Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3604 Back Ring Palace

(The first to come!)


The Tempral Temple is the main friends of the Star Palace to take his friend?

This news makes the sword unparalleled.

"Why, is it very unexpected?" The Temporary Temple is a smile. "In fact, there is nothing, the Lord of the Gabo Palace is the primary of the seven-star Xuanzong, and my Temple Temple is in the same day, and each other is naturally There are some origins. "

The sword has nothing to take a deep breath.

As early as the Star Palace, he saw the Tianzu, Tianzu can stay in the Star Palace all year round, and the relationship with the Star Palace is also extremely good.

The Lord of the Temporary Temple is also a friend, and it is obviously that it is also necessary to stand in the Star Palace. This makes the sword unparalleled in the brain. There are many ideas.

"The Hall of the Temple, you just mentioned the two dominates to the magic Yunxing, but also mentioned the Magic Cloud Star, what is the power of the magic cloud?" The sword is unparalleled.

"This problem ..." The Tempiograph of the Tempral Temple sank once, and he said: "This is not a common, the old man is still taking you back to the Star Palace, then slowly say."

"Okay." The sword nodded.

He also saw that this so-called magic cloud star is likely to be the enemy faced by himself.

Soon, the two will return to the Star Palace.

Sometimes the empty temple is personally leading, and the speed of swords is naturally going to have a lot of times.

Just one year later, he has already gone out of the magic smoke, returning to the Star Palace.


At the Star Palace, there is no double inside the temple, and the sword is standing there, and in front of him, it is slowly moving.

These three people standing on the left, and they just brought him back to the Star Palace.

When standing on the right, a coward wearing a simple black shirt, the coward of the fight, this cowfler is that it has taught himself to master the destruction of the destruction.

As for one person standing in the most central ... a green robe, there is a white, barefoot standing there, the whole person seems to be a Pu Tong Taoist look, but the like is a teacher, but there is a qualification station In the topmost of the three people, and in invisible momentum, it is obviously better than the Tianzu to the Tianzu, which is obviously better than the Tempus.

Seeing this Taoist in the center, the sword is unparalleled.

"The seniors of the mysterious god, oh, it is the owner of the palace." The sword is unparalleled to worship down.

That's right, this is the most central people, and it has received his mysterious people who came to the gods of the gods! !

At the same time, he is also the Palace of the Star Palace, and the front of the time and space is also personally admitted. This Xuanzhu people are one of the three major master of Qixing Xuanzong, and the seven-star Xuanzong's association! !

"Haha, little guy, we finally met again." Xuan Shen Taoist is moderate, look at it, it feels that it is in the sun, "I lost the trail in the magic smoke, and one disappeared was close to 100,000 years. Even the old man thought you had died, then the old man is both heartache, and it is very disappointed, but it is alive, and the strength has been raised so much, haha, it is a big surprise, It seems that Xuanyi has not seen the wrong person. "

"The palace is the palace." The sword is unparalleled is very humble.

At the same time, in the face of the three dominated levels, and these three all the legendary characters of the Taijie gods, the sword unparalleled talent potential, even higher, in front of these three legendary characters, also Histeore a proud heart.

"Little guy, know why I have to see you at the same time today?" The mysterious gods overlook.

"I don't know." The sword didn't shake his head.

"In fact, the old man did not think so soon, just did not expect your progress, so fast, in just 100,000 years, it has reached the strongest point in the rules of the rules, and you have also been with the devil. Yunxing has come into contact, so the old man is carefully discussed, and the decision will come to see you, and the beginning of the whole thing, including the battle of the seven-star Xuanzong, and the biggest hidden in the gear world. Secret Xin, all tell you all. "Xuanzhao Taoist gains.

"The biggest secret of the gods in the gods?" The sword has no double inner, lifting the head, but found that it is not just a mysterious god, and there is also the time and space of the Temphion and the Three Triathals of the Emperor.

The sword is unparalleled and can't help but take a sigh of breath.

He is a person, and he begins in the last generation. He knows that he shoulders a huge mission, but what is the mission, what he has to do, and the specific reason of the seven-star Xuanzong, there are three major sanctuary and Those secrets of the world hidden, he did not know.

He only knows that he must do our best to improve the strength, as much as possible to make yourself stronger, eager to meet the day you have to know all this soon, and now, this day, it is always coming.

I finally be qualified to know all this.

"Little guy, you have been to the battlefield of the universe, and there is still some understanding of this universe, so how much is you knowing about the universe, you know how much?" Xuanzhao people asked.

"Star?" The sword immediately replied: "I only know that the star of the star has a level, like the first god, is a three-level star, belonging to the most common gentle in the universe, and one The three-level border is ended from the birth to the self-collapse, and it is a chaotic. "

"Yes, what you know is the common sense among the universe, but if you don't know, then any star, in the process of gestation, there is an initial stage, we call this The stage is the initial stage ... "Xuanzhu people said long.

"Initial stage, it is equivalent to the first month of our mankind, the body has not yet grown, at this stage, any wind blowing and raining, can cause this baby to be killed or hit, star The initial stage of the boundary is true. "

"At that stage, the starry has not started to give birth to the spirit. The top can only be considered a embryo. This embryo is also fragile. At this time, if there is strength to reach a certain level, this embryo, completely raise this time, will this The embryo is annihilated, so that this star has not yet begun to give birth, it is directly smoking! "

"Initial stage?" The sword is unparalleled, but it is straight: "Even if there is really powerful cultivator discovering the embryo of the star, no one is boring to directly gave this star. Let's annihilate, there is no more benefit to him. "

"You are right." Xuanzhu people nodded.

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