Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3652 killing the sand

(The first to come!)


"not good!"

Seeing the sword is unparalleled and suddenly shot, the servants of Shagong suddenly changed from the face.

These ordinary, the father of Shagong is arranged to beside the son, the purpose is to protect the safety of the sand be son, now I see someone actually shot on the Shagong ... Although I don't know who is in front of you, what is it? Corpoil, but these servants are still do not hesitate, and they want to prevent swords.

However, these servants have just moved, but the power has been swept from the sword, and it is covered by these people.

Shagong's side followed the four servants, all are the Lord of the rules, and when the power of the power is covered by them, the main life of these four rules expose the horror, they also have the shape of them. There, there are three people watching their own poppics began to collapse.

This collapse, they can't stop it, their power is also crazy.

In the event, the three rules of the dominant, the body of the three rules, and the three people also disappeared in this world.

The only thing that lived, it was the Lord of the rules that had to be a void four.

Although he didn't die, but he couldn't move slightest. He only watched his three servant 'disappears', and there was a son of the sand, and was also between the swords without having a pair of right food points. There is no change on the surface of the sand, but the power of his body has been unsatisfactory, and the sound is also completely disconnected. There is only a cold body, but it still stands there. .

At the end of the end, whether it is the three servants, or this sand be son, there has been a miserable call, but the four people are all dead.

"I know why you didn't just like them?" The sword didn't pay back the palm, and it looked at the servant that met the void four border.

This servant has been scared, heard the sword is unparalleled, and his sword is unparalpted.

"You are not dead, because I want you to bring your bodies, bring to your owner, and tell you the owner, this Shakong is why it is dead, killing He is called Jian Tianhou. "

The sword is unparalleled. It can hear this servant from the ear, but it is like a thunder.

"Jian Tianhou? He is the sword !!"

This servant has thrown from the whole body.

Jian Tianhou, the name of the goddess is too great.

Even if he has now sold nearly 100,000 years, but the legend of him is still circulating in the genus.

Just talking to Shagong, I also got this Jian Tianhou, and I know that even the one behind them, I don't want to provoke this sword, now, now, I will kill the son, it is This sword is ...

"You can roll." The sword waved his hands.

This servant slammed again, immediately picked up the body of the sand, and went to the side of the empty.

The sword is unparalleled. This servant is in the direction of leaving. It has a cold smile. "The father of this Shakong should be the six-pool of the sixth world, the six-year extreme ... huh, hope He can make a clever choice. "

For him, this sand gang is obviously in the attention of his loved ones, but it is even planned to kill in the way to return to the blood of the shadow. He's two brothers.

Since the other party wants to kill his loved ones, no matter who the other person is, what is the identity, he will kill without hesitation.

What's more, he is now, it is completely unfair, even the three major sanctuary, he is now completely in the heart, as for the father behind Shagong, the sword is unparalleled. .

"If the six-year-old is not interested, it will not be me."

The sword is unblocked, and it is a flash.

Bishiji's weight is not a double for swords. It is natural to be inseparable. He is clear to Bishui, and will soon come outside the lobby.

Haven't entered the lobby, the sword is unparalleled but has heard the voice of the people in the lobby.

"Shadow, you can rest assured, as long as there is a day of Bishui, the sand is absolutely afraid to hurt you." Zhuo Peng was comforting the princess of the arms.

"The nine mid-auity will reach the command, no one does not arrive in Bishui, although there is an extremely positive father, but in the face of the commander of the nine tail, he does not dare to overcome, but this Shagong's status is there. He has been in the nine-tail family in the nine-tail family. Now he is a big happening to us now. "Zhuo Ice cavity.

"Father, do you want us to find a nine-mouse long talk?" Zhuo Peng can't help.

"No?" Sitting in the top Zhuoyu waved his hand, said: "After all, the sand be son has some passover, but after all, there is no real thing."

"The nine-tail family is now the first ethnic group of demon domains, and the three major gods join hands have been confronted with the nine tail family. The nine mid-mouse has been in the same year. At this time, we can't I will go to trouble for a little bit, otherwise it may cause the nine-tail-length dislike. "

Zhuo Yunfeng is very clear, his family is only temporarily attached to the nine-tail family, and the nine-Tail family will take more care for them, but also look at the sword unparalleled, and these Nine Tailings replace them Things are enough, if they have a little bit of small things, I will take the initiative to trouble the nine tail, it will inevitably cause the other party.

"That can't always let the bastard continue to correct the image." Zhuo Peng Shen Sheng.

But his words just finished ...

"Don't worry, from now on, you don't have to worry about the sand." A voice is suddenly echoating in the lobby.

The sound is falling, and a familiar body has suddenly appeared in the middle of the lobby.

There is no double one in the sword, and immediately reveal the smile, "father, mother, big sister, two brother, I am back."

Seeing the people who suddenly appear in front of them, the Zhuoyunfeng a few people first, but they were surprised.


Zhuoyunfeng, Luo Xinqin couple stood in the first time.

"Three brothers!"

Zhuo Bing and Zhuo Peng, and immediately moved up with the sword. They were full of surprises on one face.


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