and now this territorial domain It is also the default, this is over, you are above you. "The main opening of the Tian marks.

"Hey, a strongest sense of virtual name, no big deal, let me not say there is no mistake, this Sword of this Sword is indeed known as the strongest." The blood of the emperor is positively brothered: "Tian marks, you Look at the soldiers in this blood sword, you should see the level of the soldier? "

"It's nothing to do if it should be just a high universe to treasure. Although it is the best in the high universe to treasure, it is queue with the top to Baobao, or it is a lot of difference.

"That is to say, just hold the high-universe to the treasure, you can sweep the blood of the blood, and you can see his strength, and I have just said that I will fight with him, and I will use it.. The high universe is the Bao for the god soldier, but with his current strength, we must get a handle to the top universe to the treasure soldiers. Isn't it easy? "The blood of the blood smiled.

"More more, if he is behind the Gorge, the Gorge will give him a heart, give him a god sword of the peak universe to the treasure, just like my war knife, when his war will inevitably skyrocket Big cut, and if I arrive, if I go back to him, I am afraid that I have not even three cents. "

"Is this?" The main eyebrows of the Tian marks, and suddenly the bottom is.

He knew that the emperor broke out in the three battlefields in the Three Battlefields, and it was very high in hand to the treasure level.

The knife on the back of him, is a peak universe to treasure, as for his body to Baowang A, it is also a top universe to the treasure level.

Previously, the serum emperor said that there was no double battle with the sword, and it was a difficulty. It was also because the sword was unparalleled for the soldiers. If the sword is unparalleled, it will be stronger, and the winner will be unparalleled. This is tilted here.

"Since you don't care about this stronger name, and I also recognize the strength of this blood sword, then I have nothing to say, I am leaving." The Lord of the Tian marks got up, and then they went to the side .

"Thank you." Although the emperor is indifferent, it is still a rare to the main road of the Tianmao today.

The owner of the sky waved, so soon disappeared in the sight of the blood of the emperor.

After the main marks, the emperor also slowly got up, and the essence of unprecedented, like a maturity, directly scratching the length of the sky, carrying the bloody monster knife behind him, also slightly slightly trembled I have a sound.

Blood Emperor reached out to the war knife, the mouth, I still have a word. "For so many years, this territory has finally appeared a opponent who can excite my excitement, even if you can't help but excited?"

"Blood sword" ... I really want to go to him. "

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