(The first to come!)


"Under normal circumstances, the secrets of the heavey were destroyed, and the will of the willingness will also be completely collapsed. This must be a major rule of the general rule, but for your perfect life, it is just Loss some of the power, no harmfulness, but you get the experience of the secret of the refining world, then you will come here, refining this small star, just have a half-time. "Shi said.

"I understand, if so, then I will refine a heaven and earth, then come here again." The sword has no double.

"Go." Xuan waved.

The sword has no trip to a gift, and it is aware that it goes back to the body.

In addition to the huge seal law, the sword is unparalleled.

"Tianhou Xiaoyou, how? Can you crack this seal?" The Temple of the Temph Temple is busy.

"It can be able, but it still needs some steps." The sword is unparalleled to see the soul of Xuan Yi in the seal method, and the process of talking about the process of talking in detail.

After listening, the Lord of the Skyregor and the Tempral Temple showed a shocking color.

"We can't make the first time, the first time, you must think about the operation of this heavy printing method. It turned out to be like this? The purpose of this recycled printing array, not only to protect the Qixing Xuanzong left. At the same time, it is also to make you better to win the gods. "The Temple of Temphism is dark.

"Jian Tianhou, now you have to find a non-owner's secretory to refine the understanding?" Looked over.

"Yes." The sword is not a hyper point.

"This is easy, although there is no one in the secret, it is difficult to find, but since you need it, we can easily find a master of the rules that open up the secrets of the heavei, kill him, then forcibly His heaven and earth secrets are the same. "

"No." The sword is unparalleled, "I just know where there is an union, it is also suitable for the secret of the world, and I have promised the owner of the secret in the world, and I will do something for him. Although although I have already done these things, but I have never returned to him a reply. This time I just went there. "

The sword is unparalleled, nature is the secret of the blood!

At the beginning, he had a good chance in the midst of the blood north, and he did agreed to the blood north to take the blood ancestrans of the Tiansu Road, to complete some things, and he had already done it, and the blood North After the conversation, he can go back to the rules, and will refine the blood north secret.

The sword has no mains that have become the Lord of the rules, and the strength of the enemy, reaching this level, the blood north secret is nothing to appeal to him, but since it needs to refine a heaven and earth secret accumulation, this blood North secret Naturally became his first choice.

Just, he can also go back to give the blood to a reply.

"The blood north secrets, in the endless territorial domain, since I have to go to the endless territor, I will go to the three heavens in the end of the country, and I will pick up my father's mother." The sword is unparalleled.

His parents, Zhuo Yunfeng, and Luo Xinqin are from the endless territorial domain. It is because their own sake is forced to come to three days. It has been more than 100,000 years later, Zhuo Yunfeng and Luo Xin The piano must be returned to the endless territory, and their hometown is going to see.

"Tianhou Xiaoyou, since you already have a secret world secret, let's go, with your current strength, you can do it with your heart in this generous god, I have no need to call you anymore. "The Temph Temple is laughing.

The sword has no double nodded. Soon he left this fourth day, then he went to the third day.

In the genre, the sword is unparalleled, it can be paid attention to the heavens will. When the sword is unparalleled to the third day, the Heaven will immediately inform the three holy bits. the Lord.

The three holy bits, suddenly come to the enemy.

"Three adults, the sword is now coming to the third day, he is likely to rush directly from the three major sanctuary." The three Holy Lords respectful standing there, the three are An anxious color of a face.

"What are you worried about?"

The top three dominated above, the height men's cold eyes overlook, "The Jian Tianhou, even if the strength in this too early gods is not limited, that is, it is a person, the power is expensive. It is comparable to the general first-class master, so that the three people are more powerful, even if they join hands, they still can suppress him. "

"It's right, if you don't have to worry, if he is coming, if he comes to, I will don't have any cheap, if he is a little more, let the old man find the opportunity, directly That soldier, even might kill him. "The Tong Yan haired is also laughing.

"Let's go, continue to stare at the Jian Tianhou's move, there is no need to be frightened." The last evil monks waved.

When I heard this, the three Holy Lords were still worried, but they can only be old and old.

The main thing of these three contexts is worried that the sword is unparalleled to three days. It is to start with the three major sanctuary, but they don't know, the sword is not intended to go directly to the three major sanctuary.

After he came to three days, he took directly toward the monster domain.

The monster domain, the eight big is one of the city of the "pure land", the fire city!

When the sword is unparalleled for the first time, he lived in this wild city when he came to the demon domain.

However, he once again came to the fire city, but did not find his parents' traces.

"Isn't it in the fire city?" The sword is unparalleled.

He before listening to the Temph Temple, said that one of the years of the first year, one of the biggest changes, is that the wind in the demon domain, the rise of the nine-tail family, forced the other three peak ethnic groups, only have to join hands to fight .

Nowadays, the eight major cities of the demon domain are still 'pure land', but it is already a nine-tail family, and the other three peak ethnic groups have been calculated, and the nine-tail family is now with the three peaks. Then, let your parents stay in this fire city, obviously is not safe.

So there is no accident, his parents, and his big sister, two brothers, now should be in the nine-tail family, and they are protected by the nine tail.

"Go to the nine tail family."

The sword is unparalleled immediately toward the nine tail family.


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