Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3611 is not negative



"These things are also well resolved." Xuanzhao people smiled, "I will tell you, from today, you are the Lord of my Star Palace, the status of the Star Palace is second only to me, and stars Any resource in the palace, as long as you use it, you can use it, you don't need to pay the price. "

"Like all kinds of for treasures in the treasure house, as long as you feel that you can use it, you can use it directly, and you don't need to use contribution to redeem, and you just said that you can use it for you. Things, you can also go to the treasure house, you should find it. "

"Dai Xie Palace owner." The sword is unparalleled.

The identity of the Shaung Lord, and all the resources of the Star Palace he can use, this treatment ...

But the sword is not double, and it is also understood that there are more things that he gets now, but there will be more in the future.

It can be said that the only one who can save too early gods. His growth is crucial to the gear of the gods, so the mysterious gods, the time and space, the Temple, and the ancestors will help themselves.

Now, I have got their benefits, so I have to complete my own mission.

His responsibility is very huge.

"What else does it still?" Xuanqi said to ask.

"It is not necessary for the time being." The sword has no double.

He has just put forward these things, is helpful to him, or the strength improvement, and at this stage, he only needs these things as the strength to improve, as if you don't say it.

"That's good, then you will practice well, break through the Lord to meet the rules soon, wait for you to reach the rules, you can open it." The mysterious gods smiled.

"Open the ban?" The sword is unparalleled, but it is an excitement: "The palace master, who as long as I break through the rules, I can open the heavy seal, enter the seven-star domain, return to my hometown ? "

His hometown ... Wancha chaotic world, the fire community! !

There, there is too much loved ones with him.

His parents, his brothers, his friends are there.

And this world, although there is also a parent brother, but the feelings, or some slightly different.

"At the beginning, although it is a seven-star gods countless cultivator to abandon the life of the seven-star gods. It is also very strong. Even if the number is unable to break it, the seal is just to give Seven Star Xuanzong, leaving a one. After the road, with a hit hope, the seal is dominated by Xuan and, and the Xuan is a special means on the heavy seal. This means is specifically for you! "

"When you are weak, you can't get this heavy seal, but if you have reached the principal level of the rules, the strength should not be weak in the peak period, I am too early to be re-have The capital of the magic cloud confrontation, this time you can naturally crack the heavy seal, wake up my Qi Xi Xuanzong, and then the first thing of the Taijie! "Xuanzhu Dao people.

"Is this?" The sword was unparalleled couldn't help but hold his own hands.

"Not only such, in order to ensure that the heavy seal is worry-free, one of the three freely alliances, the Jade League is the most powerful person, and he is sitting in the town all year round, always paying attention Everything in the seal, and when you go to crack the heavy seal, you can really see him. "Xuanzhu Dao people.

"Is the Lord of Shengzhi?" The sword didn't have a double heart.

At the beginning of his island, he guided the Zengzhi Lord and a sense of consciousness, and at the time, there was a master of Holy Genting, and the book of the Skyregor was always guarded in a place, and the hundreds of millions of years did not have Leaving half a step, now it seems that the place where the Lord's guardian is, it is the heavy seal.

So the guardian of long years, I didn't leave half a step ... this love of the Lord, I am afraid that countless practitioners in the whole seven-star gods have to be remembered.

After deep sucking, the sword is unparalleled, and the three people will be worshiped. There are countless cultivars, there are also the gods of hundreds of millions of livelies !! "


Mysterious people smiled and waved.

The sword is unparalleled.

Inside the palace, the mysterious gods, the time and space, the Tianzu three people still stand together, each other, and there is a smile on my face.

"How many years are ready to lay out, everything is only for this little guy, I hope this little guy can don't forget that we are so disappointed. After all, I am too early to accept the gods, I have already accepted a failure." .

Yes, the last defeat, you can say that it is a thousand borders, but there are few things, and there will be time to make them sufficient to prepare the belt.

If it is such a defeat, then goes once ... first don't say that the life of the first life is already in the middle. It has not been so much time. Let them prepare so many years, let people change everything. I am afraid.

The sword is unparalleled, because the efforts of the Xuan Yi endless years, there is still one era, just a stage of all the potential to be completely broke out after being pressed, plus the ancestors of the sky, and the party is successful.

Indeed, Xuan Yi has created a sword.

But Xuan Yi, but just a step in the sword where the sword is born.

Time is a man and the mysterious one is human and.

The gods of the gods were inentablished, although the seedlings helped, but the seedlings will first let the Taijun gods are in a high outbreak stage. At that time, the cultivation environment of the Taiji god is even more than one-level boundary, and that stage is naturally more easily born. Genius, this is the day.

The land, nature is a seven star god! !

Countless cultivators have forgotten to die, concentrate all the air transport in a place, and that place is the sword unparalleled hometown, the fire community! !

Timers and the three are combined, they will modify the sword.

But if it is three, the sword is unparalleled to support the climate.

Nowadays, the gods are now, but there is no such thing as the same day, and only people are only.

"I believe this little guy, just like the original, I believe in Xuanyi ..." The Temporarism is a slight smile.

"Speaking of Xuan Yi, in fact, I am now unable to believe that in that, he is temporarily settled to be crazy, it is an incredible plan. The result is really let him succeed, he actually really created A new perfect life came out, gave us the opportunity to come, once again, but the Tianzu can't help but marvel.


PS: Today is two more.

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