Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3616, the body, comparable to the treasure

(The first to come!)


" !

The ax is still swinging directly, but its speed is unparalleled, it is like a , instantly coming on the sword.

Booming ~~~ The horrible power of the horrible will eruption.

The anae of Tianzu's five-way, is already called an earth.

It can be positively suffered from this ax, the sword is unbalanced only, it is slightly like a slight shock, and it is slightly refunded two steps, but immediately stopped.

"how is it?"

The ancestors, Xuanzhu Taoist, the Temporary Temple Lord looks to the sword.

"Yes, it is much stronger than just that ax, but it still doesn't break through the limit of my body can bear." The sword has no double.

"What do you mean?" Tianzu asked.

"" That is to say, the ancestor's predecessors, you are still brought to any damage to my body, and naturally, I can't ignore my power. "The sword has no double.

The euphemism of the sword is unparalleled, but the three people of the ancestors understand it.

"Do you have a loss?"

"Not in good condition?"

"How can this be?"

Tianzu glared over the eyes.

Even the mysterious gods people follow the Tempral Temple of the Tempral Temple also showed a horrified color.

The Tianzu played the ax, the front is smashed in the sword. It is still not a double harm to the sword.

"Tianzu, use full!" The main hall of the Temple is low.

"Yes, not only to use the whole force, but also to show the scholars you create." Xuanzhu people also said.

"Good." Tianzu Zheng nodded, and his eyes became sharp.

"Do you all my best?" The sword was unparalleled and licking his lips, but his face was a exciting smile.

boom! !

The Tianzu figure has a shock, and the moment it is a horrible power, and there is no one more to cover up, and I will explode directly.

A terrible master hierarchy is full of this special space in this special space.

"Do not die, Tu!"

The Tianzu hands also raised the big ax in his hands, and after a low drink, this big ax was squatted.

" !

A shock ax appeared in this time and space, this ax is appearing, and this time and space is crazy. It seems that it can't get this power.

Indeed, although this time and space is created by the ancestors, the ability is extraordinary, but now the Tianzu is full of efforts, but also to the school, this is the full hit of the master level, this time and space Unable to bear, it is normal.

"It's good."

Seeing the ax of the ax, the sword is unblocked in the sword, but there is still no thoughts that you want to avoid.

He quietly stood there, let the ax face toward him, and his inner heart is still looking forward, "To respect the mysterious body, don't let me down !!"

With an endless expectation, the earth-shattered ax, finally the front is above his body.

Instant ... Rumble ~~~ A large slice of space cracks appear, this time and space has begun to collapse crazy.

In this case, the most center of time and space, the sword is not flying in the first time, directly flying to the end of this time and space, and smashed in this space, the ax contained The thrilling power is also crazy into the sword unparalleled body.

The sword is unparalleled, standing there.

The void, Xuanzhu Taoist, Temporary Tempillar, Tianzu Three people have been stood together, and the three brows are slightly frowned.

"I don't know how this little guy is." The Temph Temple is a bit worry.

"If you haven't hurt him if you haven't hurt him, then this ax can bring you harm, but it should not be too big." Xuanzhu Dao people. "

"It is you two to be full, if this little guy is injured by me, don't blame me." Tianzu is turned over the eyes.

Among the three people waiting, the sword is unparalleled, and the figure also brushed to the three people.

"Little guy, what is the result?" Xuanzhao people immediately saw it.

"It is a predecessor, just the power of the ax, it is really strong, it can be hurt to me." The sword has no double.

"Has you hurt you?" Tianzu is a weird, "" Multiple injuries? "

"This is ..." The sword is not a double eyebrow, "let me lose a lot of power."

"what did you say?"

The Tianzu, Xuanzhu Taoist, the Temporary Temple is all stunned.

Onety of one sense?

A masterpiece of the master, all out of the attack, there is no hierarchy hindrance to the sword without double, the result, only the sword does not have a difference in power?

One one thousand in? That is also called loss?

"Little guy, what are you talking about? You really lost a lot of power?" Xuanzhu's face is full of swords.

"It is true." The sword is not a hyper point, "Tianzu predecessors just had just over the body of my body, bringing a harm to my body, and this hurt, I only lost a lot The power is completely repaired. "

"It's impossible, this is impossible!" Tianzu is crazy, whispered: "Even if it is the power of the master level, but it is good at defense, as long as there is no strongest to Bao Wan, hard and students tolerate me One hit, it is impossible to only lose a lot of power. "

What he said is the fact.

The master level, the whole force is strong, even if it is dominant, hard and students will suffer a hit, and there will be some harm.

The sword is unparalleled now, it is only one-pool, which is too incredible.

"Seniors, you don't have to feel unbelievable." The sword was unparalleled, "I did a good opportunity in these years in the Magic Valley, one of which has an unparalleled refining, this secret The surgery is very high. I have given you the list of this, which is the genius treasure needed to cultivate this secret surgery. Now the first secret of the secret surgery has been refined by me, and after I am refining, my body is It is already comparable to the first universe to the treasure !! "


Xuanzhao Taoist, Temporary Temple, Tianzu is full of shocking.

"To, for the treasure?"

"Little guy, do you say your body is comparable to the universe?"

These three major masses look at the sword unparalleled.

"This is the case." The sword is unparalleled again. "Just because my body is already comparable to the first universe to the treasure, I dare to rely on the body to force the attack of the ancestors."

"The ancestors of the ancestors have just been extremely powerful, but I have the peak to the treasure warfare, this to Baowang armor has the first time, the power weakened in the ax, there is no To a 10% power, the role is on my body, my body is comparable to the first universe to the treasure, this less than 10% of the power can also reach my endurance, so I will bring me a trace. hurt."

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