Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3631 dominates?



"This sword ... How can it be?" "" The Lord of the Red Pan is incredible.

"Master Weiner, this sword is definitely the power of the master level, even better than the general master." The Lord of Yun Shen also said.

"The Lord of this blood sword is hard to have to break through the master?" The Lord of the stone is very horrified.

They are all power of the rules, and they can see the power of the sword unparalleled sword. It is completely exceeded the rules, which is definitely a master hierarchy.

It can clearly have the strength of the master level, why did the Lord of this Sword never show it?

In an instant, these three rules have a bad premonition, especially the owner of the red.

boom! !

That huge blood whirl carrying the incredible strand strength, finally collided with the swords of the swords of the sword unparalleled, even though the sword was unparalleled, the priest has been exhausted. It's better to dominate.

However, after all, he was in the face of Tianpeng, the final result, still the sword, the sword, the sword, the sword, is ruthless, and the blood whirlpool is still covered with swords, then the terrible and incomparable straps The power is also full of swords.


The sword is unparalleled only, I feel that my body is constantly impacted, even if there is a big weaken of the blood magic, even if his gods are comparable to the first universe, this level of power is still reaching his body. Belt the limit and began to annihilate his power.

In the end, when the strain power in the blood color whirlpool is completely exhausted, the sword is unparalleled, and it has also lost one% of the foot!

"It's amazing, it is the main force of Tianpeng, the power of the hit, lost the power of me." The sword couldn't help but fortune.

He is really amazing.

Task, before he didn't break through, he was comparable to the body of the universe to the treasure, and it was already desperately desperately desperation of the general first-class dominance.

Like the ancestors, I tried it. As a result, the ancestors were full of hardships, and only one of the power of the sword without a two thousand parts. This is still a sword where the sword is standing there.

But now you have a whole power to resist, he has burst into his strongest show, showing the star fire burning, and the commanding of Tianpeng dominates that collision, it has weakened the very little power, but the last one It means that he still loses him a percent of the power.

That is to say, Tian Peng dominated that the power of the finger than the Tianzu stroned to be hundreds of times! !

Of course, this is also because Tianpeng is the most stronger to the Baojie, but it is already very terrible.

"If it is positive, this ceiling will be annihilated by one percent, as long as he can find a way to flee, then I am afraid there is a hopes to kill me." The sword is unparalleled. "

The sword is unparalleled in this Tian Peng dominates the strength.

But Tian Peng dominated, at this moment, the bottom has already turned over the sky.

"Nothing to die, this kid, under my strongest hit, there is no death?" Tian Peng mainly said that it is cold, "Not only did not die, his breath, it is very good, that is, I just One hit, even hitting him, he didn't do it. "

This result, let Tianpeng dominate some of the time to accept it.

"Tianpeng dominated, the time has arrived, and the sword is unparalleled smile.

Tianpeng dominated the sword unparalleled, half rang, but I nodded, "I have a sword. It seems that I haven't been Xiaoyu, this territorial man, I'm a little little. "

The sword is unparalleled but just smile.

"This is something you want." Tianpeng dominated the waving, throwing a Qiankun to the sword.

After the sword is unparalleled, the consciousness sweeps, and the heart is happy.

There is nothing else in the Qiankun, just have a sword, a hand is suspended, and a heart-free black god sword.

"Tianpeng dominated, thank you." The sword is unparalleled.

"Hold your things, roll it." Tianpeng dominated a sleeper and the body shape turned over.

The sword is unparalleled, and I looked at the mysterious people next to him.

"Haha, Tianpeng dominated, blened." Xuanzhu people are solar smile, and immediately leave the sword unparalleled.

After the sword is unparalleled with the mysterious gods, the nature of Tianpeng dominated the face immediately.

"Yun Shen." Tianpeng dominated the opening.

"Master." The Lord of Yun Shen immediately came over.

"You go to Yumi Pavilion to take a trip." Tianpeng mainly said.

"?" The main one of the clouds.

, is the department of the North Sea Palace to collect intelligence. In this territor, it is not only three battlefields, including some intelligence between all parties forces allocation, all the is collecting .

"Go to ask the Star Palace, and there is the Lord of the Blood Sword, ask it, come back to me again." Tianpeng mainly said.

"Yes." The Lord of Yun Shen turned right away.

"Master ..." The main story of the Red Pan is still there. They still look at the heart of Tian Peng, but when they see Tianpeng dominated the face, it is immediately scared to talk. .

They clearly, today Tianpeng dominated, but it is true that it is the master of the blood sword.

Just half a day, the Lord of the cloud will return again. ,

"Master, I got to the Heaven Pavilion, to have the information of these star palands and the Lord of this Blood Sword, but there is no problem, I immediately let them investigate, the trustee, ask, the result is very fast At a few days, there is a big event in the front of the gala. "The main voice of Yun Shen is anxious.

"What?" Tian Peng dominated.

"It's the Lord of the Sword, causing huge movements in the Star Palace, and even burst out of the horrible Shenwei, the neighter exceeds the general dominance, and the many rules left in the galacial are seen. It has broken through the Lord of this Blood and Sword, has become a master, even the Lord of the Gamer, the main hall, and the Tianzu three people see this blood sword, they will directly call the blood sword for the blood sword !! "The main road of Yun Shen.

"what did you say?"

When I heard the Lord of Yun Shen, the Lord of the Red Pan immediately screamed. "You said that the Lord of the blood sword has become a dominant?"

"This is the case, and from the strength you just show, it is indeed the battle of the main level." The Lord of Yun Shen Zheng said.

"The bastard, clearly broken, and even disguised as a rule of the Lord to fight against the owner, let the owner kill him, this is clearly the master, the owner, this thing, can never give it!" The main thing is the main way.


PS: Today is more coming!

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