Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3643 Protection



"During this time, the nine-tailed family has already confronted the three peak ethnic groups. It looks like Miss the child, and there is a lot of gas to swallow all the three peaks, and the landlord of the monster domain." Time and Space Temple.

"Unified Domain?" The sword was unbeded, "the muddyer of this man is big enough."

Of course, the sword is only secretly praised, but there is no meaning to intervene.

After all, his current position is completely different.

Just with the Xuanzhu Dao, the Tempral Temple, Zi Zi Lord, the Tianzu them, have reached a position that is extremely superior, reaching the level of them, is not interested in the various interests of the Taijiede They are truly intended, and it is the stability of the whole overall situation of the Taijiede.

As long as the gear world can be normal, even if the internal parties are fighting, they will not care into a pot of porridge.

"Time and Space, take me to see the Lords of the Sky." The sword has no double.

"Well." The main hall of the Temph Temple, I saw him a sleeve and waved, the time and space was wrapped in the sword. The light flashed two people had disappeared.

At the moment of the sword and the main temple of the Temple, the Temple of Temple, the Tiandao will, the Taijie God, the first time is inherent, and this information directly informs the main landlord.

One of the three major sanctuary, life and death.

A magnificent temple, a glorious.

The top of the temple, there is a three-standing throne, this three throne, the main sitting on the three sacred stations, but at this moment, it is another three, as for the three The Lord of the Holy Genting is very respectful, standing below the hall.

Sitting on the upper court, naturally, the three dominated from the Magic Yunxing, these three mainly stayed in the holy island, but now it has come to the gods.

"Honestly, I really don't want this too early to come, a three-level star, the heights of the heavens will be too big for us. Here, we can't play the strongest strength at all." In the three dominament, the high man said.

"Just, if it is in our magic cloud, the second-level boundary star, we will not be restricted at all." The evil charm young people also loudly.

"I have to bear it. After all, it is the order of the Star Lord." The last child's brown old man is advised.

Among the vast cosmies, the three-level boundary, because it is the lowest horizontal star, the smaller the power that can withstand naturally.

Because the heaven and earth cosmication gave the three-level boundaries of the stars, all the war of the domain, will be suppressed in the third-order star, and it is impossible to play the master level.

Secondary stars, because the level is high, the strength of the power can be more, the power of the main level is too much impact on the second-order star, so in the second order of the stars, the master is to play unscrupulous Strength.

In front of the three dominates, since I came to the Great Gate Dynasty, I will naturally be oppressed by the will of the genus of the gods, that day will be dominated by the Lord of the Magic Cloud, even if the universe of the universe, even It is also the Magic Cloud Star, and it cannot be violated.

"The sword is unparalleled, go back to the gods?" The high man overlooks.

"Yes, not only the same, the owner is conveyed, but also said that the sword is unparalleled has broken through the Lord of the rules. As for the war, I am afraid that I have been dominant." One of the mainmen of the three holy bits, the life and death .

"The rules of the rules can match the energetic? This is the perfect chaotic life, it is also difficult to say that the Star Lord will have a halo." The tall man sighs.

"Since the sword has no doubles, you can match the enemy, but in this generos, because he is just the relationship between the rules, the strength will not be suppressed, that is, in this too early gods, One-on-one, he can easily defeat any one of our three, even if we do three people, it is estimated that it will fight against him. "The evil charm youth.

"This is, even if we have the presence of that treasure in your hand, you can kill him in this too early gods." Tong Yan haired old man. "

"In this case, the star of the Star is still what I have to do in this generic god world?" Gao Men silenly.

"If I have not guess, the Star Lord's adults will order this, it should be that I want me to try my best to keep the three holy governments." Tong Yanhe's old man overlooks the top three Holy Lord.

"Protecting these three waste?" The tall man glanced at the main one of the three holy bits, but the corner did not have a touch.

He asked him at a glance, and the three mainstays in front of him, in fact, the real strength but the top of the six-level peak.

The Lord of the Rules of the Sixth Peak, this is too much in the Cosmic Battlefield, which is even more like ants in their eyes, but because the heavens will be able to play, these three can play a better than six. Strong Saint-Lord's strength.

Such a three-star master, this high man is of course nothing to put in the eyes.

The three Sabin's Lords also know their own share, heard the top three discussions, have already lowered to go, one sentence dares to say.

Tong Yan crane haired laughed and said: "Although these three people are not so good, but after all, it is the slave of the Star Lord, and the Star Lord has found three in this Taijie Shennian. The three can be perfectly accepted. The six-level peak is not easy! "

"The most important thing is that the three major sanctuary is the Star Lord's adults exist in order to maintain this generous order. If it is destroyed in the sword, it will be re-created in the future, so it will be very troublesome, so If you are nature. "

"Hey." The tall man snorted, low Shen said: "All of you have gave me a firm and stunning the sword today, slightly wind blowing, immediately reported to this seat."


The Lord of the Three Holy Genting.

"Okay, roll." The tall man waved.

The three Holy Lord immediately scared, and there was no higher appearance as much as before.

After the main leader of the three holymen ...

"Yes, the West Narona is not in this territory, why not find her, her strength is stronger than us, if she is helpful, we are more likely to deal with the sword High man.

"Xing Luo?" Tong Yanhe's old man shook his head, "Although she is a magical cloud, she has been in a livelihood, these years have been taught her disciples, even if I send her, she also It's all complete, I am afraid that in addition to the Star Lord personally ordered it, she is too lazy to pay us. "

"That woman ..." The tall man can only hate.

PS: Today is more coming!

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